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The TED Side Of The Compo
Posted by Luca on 2017-10-20
Flickery Flowers Of SpringOh well, at this point it's official: the C64 dedicated Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2017 has overflown into the Plus/4 scene becoming an obscure sidecompo, where the C64 entries get enhanced with more colours.

It's Marq's turn, being the author of the powerful PETSCII he cannot miss the challenge in any case: here comes the sweet and delicate Flickery Flowers Of Spring, and the funny animated scene in Cosmic Bakery, both under the Fit label. Later, he also added Calaveritas. Our friend Almighty God won't miss the chance too, converting Octopus to the Plus/4 palette.

Three days left, shall we see more in the full 121 colors before deadline?
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Athanor: the awakening
Posted by Luca on 2017-10-19
AthanorIn the exact day after 20 months since the sad demise of Umberto Eco, author of "The Name of the Rose", Megastyle lands on the Plus/4 with a classic text'n'graphics adventure which seems to be heavily inspired by the work of the famous Italian novelist, philosopher, semiotician and critic.

"Athanor: the awakening" has been previousy released on C64, VIC20, Amstrad CPC and Oric 1, commercially and/or as freeware, under the Safar Games label, to make the tradition of the French text adventures from the 80ies shines again. You, a Franciscan monk, have been sent by your Holy order to a mysterious abbey located in the south of Italy in the 12th Century, to lead an inquiry in order to discover the mysteries lying within.
Majikeyric presents himself to the Plus/4 audience with a first release of deep quality, supplying original sketches and cover with a top presented disk where nothing has been kept left: intro, titlepic, docs, English/French language option and all the classy touches a great production would have deserved. The game is accompanied by the original TED tunes composed by Rotteroy, shows some additional graphics by Sparkler, and takes advantage from the work of several artists and authors operating behind the shadows line on illustrations, original graphics, concept and all the rest.

"The awakening" represents just the very first chapter of the saga, with more to come. The hope is to see more surprising releases from Megastyle for the Commodore Plus/4, taking into the scene further jewels like this. But now, there's no time to greet Majikeyric, that abbey awaits for your intervention!
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Freezing At The Pole
Posted by Luca on 2017-10-18
Frozen FloppyMermaid's back on the crime scene, and this time is a penguins affair for Genesis Project

The Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2017 is showing the hardest ones to compete for the 1st place, we will know more after the 23 October. Till then, you know what PETSCII can do for you ;)
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Rocking In The Swamp
Posted by Luca on 2017-10-17
Metal FrogWe at Plus/4 World are absolutely out of words for this one, it turned all of us into stone. More precise: into rocks.

We are only able to write down some sparse keywords: Metal Frog, Mermaid, Genesis Project, PETSCII, Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2017.
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Refill Of Missing Stuff
Posted by Luca on 2017-10-15
A shower of new content during the last dozen of days. We're talking about new PRGs, TAPs, covers, manuals, cassette pictures, notes and so on!

What's Next/Letters And NumbersRĂ¼diger has ignited a global change for the Solar Software releases, revealing a clear storyline about all the different tapes per release, both in the original edition and as rerelease into the Triple Decker series. Now all the related pages are supplied with notes, all the known files are included if available and all the PRGs have been cleaned and better classified: Alien Attack, Cruncher (do you have the turbo TAP version?), Knock Out, Mission Mars, Quick Draw, Suicide Run, Galaxions, Meteorite, Monkey Magic, Space Freeks, Winnie Witch's Superbroom (Solar Software release anyone?), Robin To The Rescue (is it broken in all the Triple Decker 5 copies, can you confirm?). And of course: Triple Decker 1, Triple Decker 5, Triple Decker 6.
In addition, other juicy uploads are: Joe And The Seriff joystick version on tape (probably a later version), Invaders (Arcadia) tape (rarity!), Tutti Frutti tape no turbo version, Rockman C16 only no turbo version, Savage Island Part One C16 tape.

Just bought from the online auctions, dumped, scanned, uploaded...briefly: put here for your pleasure. Experiences In Software Italian version, with manual, tapes, pictures and scans; Mindbenders Italian version's scanned manual; What's Next/Letters And Numbers, complete service for it too; Computer Set 12 to get closer to having the whole series; Devils / La Torre Di Hanoi, anything of it too; Software Club #16 tape; Grisbi, a rare Italian hack of UXB sold as a single release; several tape pictures (like Baby Berks), covers (like Monkey Magic (Playsoft)), obscure publications (like Corso Di Basic Con Esercitazioni Pratiche Sul C16).
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Let Us Make Your Dreams Come True Together
Posted by Luca on 2017-10-14
Nope, Plus/4World is not gathering people to start some sort of Ponzi scheme. "Let Us Make Your Dreams Come True Together" (LUMYDCTT) is actually the name of this new IDE and compiler for Commodore Plus/4 released by Charlemagne.

LUMYDCTT allows the user to add and modify both BASIC and Assembly code in RAD method in order to achieve the full control of the machine while it's performing the program. It has just reached its V1.8.0 version, now featuring:
- use of PETSCII characters;
- handle more sources side by side;
- highlight keywords;
- tooltip help for instructions, TED registers;
- Monitor & Disassembler;
- insert special CBM characters;
- use of illegal assembly instructions;
- handle binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers;
- include logical operations (&&, <<, etc.);
- print (about 52 chars per line);
- execute on emulator.

Also, see the presentation video to unveil how LUMYDCTT works.
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