| Two New Programs! | Posted by Csabo on 2004-07-26 |
Another rare moment: two previously unlisted programs have been added to the database, thanks to Ulysses777. The first one is Biology 'O' Level from Paxman Promotions, this is the fourth and final piece from their educational series. As the name suggests... it's biology. The second one is even more interesting: Home Office is an Audiogenic release, developed by Navajo Software. It is a productivity "suite", with a database and a word processor. Remember, it's from 1985. Both programs are complete with TAP and PRG files and cover scans. Very nice additions, many thanks to Ulysses777! Enjoy. |
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| Uno, Due, Tre More Scans From Italy | Posted by Csabo on 2004-07-16 |
Continuing the Italian Cover Craze, we have three more new ones to present today. The first two comes from Sidius. Serpent 16 is apparently a never before seen commercial release, a Nibbly-like snake game written in basic. Space Wars is next up, it's the Italian release of Stellar Wars - from Sound Acustic Design. This company is the second from Italy that has been added to the database, besides Armati of course. It seems that SAD was more careful to change the names of their releases from the original - could that have been because they did not pay royalties to the original creators? Well, perhaps we will never know. Anyway, our business is preserving, and these covers are just as much a part of the C16/Plus4 history as anything else. The last cover comes from Luca Maestro, and it's called Vorks. As it was discussed on the forum, it's actually Berks. Thanks for these covers, guys! |
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| Tons of Italian Covers! | Posted by Csabo on 2004-07-15 |
From Sidius comes a set of cover scans which are most definitely rare. They are Italian re-releases of C16 classics, 13 scans in all. Without further ado, let's see what we have: Beach Head, Calcio (World Cup), Commando, Enigma, Gullwing Falcon, Kikstart, Pole Position (Formula 1 Simulator), Raccolta C16 (Favourite 4), Scooby Doo, Space 2, (Daley Thompson's) Star Events, The Magicans (Magician's Curse) and XCellor8. Enjoy!
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| Club Info 79 is here! | Posted by Csabo on 2004-07-14 |
The first issue in 2004 of the longest running diskmag has arrived. It's a bit late; the mags usually come out every two months, and by now we should have them up to 81. Unlimited's Club Info download page hasn't been updated for a while, they don't even seem to have 79 up yet. This is a good excuse for us to introduce our new page which we created for the Plus/4 magazines: Magazines Page. It's still under construction, but it works. |
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| Three More New Covers! | Posted by Csabo on 2004-07-12 |
We are finishing up Ulysses777's cover pack from last week. Once again we have a Questprobe release box cover, this time it's for Spiderman (which is making a killing in the box office nowadays). We also have two more high-quality replacements for Mastertronic classics: Spectipede and Vegas Jackpot. Enjoy! |
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| BalSys development system released | Posted by SVS on 2004-07-11 |
A great release for both coders and users: BalSys v. 1.2 is out! Not a program, nor a game: a new improved Development System for Plus/4.
As written in LoneNews #16 issue, we went beyond a new frontier of the black box: - more than 100 commands for BAL language (plus hi-level non standard ones) - pseudo commands in direct mode - 34 different error detections - 3 different IRQ lines - 3 types Alarm ability - Breakpoints - StepRun mode - Debug monitor - 2 display panels - Console signal lights - Preferences file - Disks or tape devices - Realtime clock - Realtime signal monitoring ability - ... and much more!
All-in-one package: Write/Debug/Run environments for programs written in expanded :) B.A.L. language. By SVS of [FIRE] italian crew. Download your copy, together with large manual and example BAL programs from here. |
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| Three New Covers! | Posted by Csabo on 2004-07-08 |
Ulysses777 scanned some cool covers for us once again. The first three of a sixpack made their way online today. We have the Questprobe release box cover for The Incredible Hulk. We also have two high-quality replacements for two Mastertronic classix: BMX Racers and Formula 1 Simulator. More is coming, so stay tuned! Many thanks to Ulysses once again. |
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| LoneNews #16 is out! | Posted by Luca on 2004-07-06 |
A new issue of LoneNews is ready to be read people! This well known mag edited by Luca of [FIRE] italian crew supplies you with a ton of reviews, interviews, info, news, charts, and more about the Plus4 scene. Download your copy now from here. |
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| Retro Remakes Compo 2004 | Posted by Csabo on 2004-07-02 |
This is a bit off topic, but still interesting. We all love those remakes, right? This year remakes.org once again is holding a competition, where the goal is to create remakes of old classics. So this is our call to all of those who know how to program the PC to create a new, updated version of a C16 or Plus/4 game! There are some very cool prizes to be won. The compo ends Sept 30. To learn more, head on over to remakes.org. |
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| Rare Atomic Mission Cover Found! | Posted by Csabo on 2004-07-02 |
About three months ago we mentioned Atomic Mission here. It's the last piece of the Scott Adams cartridge trio that needs it's Australian Release cover. Sidius is once again the one to find us a cover scan. Unfortunately it's partially blocked and not the best quality, but the collector in all of us can rejoice to have it. At least it is now 100% confirmed to exist, all you hunters can look for it. Many thanks to Sidius! |
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