Monkey Magic
Title:Monkey Magic
Category:Game/Shoot'em up
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:No end (highscore)
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Released by:Solar Software Ltd.
Code by:Shay, John P.
Notes:AKA Monkey Magic (Quest 1). A "Quest 2" has been claimed as coming soon, never released. Released both with no turbo and Novaload. Based on the Monkey TV series. Re-released by Be.Mar.
  External links:
    C64 release
    Atari 8bit release

User Rating: 4.3/10 (13 votes)
Monkey Magic Title Screenshot

Monkey Magic Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Solar Software releaseSolar Software Ltd.1985CommercialCassetteUnspecified2
Micro Design releaseSolar Software Ltd.1987CommercialCassetteUnspecified1
2 found.

Hall Of Fame
1Luca63,800Played on YAPE 1.1.6, PSX joypad. Stopped at 63800 with no live lost. Dull and predictable game, useless to challenge against.
4Csabo13,880YAPE 1.0.6, keyboard controls.
5retroscener12,360Real Commodore 16.

Derived Software
Crazy Clouds
Dream N. 9
Flying Bike
Monkey Magic (Armati)
Monkey Magic (Playsoft)
Scimmia Magica
Tappeto Volante

Appeared On Compilations
Triple Decker 2
C16 Classics II
Robin To The Rescue / Monkey Magic
Game Max 1
Super Poker / Monkey Magic

Review: Zzap! 12 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 35
Review: Compute Mit SA 1/86 (Magazine/German) pg. 29
Review: Retro Gamer 113 (Magazine/English) pg. 81
Cheat: Moj mikro Februar 1987 (Magazine/Slovenian) pg. 66

TitleCreated byPlatformHomepageNotes
Monkey MagicLacosteGameboy Color

Cassette Cover (Front)
Submitted by Mosh
Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Submitted by Mosh
Cassette Cover (Back)
Cassette Cover (Micro Design, Front)
Cassette Cover (Micro Design, Front)
Cassette Cover (Micro Design, Back)
Cassette Cover (Micro Design, Back)

Physical Media
Solar Software
Cassette (Micro Design)
Submitted by Ulysses777
Cassette (Micro Design)

About The Game
Although the title screen speaks of a quest and some holy scrolls, this game can never be "completed". After defeating the 4th wave of enemies, you restart from the first, until you ultimately die (or turn off your computer). "You Quest Has Failed" is all the game can say - there is no "Well Done" type of message in this game. Unlike the C16 version, the C64 one actually shows 4 very different parts, even platformer ones.

There is some unused graphics in the game, lying in the memory range $35E0-$377F, and it looks like they gonna compose a final boss which should appear as an animated burning dragon with left/right sided animation.
This could mean the game was intended to be more complex than how we used to know, that is: a really simple game.

Here's how it would have been in the game, with correct colors and head's animation (the overall animation is a guess).

Alternative Versions
Monkey Magic exists in five different releases: no turbo with purple screen, turbo with Novaload serial N102301 and "MONKEY" as filename, Micro Design version with Novaload serial N102315, (Triple Decker 2) version with Novaload serial N103901, C16 Classics II version with Novaload serial N102301.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
Run/Stop + Reset
Stop game
>1D74 3#
Starting number of lives (1-9)
>29A0 AD
Unlimited lives
G 11E0
Restart game

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