| Savage Island Part One | |
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Original release | Tynesoft Computer Software | 1986 | Commercial | | £7.95 | Cassette | Microcase | Unspecified | | 3 |
1 found. |
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| Covers |  Cassette Cover (Front) |
 Cassette Cover Instructions Front |
 Cassette Cover Instructions Rear |
 Cassette Cover (Adventure International Release) Sticker says Commodore 16 Text Adventure, but it contains on Side B the Plus/4 Graphic version. Click here for large version |
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| Physical Media |  Cassette (C16) |
 Cassette (Plus/4) |
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| Image Gallery |
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| Instructions | There are some system words to control the game: - SAVE GAME to save your position to the tape, during the hurrican this is not available - YOHO to save your position anytime - INVENTORY to list your objects carrying - QUIT to give up the game
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| Solutions - Hints | The bear likes salt. So if you are starting to sweat, do not forget to take a bath, or it will eat you!
What do I do with the sand in the beginning? DIG (the game will ask How?) WITH HANDS - you will make a hole. How do I make salt? Fill the bottle with seawater, and pour it on the hot rocks behind the cave. It will become salt. Why do I keep drowning? You cannot have any objects with you when you go into the lake, or you will sink and drown. That is, UNLESS you have a log with you. Make sure to HOLD BREATH first. Where can I find a knife? Swim down in the lake, then swim north. Why can't I make a raft? You will need TWO logs, and vines. Drop all these on the beach and then MAKE RAFT. How do I get the log out of the volcano? Try going UP from the volcano when you have the log with you. You won't be able to get out, but the log will land on the other side. What do I give the pirate? The bottle of rum of course! I'm in the cave in the cliffs and can't go any further! You need to get drastic with the stalactite... I'm still in the cave in the cliffs and still can't go any further! HIT STALACTITE - the game asks How? WITH COCONUTS. A crevice will open. What is the password I need to vocalize? Read the note the pirate gave you, it's says it pretty clearly.
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| Solutions - Complete | Here is the complete solution by MCG:
(At start you are on a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here. You have a watch that counts your steps. Note that you can carry maximum 6 objects simultaneously.) DROP WATCH LOOK HEAD (It's weird.) GO HEAD (On top of the head, offshore is an atoll.) D (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) E (On a beach by the Ocean. Palm trees are here.) GO PALM (In The top of a tree. Coconuts are here.) GET COCONUTS D (On a beach by the Ocean. Palm trees are here.) W (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) DROP COCONUTS LOOK JUNGLE (You can see trees, wild animals, vines.) DIG (How?) WITH HANDS LOOK SAND (I see a hole.) EXAMINE HOLE (Found a bottle of rum.) GET BOTTLE S (On a plain.) GO VOLCANO (On the rim of an extinct volcano. It is had work. Note that you are sweatting, that is salty after volcano climbing.) EXAMINE VOLCANO (You see a bear and a cave. The poor beast has been trapped in the crater for years and is deficient in a certain mineral that only you can supply. Beware of the bear! When you are sweatting or nervous (look your inventory: there is Sweat), then the bear can sense your smell and it kills you! To avoid this, you have to have a bath in the lake after you have dropped all your objects. Save the game frequently from now on and avoid the bear until you can supply his needs another way.)
GO VOLCANO (In a volcano.) DROP BOTTLE (You can't carry anything across the lake without assistance.) GO LAKE (In a lake.) SWIMM EAST (In a volcano.) GET BOTTLE GO CAVE (In a cave.) EMPTY BOTTLE IN BASIN E (In a volcano.) DROP BOTTLE GO LAKE (In a lake.) SWIMM WEST (West of the lake on a secluded ledge on the volcano wall.) GO CREVICE (On the edge of a cliff outside the volcano.) JUMP (On a beach by the Ocean, a cliff is to the west.) E (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) SAVE GAME (Save your position in the game first!)
WAIT (If the hurricane hasn't started, it will. Hurricane Alexis hits island. This time the bear escapes in the cave. At some stage you will hear a CRASH, which is a palm tree falling over. If hurricane is simply too much for you, say "YOHO" to save your position in the game, but you can survive the storm the hard way.) E (On a beach by the Ocean. When you can not hear CRASH! just go W and E again. Yes, it is dangerous to move in a hurricane but as far as I know you don't have a choice.) GET LOG (This would come in handy for ferrying goods across the lake.) W (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) S (On a plain.) GO VOLCANO (On the rim of an extinct volcano. The wind is strong, you slide down in the crater.) GET BOTTLE GO LAKE (In a lake.) SWIMM WEST (West of the lake on a secluded ledge on the volcano wall.) DROP BOTTLE E (In a lake.) DROP LOG HOLD BREATH (Anyway you will die.) SWIMM DOWN (Above the lake bottom. At Argh! you have to swim up to take a breath, and swim down again.) SWIMM NORTH (Above the lake bottom. A knife is here.) GET KNIFE SWIMM EAST (Above the lake bottom. A small plastic block is here.) GET BLOCK SWIMM UP (In a lake. A palm log is here.) GET LOG SWIMM WEST (West of the lake on a secluded ledge on the volcano wall.) DROP LOG GET BOTTLE YOHO (To save your position in the game.)
