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Releases By Dr. Szilassi Online
Posted by Csabo on 2014-01-29
Algoritmusok, JátékokAxonometriaSzámoljunkSome retroactive news: the missing releases by Dr. Szilassi are now online! We have the covers and program files for: Algoritmusok, Játékok, Axonometria and Számoljunk. If you haven't done so, be sure to read the entire saga on the forum, and big thanks to all involved: Lavina for tracking down the author, Lacus for actually meeting him and transferring the disk images, and Luca for processing and uploading the files to our site.

Last, but not least our deepest respect and thanks to the author for offering up these materials for our site, we're very thankful.
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NST's Monitor Extension Updated
Posted by Csabo on 2014-01-20
NST's Monitor ExtensionJust a quick note to let everyone know that NST's Monitor Extension was updated to version 7.02. Head on over to its website, or read the (English language) change log here to see what's new.
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Happy New Conversion!
Posted by Luca on 2014-01-08
Android 2Android 2Happy new year, my dear Commodore 16 and Plus/4 sceners, users and, in a word, lovers! We've got some lucky days in the very end of 2013, with several surprising and unexpected releases, and the best we can wish for the new year is to keep on with this trend.

Hence, there's another record in the Assassins' trophies case: KiCHY has performed the very first release tagged 2014! Android 2 is a 1983 game just converted to Plus/4 in order to say goodbye to those 30 years and enter in a new era! It's an action game filled in with robots, mazes, worms and mines, all doomed by a ruthless time limit, along three levels of hard tasks. Get in search of 5 Millitoids per level, kill'em with two well dealed shots and turn back to the transporter capsule in time.

Year 2014 is just at the beginning, and we're now ready to shoot at droids! We at Plus/4 World are believing it's a good sign, happy new shooting, dudes!
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Merry Xmas-gaming From Spain!
Posted by Luca on 2014-01-04
A.R.C.O.S. C16A.R.C.O.S. C16We were so close to have a glance back on our shoulders to see what's happened along the whole 2013 in the Plus/4 scene, but the proverb say:"Never close the stable door until all the cows are in". And, oh well, there was a last cow standing outside.

Just after the Xmas day, the Spanish software developer group Kabuto Factory has released its sophomore product on C16, previously presented for several machines (C64, MSX, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, ZX81) and once again created by Baron Ashler: it's A.R.C.O.S. C16!
The game basically plays like a knockout clone, but here the 'bricks' to break out need to be strategically amied at, and others must be saved in some ways. Not an easy task, especially when the level design complicates your job.

The game has been written in BASIC and, although pretty nice, it appears to be quite slow. The author did some attempts of compiling it with C16/C116/Plus4 Micro-BASIC-Compiler, but unfortunately he failed. So, does exist around here a Compiler Hero who is able to release a compiled version of A.R.C.O.S. C16 to see how it runs? Game in the game, sirs! ;)

Meanwhile, happy new year Kabuto Factory, and keep up with the C16 section, we're gonna like it more and more!
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Hires Color 8 Arrives
Posted by Csabo on 2014-01-02
Hires Color 8After what we could call a successful year in the Plus/4 Scene, Erich/Ultd from Germany is here to usher in the new year.

2014's first release is here: Hires Color 8. It's the 8th in the yearly series. The two disk-sides contain 16 pictures each, all of them are using the high-res graphic mode. It's a very varied bunch, ranging from C64 artists like Leon and Veto - to even including the title screen from Storm +4.

What's your opinion? Which one's your favourite? Enjoy and discuss! Big thanks to Erich for this release.
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