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CBM PRG Studio For C16/Plus4
Posted by Luca on 2012-05-31
A powerful tool dedicated to all the coders out there now includes the 264 series Commodore machines, and that's great news!
Arthur Jordison, author of the all-embracing CBM Program Studio has released a new version the 25th of this month, and, beside all the fixes and addons he has wedged into it, he tuned it in order to work for C16 and Plus/4.

You can now enter both BASIC and machine language into this versatile package, and see how your code works directly compiling it as .prg file and sending it to run on your prefer emulator. No more desperately seeking the bugs all around, no more troubles with typing long BASIC stuff (hey, it's 2012, we're in the cut&paste era!), and several other extras, including sprites, characters and tilemap editors!

It's a first release, it smells like it would need debugging, so feel free to contact the author for any needing. But first, give it a try: it undoubtedly worths a run.
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Another Rare Hungarian Tape Surfaces
Posted by Csabo on 2012-05-30
21-es21-esLacus got his hands on another rare Hungarian tape: 21-es (Blackjack). It was released by Ápisz - some form of that company still exists, but they mostly sell paper, stationary and office supplies. This release (like all their releases we found so far) can only be described as a "budget" release, there's not much cover artwork to be seen. Nevertheless, it's good to have it in our archives! Be sure to be on the lookout for other oldies, you never know what you're going to find!
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Hitchhiker's Guide Extras!
Posted by Csabo on 2012-05-29
C16 Chris sent us the second installment in his quest to archive everything that is Infocom. (It's unfortunate that this news item missed Towel Day by a few days.) This time we present you with the box contents of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Inside are the 26-page booklet, the 16-page instruction manual (which was printed in a less-than-optimal color...), and the same Infocom Catalog that came with Planetfall. There's also Fluff!, Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, a Microscopic Space Fleet and more... Very funny stuff, if you know the books. (If you don't, read them!) Big thanks to C16 Chris for these, enjoy!
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Club Info 126
Posted by Csabo on 2012-05-26
Club Info 126Erich/Unlimited released the 2nd Club Info issue of the year. (For those who are not familiar with it, Club Info is a long-running German language disk magazine, with a new issue every 3 months.) Side A is chocks full of articles covering a wide range of topic (the recent passing of Jack Tramiel, tips & tricks, software reviews, etc) with the occasional funny cartoon thrown in. Even if you don't speak the language, you might want to check out Side B, which has recent and new releases. Cheers to Erich for his continued hard work!
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Dino Shock!
Posted by Csabo on 2012-05-24
Dino ShockMMS is here for the second time this month with a new picture show release. He writes:
Beasts of tons run and kill around the forests; no man could stand against them! Once they tramped and ruled Earth, now they are just very peaceful bones... Fortunately they are just history... Dinosaurs.

Who likes to watch the arts about them? Everyone? Then it's your time! Check the marvelous arts set to the highest available Plus/4 resolution. I made this GFX slideshow with the great Istvan Varga converter. I hope you will like it, I did my best to finetune it as much as possible.
Check it out and enjoy!
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Planetfall Extras!
Posted by Csabo on 2012-05-23
Cover ImageCover ImageC16 Chris returns with an old fashioned cover update: he's scanned just about everything that can be found inside the box of Planetfall. The package contains an information booklet, which is quite humorous and definitely worth a read (especially the questionnaire). Also included is a 16-page Infocom catalog, detailing all of their adventure games. There's also a lot of other additional game material, which can be found on the game's page: a "Stellar Patrol" card, postcards from various planets, reference cards and several personal letters. All of these add to the depth and help the players immerse in the game's universe. Check it out and enjoy!
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Legionnaire Finally Gets The Love It Deserves!
Posted by MIK on 2012-05-12
LegionnaireToday we step back in time taking a look at the classic Commando style clone Legionnaire that has kept us entertained for many years now. Tape images are one thing and as awesome as they are sometimes it's quicker to opt for the PRG versions when you want to get straight into the action. Well thanks to the coding skills of none other Csabo he has been busy working on a PRG version of Legionnaire that not only fixes the missing black boarder, but also adds the tape loading screen!! If that wasn't enough to get you excited... it runs on a stock Commodore C16 with 16K too all complete!!!!!

Many thanks Csabo once again for giving Legionnaire some beautiful restoration and allowing us to preserve this beyond it's normal means as it was meant to be seen! As always follow the link to grab your own update PRG file from HERE.
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Lord Of The Rings Picture Show
Posted by Luca on 2012-05-05
LOTR Hobbit Art"...In the Land of Plussy where 8 Shadows lie!".
Straight coming from the holy Plussarillion book, here comes a brand new picture collection on one single disk's side. Our friend MMS selected for us a bunch of interlaced high resolution FLI pictures (IHRFLI) from a big choice of more than 200 of them, in the pure shiny splendor of IstvanV's great graphic format. Pictures come from scenes of the famous movie series, and from some illustrations by Alan Lee and John Howe. And the whole stuff loads in turbo mode both on 1541 and 1551 drive.
Beware watching for too long time, or you'll hanker to have more!
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New Rare Covers
Posted by Luca on 2012-05-02
Again, new rare covers found and archived! Our search for new, rare and obscure covers, doesn't loose its own boost, thanks to several faithful suppliers, and with our constant eyekeeping on the usual auctions'sites around. For any of them, we got full service, with front covers, inlays and cassette pictures.

It's Bear, the dude who has sent to us some very rare Hungarian covers, first of all the most wanted Karate's! In the hope we can put our hands on the tape's image too in the near future, let's get this first. Same words for Német Teszt too, which now shows the one and only cover that we have from International House Budapest, another developing division of the noted Novotrade. Last, but absolutely not least, a never seen Danish original software (now tagged as missing!) dated 1985, coming from a truly obscure software house called "LSA Software": Database (LSA) necessarily enters the holy field of the most wanted software from today.

The long long walk throught the road of Italian re-releases continues. Our friend Ricky74 has posted on some social networks so many pictures representing his own software collection for various systems, a collection which does not miss C16 cassettes. After our request, he quickly sent us scans of the Armati's Shoot It re-release, a never heard before Super Soccer from Playvision, and a rare Golden Software re-release for Wacky Painter. Thanks for all of them!

Rumors say there's more and more to come yet, stay tuned!
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Gun Law abducted by Aliens!!!
Posted by MIK on 2012-05-01
If your still suffering with post traumatic stress disorder after your short lived military service in the game Gun Law then your nightmares are now over! As a treat we have got to work and recorded for your viewing pleasure a complete end to end run playing Gun Law with no cheats being used at all on a real Commodore C16. Yes you can indeed reach the end with a little practice and patience straight out of the box as the game was intended to be played, but get this... As we complete the game once to the point of been taken away by E.T. your see the game restarts with your remaining lives. However, something tells me the bad guys are even quicker now and just like a noob Gun Law is rapped of his 5 remianing lives with-in minutes! We hope you enjoy!

Youtube Video Link: Gun Law Completed
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