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Two recovered pieces of software by Dr. Death
Posted by Luca on 2006-11-30
Columns (TEK)TEKblahThe call is still the same: let's clear out the chest of our past memories! And Dr. Death/TEK did it too, rooting out a couple of forgotten codes.
The first one is TEKblah, a simple but cute onefiler demo that hadn't got the luck to be included in Brainwash megademo. The other retrieval is Columns (TEK), the well known classic game in a new coloured and neat appearance. Both with original TED sound tunes, composed by Elvis.

3 New Cover Scans
Posted by Csabo on 2006-11-28
PunchyRug RiderSplit PersonalitiesSidius sent us three new cover scans for the collection. They are pretty rare ones! First up is: Punchy. This one probably raises a few eyebrows - this game was thought to be released only on The Commodore 16 Showcase. We do have a cover scan though for a German release. Next up is the box of Rug Rider from Tri-Micro. Finally we have Split Personalities, another rare, but fun game from Domark - probably their only release ever. Check them out! Respects to Sidius.

New Megademo Released!
Posted by Csabo on 2006-11-19
OldschoolWhat a glorious day: out of nowhere comes the Assassin crew, dropping nothing less than a full megademo on our unsuspecting demoscene. Skoro crunched 12 parts (and a notefile) onto one diskside and called it Oldschool. As the name suggests, it's the traditional press-space-to-load-the-next-part format. There are some very nice effects and beautiful graphics waiting for you, so download it now, and immerse yourself in that fuzzy feeling of watching a new production. The music requires SID card. Enjoy!

Commodore Demoscene DVDs Released
Posted by Csabo on 2006-11-16
Now that both the Plus/4 and 64 DVDs are sold out, Lacoste/Wilds released them for download for free. The DVD downloads are generously hosted by scene.org. You can grab the high-resolution covers from our site, e.g. to print your own DVD covers. Enjoy, and cheers to Lacoste for his work!

We Are Family: (Commodore Plus/4 Demoscene DVD) Download DVD, Download Covers

Meet The Family: (Commodore 64 Demoscene DVD) Download DVD, Download Covers

Galerie Unlimited 4
Posted by Csabo on 2006-11-12
Galerie Unlimited 4Erich sent us another morsel of news, satisfying the hunger of the release-hungry demo-lovers. Data-Land created a new picture collection, called Galerie Unlimited 4. It's the 4th in this series (duh), featuring ripped and converted pictures, using the Magica driver. Check it out!

Bomberman: 2' Alpha Stage video
Posted by Luca on 2006-11-05
Hey hey hey! It seems that we are very close to a final release, for this one, that appears to become one of the best ever.
No code, graphics or music had been stolen from other systems: Bomberman boasts neat code that moves up to 4 players with smart AI, original arcade-ish graphics and, last but not least, a secret musician!

You can follow the final steps of this cool project on the official Absence+Wilds homepage.

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