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on 2017-10-19
 Athanor the awakening

Megastyle proudly presents our first production for the CPlus/4,
we have ported the game : "Athanor the awakening" to the 264 series.

Athanor takes place in the south of Italy in the 12th Century.
You are playing as a Franciscan monk, sent by his Holy order in order to make an inquiry in an abbey where suspect events have aroused many fears.
You will lead this inquiry in order to discover the mysteries lying within this abbey.
Let your conscience be your guide and you may discover greater secrets that you could have thought of.

Athanor was made in honour of the first generation's adventure games with vector graphics (such as 'the hobbit').

64K required

Coding by Majikeyric
Music arranged by Rotteroy

Posted By

on 2017-10-19
 Re: Athanor the awakening


I checked the C64 release, and I was very curious if someone will take the challenge to convert it to Plus/4!
I saw the tests and checked the C64 version on youtube, and I was really impressed by the details on the gfx!
It is a must to play game, thank you!
Posted By

on 2017-10-19
 Re: Athanor the awakening

I'm the one who coded the C64 and VIC20 versions as well happy
Posted By

on 2017-10-19
 Re: Athanor the awakening

Really cool. I just love adventures.
Posted By

on 2017-10-19
 Re: Athanor the awakening

It also looks graphically well made and technically sophisticated. Well done!
Posted By

on 2017-10-19
 Re: Athanor the awakening

Still shocked due surprise, let's talk about it later. Meanwhile: Athanor happy

Did't cast a vote yet because I wanna play it enough first.
Posted By

on 2017-11-04
 Re: Athanor the awakening

After 2 hours of short test some feedback:

Positive side:
-Generaly speaking a very nice release.
-I like the style of the GFX
-The initial medieval music is really nice, unfortunately a little short.
I listened to it few times, and it really fits to the age, especially drum was really like this.
Rotteroy should keep up the good work! I checked out some of his SIDs, really like them, especially the Bud Spencer theme (Coro Dei Pompieri), as funny as the original.
-I tested it with YAPE and Plus4Emu, 1541 and 1551 setting (in compatibility mode) worked nice.
(Unfortunately the 1551 performance mode does not work, but it is not expected, so not a negative coment)
-Fast drawing routine

Possible improvements:
-Some simple sound effects would be nice in the game, like when "ring the bell", or close a door.
(still, The Hobbit was also a very good game without sounds)
Posted By

on 2017-12-09
 Re: Athanor the awakening

could the admins upload the complete Athanor package there ?
the d64 alone is nearly useless without the clues.
Posted By

on 2017-12-09
 Re: Athanor the awakening

I did all the uploading, leaving the D64 alone in a clean zipped file and publishing on the page all the rest, plus adding the original cover.
Do you prefer to have all the additional stuff into the .zip file instead?
Posted By

on 2017-12-09
 Re: Athanor the awakening

Yes please.
Posted By

on 2017-12-09
 Re: Athanor the awakening

Done. This is the very first request of this kind in dozens years have to see wink
Anyway, congrats, I played it till the end and have to say it's a great adventure indeed, with great atmosphere. Hope to see new stuff from you in the near future. Oh, I don't wanna add the ending here yet, it seems to spoil the game too early ;)
Posted By

on 2017-12-09
 Re: Athanor the awakening

Many thanks !
I love all Commodore machines so yes there will be other C+4 releases from us!
Posted By

on 2017-12-13
 Re: Athanor the awakening

Did Rotteroy use a custom player, or a common tracker to compose the tunes?
Posted By

on 2017-12-13
 Re: Athanor the awakening

He used Knaecketraecker with none experience,
I wonder if some reusable sfx engine already exist for games ?
Posted By

on 2017-12-13
 Re: Athanor the awakening

Rotteroy's first encounter with TED has produced some very evocative stuff!

LODPlay TLCplay TEDzakker (he can use this one even on C64), the TED Storm source by 4Mat AKA 4-Mat's TED Player.
Knaecketracker is a terribly powerful tool to compose TED tunes, but it's quite heavy and memory consumpting, and should be used for complex TED composing, full of effects, reverbs, wasting arpeggios and so on. Listen to some tunes I composed for The Lands Of Zador to haver a picture of what I'm blabbling about :)
Posted By

on 2017-12-13
 Re: Athanor the awakening

Hey Majikeyric if I understood the question right, then: Yes you can use Knaecketracker also for playing game sfx. I did this in Majesty of Sprites, Slipstream, Zador and some other games already. Could be that the playing of sfx is not documented. The main thing is to just use the first 2 voices for the music and reserve the third voice for sfx. Also the maximal volume of the music should not be higher than the one of the sound fx. If you need some example code I can prepare it. But it could take some time, since it will use writing (selfmodifying code) to the player routine. Usage is very easy later. You can place the sfx anywhere in memory as you like, they have not to be combined with the music itself.

So you could have a 2 voice music with Knaecketracker and some additional sfx on the "third" voice.

hopefully I understood your question right..
Posted By

on 2017-12-13
 Re: Athanor the awakening

The best thing about the so called "3rd voice" philosophy trackers is that they are used to manage bit6 of $ff11, in particular if you're playing music and sfx in the same frame, and that register's values risk to be summed up when channel 2 is used both for square wave and white noise...and square wave is preferred by TED! wink

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