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Otto Von Habsburg Is On Your Screen!
Posted by Csabo on 2008-11-17
OVH is our kingThe headline is true, that is, if you actually you're watching the newly released demo. Yes, there's a new demo for you to watch! Hearing that phrase should send the hardcore scene members into extasy, for the rest of you, here are the details. This demo was apparently submitted to Arok 10 Demo Compo and it came in 4th. You can now enjoy the final release version! It's made by a new group called Monarchy. Their name referens to the Austro-Hungarian Empire aka the Dual Monarchy, with Csio being from Hungary and Derrick being from Austria. Never mind all that, the point is you have fantastic effects, transitions and SID-only music waiting for you.

Even though Csio came through and released this demo after 15 votes were cast on the TJ5 gfx compo, if you haven't done so, please go ahead and vote.

Updates and Voting
Posted by Csabo on 2008-11-09
Here's a quick rundown on today's updates: with the addition of parts 22 and 25, the Botticelli Bilderdisk series is now complete! RĂ¼diger found a new lost game on his HJD games disk that may be worth checking out: it's HJD-Memory.

There are two current events that need your votes. The time to get active is now, show your support for the scene! All it takes is a few clicks!

Vote on the TJ5 compo submitted pictures

Vote for the best Commodore innovations of the past year

Minus4j Goes 1.4!
Posted by Luca on 2008-11-08
Mike Dailly finally improved his Java emulator, to spread the maximum pleasure in game emulation here at Plus/4 World!

What's new, cool, improved in Minus4j V1.4? Let's see:
- Updated rendering engine ported from Minus4w, should handle more cases.
- Updated CPU processing ported from Minus4w. More games should run.
- Fix a crash in the CPU processing
- Changed the colours to what Yape uses (much nicer)
- Added FLASH attribute, so things now...flash. (Manic Miner keys, Monty pick-ups etc.)
- Fixed the rendering frameskip - it was always skipping at least 1 frame *idiot*
- Fixed the overflow flag (V) on the ADC instruction. Mercenary now works!
- Added the new "joy" paramater
- Fixed commando - added several undocumented NOP codes.
- SOME vertical scrolling games work.

It seems to be enough to play almost everything online directly! Now this lil'monster misses only the speech...next! A pretty cool example? Run to Mike's blog in order to play XeO3 on your browser!
While waiting, let's get it: Minus4j!

Massive Publications Update
Posted by Csabo on 2008-11-06
Cover ImageToday we had a massive publications update, courtesy of Chris. Each publication can now have download links, just like software. So you may want to take a look at C16 Plus/4 Reference Book, The Commodore Plus/4 Book and Beginner's Micro Guides: Commodore 16. Plus we have all issues of the H&D C16 Plus4 Handbooks!

Did you know that:
- We now have over 270 publications in our database?
- Publications can have downloads (for offline viewing), and scanned pages (for quick online reading) and HTML pages (for searching)?
- Publications are linked to programs and vica-versa? The classic C16 game Big Mac would be the perfect example: you'll find all the known links to books and magazines, maybe a few you didn't know about.
- The publications section (like the rest of the site!) is open to anyone who wants to contribute!

Big thanks to Chris for these! Enjoy!

Traffic Jam 5 Graphics Compo!
Posted by Csabo on 2008-11-02
Traffic Jam 5 Graphics CompoFresh out of the disk drive of Chronos/ACW, the official disk for the Traffic Jam 5 Graphics Compo is here! The voting deadline is the end of this month (2008-11-30). The voting will take place on the ACW homepage here: http://absenceandwilds.extra.hu/?q=node/24, just as soon as the voting page is ready. For now, be sure to download the disk and check out all the 13 submitted entries and the note file. Cheers to Chronos and the ACW team, plus all the people who took the time to create an entry!

Botticelli Bilderdisk Seven To Fourteen
Posted by Csabo on 2008-11-01
Botticelli Bilderdisk 11Erich/Unlimited has completed the creation of D64 images for 8 more parts from the Botticelli Bilderdisk series. For those who haven't seen one yet, it's a picture show containing converted and ripped multicolor pictures using the Magica picture viewer. This latest addition makes the collection almost complete! With 16 pictures per disk side on 8 disks with both sides full, we have a total of 256 new pictures to check out. Enjoy!

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