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GfxEdit Updated
Posted by Csabo on 2008-12-20
Recently during the TJ5 Graphics Compo, the need for a image editing utility for the PC came up once again. There are a few available, and I have one as well called Csabo's Gfx Edit. I started this project back in 2002 and made public last year, but didn't really announce it. Someone from the community just noticed it hidden away on the tools page and commented that if we run a Plus/4 portal, releases like this should be announced. That's probably true, it's just that I'm a bit uneasy about writing my about my own stuff.

A quick background about the project: I used this utility to draw all the graphics for my games and demos, so it had a limited feature set that's slanted towards being a programmer's utility. The latest version adds a few things that have been requested by Ati, Exin and Sandro (C64). Hopefully with these changes it's on its way to being a more well rounded graphics program. The new default drawing mode not only draws the given pixels but also sets the colors. (There are also two more drawing modes.) I took the time to write a hopefully decent help file for it, maybe it will actually help someone, so be sure to read it.

As with everything I release, the source code is also available. Comments or feature requests would be appreciated. Enjoy!

Der R.I.P.
Posted by Csabo on 2008-12-19
Der R.I.P.Derrick is here with a new release, but this time it's not a very happy occasion. The author's namesake was Inspector Derrick in the television drama Derrick, portrayed by Horst Tappert, who recently passed away. The demo pays respects to the actor.

Club Info 108 Released
Posted by Csabo on 2008-12-01
Club Info 108Like clockwork, Erich/Unlimited has released the new issue of Club Info. The German language articles cover a lot of stuff, fox example latest scene updates and review/solution Mystery Fun House. Side B has new and recent software (e.g. Mind, Band of Brothers, etc). Check it out! Respects to Erich for his continued work!

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