| The Last 220V Demo | Posted by Csabo on 2019-01-28 |
Fans of the old-school Plus/4 demo scene, take notice. According to the scrolltext in Digital Delight 4, we have the complete listing of releases from 220 Volt Team. On that list, we were missing a single demo. I think it's fair to say that at this point, any piece of software that has not been found can be considered lost.
Well, I love to be proven wrong, and thanks to MCG, I am. He triumphantly returns with a small list of releases, first and foremost of which is Anonymous Demo. This is the Last 220V Demo for us. (Unless... the 220V guys actually reunite the group and release something new? Prove me wrong again!)
What is even better than finding something we were looking for? Finding stuff we didn't even know we missed. Enter Amiga Music and Archon-Demo :-) Finally, check out MCG's own software database, which has been updated and released with it's source code. Big thanks for this! |
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| Cassette Photos From Rüdiger | Posted by Csabo on 2019-01-11 |
This time Rüdiger contributed to the growth of our massive collection, sending in 8 cassette photos (also from last year, sorry for the delay). Let's see: * Bongo now has 3 new cassette photos (4 total) * Pin Point has been added * Space Pilot as well * Thai Boxing has two of them; both Anco releases. Finally there's Supertape, for this utility, Rüdiger also scanned the 4 pages of the mag where this was publised: c't 2/86. Enjoy! |
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| New Stuff From Lacus | Posted by Csabo on 2019-01-09 |
Lacus sent us (last year, sorry for the delay) another big pack of covers, cassette photos and TAP files. Here's what's new: * Az Ionok Kialakulása cover, cassette and TAP. With this found, now there's only two pieces missing from the Kémia Programsorozat. * Cassette for Logikai Áramkörök * Cover replacements and cassette for Sejtautomaták * 7 new educational programs from Okta: Belső Energia, Energia, Gyakorlás II, Hőmérsékleti Kölcsönhatások, Hővezetés, Témazáró III, Tömeg. * Finally; a new, never-before-seen game: Malom. Check it out and enjoy! |
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| | Exomizer, the best cross-platform cruncher has received a minor version update to 3.0.2. It's mostly bugfixes, be sure to download the latest! | [ comment ] |
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| HVTC Update January 2019 | Posted by Luca on 2019-01-04 |
First news of the year is about updating the High Voltage TED Collection, (HVTC for closer friends of it). Aaand nope, a standard format for the TED files hasn't been decided yet (though at the point where we are, we actually could use a restricted .sid format and solve the perennial problem), but hey, it's just few days after the eve and we'll see what's coming next ;)
The collection is now a 630 files beast overall. Something has been purged out, something else has been fixed (Icicle Works), weird demo entries have been added (Cocom Demo, Skyremake), game music which was intended to be beyond suspiction (Sabre Wulf, Heebie Jeebies), the 4 new tunes included in the Psytronik version of Pets Rescue, Csabo's brand new tunes and in general anything about the 2018 tagged stuff.
Don't forget to completely delete the whole previous collection (that's the way to do at any new update!), then download/unzip the new one! This is the straight link to the ZIP file. |
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| Dreamtime Updated! | Posted by Csabo on 2019-01-04 |
Larry just released an updated version of Dreamtime 2k17 and Dreamtime 2k18. After getting feedback from several people about loader troubles, the author decided to revisit this project. These versions use the very latest version of Krill's loader + Exomizer 3, which means loading is now roughly 20% faster. The music bug in 2k17 has been fixed as well. As for 2k18, be sure to check out the B side for an easter egg of sorts, the last extra file on the disk has to be loaded manually as it's not part of the slideshow. |
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