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A (Mostly) German Intermission
Posted by Luca on 2011-10-09
Aktueller Software Markt 5/1988 (May 1988) RUN 3/1987 You probably would expect a new bunch in the Moldi's series, because we still have way to go on that one.
Well no, we strongly need to pause that path and solve another battle side which was calling for a spill out.

Day by day, several stuff gathered in one big heap, mostly made by German stuff, some other by USA programs and so on. At a certain point, a little but significative slice of this cake has found its way once we started to import so many German magazines'covers (and all the relationships these entries take with'em!) from the fantastic site Kultboy, which definitely is the ultimate reference about German magazines. Then, publications and programs have begun to find so many links crossing each other, to ignite a process of infos cleanup, missing programs recover, users and groups' new entries, data acquiring, hidden hardware and so on.
It's TONS of addings and fixings and we're forced to let you discover'em by yourself, here we can only name the magazines'series we mostly improved: Aktueller Software Markt, CBM Revue, Compute Mit, Computronic, Happy Computer, Run.

All these new entries about German mags have called into the whole bunch of (mostly) German stuff that was lying in the corner. And now we've filled up missings like Word Perfect, Zeichensprites or Fractal-landschaften. We also had the chance to tune up all the unnamed digi demos using Crazy Music, we rebuilt all the versions'story of Solder's Epromer Plus/4, we've finally find out the Samsound V1.0 which has been used in several pre-1990 digi stuffs, we discovered that the first cheap colour printer had considered the 264 series in the bundle disk (Okimate 10 Learn To Print), we...ok we let you explore by yourself!

Plus/4 DemoThis list covers all the new prgs we included:
+4 Thunderbirds, Coffeine Magica, Das Omen 2, Easy (disk), Germans Only 1, Gerappt, Left To My Own, SEQ-reader 1.55, 1541 Floppy Speeder Generator 2.0, Mini Graffiti, Mix III, Mix IV, Mix V, Megamix Vol.3, Megamix Vol.4, Plus/4 Demo, Sex-show, Strip-show, Adventure 1 (alternative), New Stuff 1988, Winter-demo, Cohan's Land, Compute!'s Gazette Disk, Entenjagd, Europameisterschaft 96, Flower C16, Flens-kwitz, Hot Nights, Gangster, Beatles, Heimat, Monster Warning, Softy-demo, Postgebuehren Der Deutschen Bundespost, Softy 07, Fussball-manager, Fussball Bundesliga Pro, Gluecksrad (alternative), Monopoly (german), Monopoly Plus/4, Moon Fighter, Oscar (crack), Playboss, Sir Tommy, Software Manager, S-O-S Schiffbruch, S-skat, Sumeria, XY-Germany, Archiver, Unarchiv, Alarendelo Mondatok Elemzese, Banner Printer, C64 Basic Emulator, CAD 123 (version), Dual Data Copier (rom), Dbase Plus4 V3.5, Epromer Plus/4 (versions), F-copy 32K, Filmmaster, Fractal-landschaften, Frakint, Haushaltsbelege, Haushaltsbuch, Horace Autostart Copy V3.0, Hyload, Headliner (USA), James Hehl Utility Cart, Karteikasten, Kaufmann, Kuhplaner, Magic Paint (info), Megacopy 1551 (file), Okimate 10 Learn To Print, Proofreader, Samsound V1.0, Shakespeare Writer, Word Perfect, Xmoterm Plus4 V2.0, Zeichensprites.
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