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Arok #16 Party Releases!
Posted by Csabo on 2014-07-20
The Arok 2014 party has wound down, the competitions are over, and we have the releases! Here they are:

In the graphics compo, Grass released Mechfight and Chronos released Partyland Revisited. Unreal created a C64 graphics, which came in first (Plus/4 version is here)! Results are now up.

In the wild compo, BSZ and Stinky of NST presented something extraordinary: 50 fps animation and 12 bit music on a Plus/4, with the help of some special hardware. It's called Evo Lution, check the video on YouTube! Update: check our page for details on the making of this demo by BSZ and Stinky!

In the demo competition, there were only two entries: Afterglow by Csio/Absence and a C64 invitation intro. Unsurprisingly, the Plus/4 entry won :-) Congrats to the authors! The current release is only a party version, so we're hoping to see a full release soon.
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PLUS-Comp Found!
Posted by Csabo on 2014-07-16
PLUS-CompThis is just a quick note that a long time missing utility, PLUS-Comp has been found. (It was on the B side of Pluvi 32, so, in a way we've already had it on our site all this time...) It's a BASIC to Machine Language compiler, similar to AustroSpeed (or the much lesser used Micro-BASIC-Compiler). In the past there have been some interest about these (as well as some very dedicated reverse engineering efforts), so it's probably worth a quick mention. Check it out if you're interested!
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Posted by Csabo on 2014-07-11
ShackShack? No, not the English word meaning "a roughly built hut or cabin", but rather a Swedish word which translates to Chess. After releasing another five-letter, one-syllable converted game (Whack) earlier this year, Gaia is back with a new conversion called Shack. It's a Swedish chess program converted from Commodore 64 that runs on 64K machines. It has adjustable difficulty setting (from 1-9), load/save state option and even undo. If you feel like playing a round, fire it up and see if you can beat the computer! Check it out and enjoy!
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Posted by Csabo on 2014-07-10
Notepad+4Litwr just released a new text-editor for the Commodore Plus/4 called Notepad+4. The editor can use the same keyboard combinations as the default BASIC editor can. It can also load and save SEQ files, has a find function as well. The disk contains the Austrospeed compiled version, the original BASIC, documentation and example files.

Litwr suggests that it can be thought of as a complement SVS-Calc, together they form the perfect Office :-)
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Indoor Soccer Brasil Edition!
Posted by Csabo on 2014-07-08
Indoor Soccer Brasil Edition!There has been so much talk about the FIFA World Cup on our forums that Chronos decided to do do something about it: he just released Indoor Soccer Brasil Edition! It's a dressed up version of Indoor Soccer: play as either Germany or Brazil in 1 or 2 player modes. For those who haven't seen the match yet, I won't spoil it :-) Anyway, enjoy the game!
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Botticelli Bilderdisk
Posted by Csabo on 2014-07-05
Botticelli Bilderdisk 39Once again Erich/Ultd is back: he just released this year's installation of the Botticelli Bilderdisk series. (It's a two-sided picture show using the Magica driver.) You'll find 32 public domain multicolor pictures (side B has an info file). If you enjoy picture shows, be sure to check this one out!
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Endings Triplets 38-42
Posted by Luca on 2014-07-02
Game EndingsLong time no see, eh? We guess it's time for a new batch of game endings! A quick announcement: the Game Endings page has been improved again: not only they're sorted by language, but we've also included Broken Ending and No Ending types. Picking up the most notable ending of this round? Oh well, Pogo Pete for sure!

Another seven-triplets released. Come to see the endings of: Bloby, Ghost Castle, Moon Buggy, Patt Ball, King Of Kings, Boomber 2, Puzzle 3, Puzzle 4, Kazik And The Ghosts, Megabolts, Diamond Town, Magic Ball, Pogo Pete, Matrix, Commando, S.H.I.T., Halallabirintus II, Punk Puzzle, Cave Guennie, Mc Stoney, Apollo Mission.
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