| AustroSpeed Fully Decompiled! | Posted by Csabo on 2010-05-15 |
MikeZ sent us word that AustroSpeed Compiler has been decompiled to a fully working pure BASIC version. The purpose is to provide a source file for anyone who wants to change how AustroSpeed works. He hopes that someone will take advantage of what he has done to make the Plus/4 AustroSpeed version much better than it currently is.
The new ZIP file can be found on the program's detail page, replacing the previous "extra" package. Also included is an Excel file containing MikeZ's P-code listing, and an important readme file (be sure to check it out). Kudos to MikeZ for his excellent work, enjoy! |
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| A New PETSCII Arcade Adventure! | Posted by RoePipi on 2010-05-01 |
Out- no. It's Olticrun. Oltik (because his name ends in a "k") hops into his "agent-style" little red car and drives off to uncover the "suspicious material at a nearby factory" case. The game is for the Commodore 16, but it has more (6 static and 3 types of scrolling) levels, dialogue, explosions, some extra graphics, and it can be played with re-definable keys or with a single joystick, without the need to reach for the keyboard. It's a tribute to Oltic. But what does it do with the original game? |
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