GO CREVICE (On the edge of a cliff outside the volcano.) JUMP (On a beach by the Ocean, a cliff is to the west.) E (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) D (In a tidepool.) GET WATER DROP BLOCK S (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) DROP KNIFE S (On a plain.) GO VOLCANO (On the rim of an extinct volcano. The wind is strong, you slide down in the crater.) DROP BOTTLE GO LAKE (In a lake.) SWIMM EAST (In a volcano.) GET BOTTLE GO CAVE (In a cave.) GO CREVICE (On the edge of a hot rocky cliff outside the volcano.) EMPTY BOTTLE (You have to wait till the puddle dries and become a pile of salt.) YOHO
WAIT (The puddle dries and remains a pile of salt.) WAIT (If it is getting dark then you have to go to secluded ledge to sleep.) GET SALT GO CREVICE (In a cave.) GIVE SALT (Bear eats salt.) GET RUM (Storm passed.) GET BONES E (In a volcano.) DROP ALL GO LAKE (In a lake.) SWIMM WEST (West of the lake on a secluded ledge on the volcano wall.) GET LOG E (In a lake.) SWIM EAST (In a volcano.) GET ALL GO LAKE (In a lake.) SWIMM WEST (West of the lake on a secluded ledge on the volcano wall.) DROP BOTTLE DROP BONES E (In a lake.) SWIMM EAST (In a volcano.) U (You climb up, but slide down again. You drop something. You don't get the other side but the log will.) GO LAKE (In a lake.) SWIMM WEST (West of the lake on a secluded ledge on the volcano wall.) GET ALL (Taking bottle of rum and fish bones.) WAIT (Wait for getting dark.) SLEEP (Morning!)
GO CREVICE (On the edge of a cliff outside the volcano.) JUMP (On a beach by the Ocean, a cliff is to the west.) E (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) S (On a plain.) GET LOG N (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) GET KNIFE CUT VINES GET VINES GET COCONUTS D (In a tidepool.) DROP ALL S (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) GET WATCH E (On a beach by the Ocean. Palm trees are here.) GET LOG W (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) D (In a tidepool.) DROP ALL MAKE RAFT GET KNIFE GET COCONUTS GET BOTTLE GET BLOCK S (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) CUT VINES GET VINES (You need another vines to rebiuld your raft later if it falls apart.) D (In a tidepool.)
GO RAFT (On a Raft. You can hear a cannon offshore.) PADDLE (On a raft. Hard to steer this thing! Ocean. Keep on paddling until you see the atoll.) PADDLE (On a raft. Atoll.) GO ATOLL (On an atoll. A pirate and a pirate ship is here.) GIVE BOTTLE (The pirate drops you bandanna and a note.) GET BANDANNA GET NOTE (These objects and information are needed for Savage Island Part II.) READ NOTE (Note says: "What was must be, so send this note we to tell you a word's free!")
GO RAFT (On a Raft.) PADDLE (On a raft. Hard to steer this thing! Ocean. Keep on paddling until you see the beach.) PADDLE (On a raft. Beach.) GO BEACH (On a beach by the Ocean.) GO CAVE (In a cave. Stalactite in roof.) LOOK DRAWINGS (You see UFO landing among dinosaurs & a picture of you! Weird.) MOVE STALACTITE WITH COCONUTS (The coconut hits the stone and it moves. Crevice in rock and opening in roof are here.) DROP COCONUTS GO CREVICE (In a metal lined tunnel.) N (In a metal lined tunnel.) W (In a metal room.) GO FIELD (In a small metal room. The plastic block is glowing now.) GO FIELD (In a metal room.) E (In a metal lined tunnel.) E (In a dimly lit rock room.) S (In a rock room. The alien machinery is here.) LOOK MACHINERY (A piece of wire is missing from it.) N (In a dimly lit rock room.) W (In a metal lined tunnel.) S (In a metal lined tunnel.) S (In a cave.) S (On a beach by the Ocean.)
GO RAFT (On a Raft.) PADDLE (On a raft. Hard to steer this thing! Ocean. Keep on paddling until you see the tidepool.) PADDLE (On a raft. Tidepool.) GO TIDEPOOL (In a tidepool.) CUT VINES DROP KNIFE DROP VINES GET LOG S (On a beach by the Ocean. A large stone head is here.) S (On a plain.) GO VOLCANO (You climb the volcano and slide down to crater.) GO CAVE (In a cave.) GO OPENING (In a maze of caves.) W (In a maze of caves.) N (In a maze of caves. A pile of Bat guano is here.) DIG WITH HANDS (You find a 2cm piece of wire.) GET WIRE W (In a maze of caves.) D (In a cave. It is a short cut to get the beach cave.) GO CREVICE (In a metal lined tunnel.) N (In a metal lined tunnel.) E (In a dimly lit rock room.) S (In a rock room. The alien machinery is here.) REPAIR MACHINERY WITH WIRE N (In a dimly lit rock room.) W (In a metal lined tunnel.) S (In a metal lined tunnel.) E (In a metal room. A caveman replica is here in the case.) PUSH BUTTON (Case opens. It's alive!) W (In a metal lined tunnel. The Neanderthal follows you.) N (In a metal lined tunnel.) W (In a metal room. Caveman pushes button and a Metallic voice whispers in your mind: VOCALIZE PASSWORD.) SAY FREE (Password is ok. Metallic voice whispers in your mind: "READY") GO FIELD (Caveman pushes the button.)
There's a flash from Force Field. Sign appears: "SAVE THIS PASSWORD FOR ADVENTURE 11:" 123 Congrats!
The game is done successfully.
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