Last updated:2024-12-20
Created by:Charlemagne
Download: http://www.charlemagne.hu/work/myprograms/program/sharpc/lumydctt.zip

Let Us Make Your Dreams Come True Together (LUMYDCTT) is an IDE and a compiler for developing applications for Commodore Plus/4 computer.

It enables you to create either BASIC or Assembly programs in RAD method.

- Using PETSCII (=CBM ASCII) characters
- Handling more sources side by side
- Highlight keywords
- Tooltip help for instructions, TED registers
- Monitor & Disassembler
- Inserting special CBM characters
- Using illegal assembly instructions
- Handling binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers
- Logical operations (&&, <<, etc.)
- Printing (about 52 chars per line)
- Executing in a Commodore emulator (eg. VICE)

After some feedbacks, you can
- INCLUDE more sources and binaries
- plan your game characters and levels
- save the whole project
- save only the character table or the current part of the map
- edit a character
- use double pixels, too
- edit up to 16 tiles (a tile can be 8x8 characters)
- edit a map (40*25 x 25*25 = 1000x625 = 625000 characters)
- use 121 colors of Commodore Plus/4 or custom colors

In the next part you can
- compose a music by editing sound notes in a score
- select between PAL and NTSC
- manage 3 channels of sound (1,2 or noise)
- play the music sheet (8 bits/16 bits, 8000 Hz, 11025 Hz, 22050 Hz or 44100 Hz)
- save the music score as XML, WAV
- add or insert a new sound note (or two/three)
- delete a line from the score
- edit manually by typing Hz, Note or TED values
- convert music to BASIC DATA lines and Assembly DB lines, too

The following chapter is a "double dynamite" :-)

I.: RenderGFX
- Set: Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, RGB
- Show: Normal, Stretch, Fit
- Effects: Inverse, Grayscale, Black & White
- Edit: by pixel, Zoom, colors
- 320x200x121c: color interpolation
- Save: PRG and GFX4 (if you edit later)

II.: ConvertSFX
- Load: WAV, AU, AIFF, SND, MP3, WMA
- Plugin: freac (www.freac.org)
- Properties: name, size, type, hz, bit, bps, frame, length, etc.
- Table of values for association: modify by bits of $FF11
- Set: Sound #1 and #2, compression, from, skip and bytes
- Convert: creating a simple sound player in the Editor
- Play/Pause: click on the oscilloscope

After "D64 Navigator":
- a D64 disk image and TAP tape image manager,
- a help-system and mini browser
and "SeeDeep":
- a ROM descriptor,
let's emulate Commodore Plus/4 in a 3D world aka Fridi (ThreeD, 3D)

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