| Introduction | AustroSpeed is a 2-pass (3-pass in overlay mode) BASIC compiler. It compiles BASIC programs to equivalent but more compact P-Code. The resulting programs are 3-5 times faster than the original.
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| Austrospeed Compiler | Title: | Austrospeed Compiler | Category: | Utility/BasicCompiler | Release Date: | 1985-05-06 | Language: | German | Size: | 64K | Device Req.: | Disk only | Machine: | PAL & NTSC | Code Type: | AustroSpeed | Distribution: | Commercial/TA | Retail Price: | 149 DM | Released by: | Digimat | Cracked by: | The Raven | Additional code by: | SVS | Notes: | AKA Austrospeed Plus4. You may need AustroConv to fix the compiled file if it uses PEEK statements. "Austrosimple" is a special version that does not need any wedge or conversion. WANTED: original version. |
Download: AustroSpeed decompiled and other extras:
CMS crack:
The Raven crack:
User Rating: 9.5/10 (7 votes)
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Original release | Digimat | 1985-05-06 | Commercial | | 149 DM | Disk | | Unspecified | | 0 |
1 found. |
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| Additional Software Materials |  Box Contents |
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| Physical Media |  Disk |
 Wedge (Side) |
 Wedge (Bottom) |
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| Origins | AustroSpeed has been confirmed to be a commercial release. The original apparently required a hardware key (dongle) to operate. The version we have is a crack by The (new) Raven. Compiled files containing PEEK/POKE statements need a crack file residing in memory. You can avoid this by using AustroConv utility written by SVS that fixes the compiled file.
The developer (programmer(s) and/or company) is unknown at this time.
AustroSpeed was also released for the C=64 and VIC-20.
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| Menu Translation | 1. Single Floppy - RESUME only with line number 2. Dual Drive Floppy (means Device 8 Drive 0,1) - RESUME only with line number 3. 2 Disk Stations (means Device 8,9) - RESUME only with line number
4. Single Floppy - RESUME complete 5. Dual Drive Floppy (means Device 8 Drive 0,1) - RESUME complete 6. 2 Disk Stations (means Device 8,9) - RESUME complete
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| Description | Technical notes: Compiled files will always add about 8Kb of machine language code. The compiled filename will be "c/(original_file_name)". The compilation process also produces "p/*" and "z/*" files. While you can safely delete from the disk the "p/*" file, "z/*" on the contrary is useful for debugging. In fact it is a table file (using Basic format, then browsable by LIST command) that allows the programmer to know the correspondence between source line-numbers and compiled error message referrals. For example if during compiling Austrospeed outputs "Syntax error at 22348", you have to search inside "z/*" file for line 22348 in order to know the true line-number of your Sourcefile affected by the error. Then type "list 22300-" [return] and you see something like: 22300 8348 22310 8350 22330 8351 22348 8362 --> the wanted source line is 8362 *** Warning: the correspondence is not accurate. In the example you could find 22349 or 22352 instead of 22348 as prompted by compiler message; use the number equal or just greater than the searched one.
A note about emulators: in order to compile programs with AustroSpeed, be sure that full drive emulation is used (IEC drive emulation can be used only for source files).
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| Compiler Memory Map And Data Structure | The compiler itself and all compiled files have a fixed structure. The Runtime Interpreter begins at $1525 and ends at $2ef2. Next come six vectors (LB HB) that point to start of variables, start of arrays, end of arrays, start and end of data stmts. Following the vectors is a system DIMZ*%() that defines a system array, Z*%(), which is used to locate individual arrays in RAM. After the DIMZ*%() comes data statements. The program pcode begins next,always with $15 and ends with $4f. After the $4f starts variables. Then comes arrays. The first array in the array space is the system array Z*%(). The elements of this array give the offset from start of arrays to the first byte of each array in the prg.
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| AustroSpeed P-Code | This is the reverse engineered format of P-Code. Feel free to add to it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Address Content
$1022 Jump table (High bytes) for P-code executing (JMP $1014,p-code) No jump table for P-Codes $00…$0E (14 math operands) $1094 Jump table (Low bytes) for P-code executing (JMP $1086,p-code) No jump table for P-Codes $00…$0E (14 math operands) $1525 Starts of Runtime Interpreter (RTI) $2EF2 End of Runtime Interpreter (RTI) EXECUTABLE SEGMENT (overlays are loaded from here)
$2EF3-$2EF4 Vector Start of variables l/h $2EF5-$2EF6 Vector Start of arrays $2EF7-$2EF8 ??? (same as previous one) $2EF9-$2EFA Vector for array Z*() definition l/h (only if at least one array is present on source) $2EFB-$2EFC Vector for start of Data area ($00 ate tail of each element) $2EFD-$2EFE Vector for end of Data area+1 (Start of P-codes) $2EFF-$2F05 System array (Z*) definition (only if at least one array is present on source) F4 10 01 DA AA 00 00 (F4=elements; 10=DIM P-code; 01=dimensions; DA AA =name Z*; 00 00 offset from start arrays area) $2F06 ??? ($16) $2F07 Data statements - Elements' format: [lenght ($FF=end area)] values $32 $00 Example: "ABC" = 03 41 42 43 32 00 $2F08-… P-codes of user source (if it is not an overlay, first P-code is $15 = CLR) $4F END stmt (A38C) Variables Arrays. First is Z*() containing the offset of each other array ---- NUMERIC CONSTANTS [#EN#]: Literal numbers are encoded to one or more bytes: $B0-$BF: 0-15 $F0-$FF: 16-31 $A6 [byte]: 32-255 $A7 [byte1] [byte2]: byte1*256+byte2 = -$8000…+$7FFF $A8 [byte1] [byte2] [byte3] [byte4] [byte5]: = Commodore 5 byte floating point number format ---- STRINGS Literal strings are encoded depending on their length: $E7 [len] [len*chars]: String of 8 or more chars $E8: Literal empty string ("") $E9 [char]: String of 1 char $EA [2*char]: String of 2 chars $EB [3*char]: String of 3 chars Example: A$="ABC" would be stored as: $EB $41 $42 $43 $C0 = Literal string of 3 chars, followed by the chars, followed by "assign to variable position 0" $EC [4*char]: String of 4 chars $ED [5*char]: String of 5 chars $EE [6*char]: String of 6 chars $EF [7*char]: String of 7 chars For $E8 - $EF the number of characters is embedded in the lower four bits. Just AND the lower four bits with binary 7. ---- P-CODES Code Command Syntax / notes RTI entry RTI exit (to Main Loop)
$00 ??? $1782 $01 > Greater than (>), compare two arguments from stack $1782 $02 = Equals (=), compare two arguments from stack $1782 $03 ??? $1782 $04 < Smaller than (<), compare two arguments from stack $1782 $05 <> Not equals (<>), compare two arguments from stack $1782 $06 ??? $1782 $07 + Add two values in stack, also works for strings $1782 $08 - Subtract two values in stack $1782 $09 * Multiply two values in stack $1782 $0A / Divide two values in stack $1782 $0B ??? $1782 $0C AND $1782 $0D OR $1782 $0E NOT Negate value in FPA1 $1782 $1832 $0F ??? (FPA1) $1832 $10 DIM (see example below) $28E1 $1823 $11 FOR $25FF $1816 $12 FOR (with STEP) see example below $25ED $1816 $13 NEXT $26B5 $1816 $14 NEXT NEXT (?) $2695 $1816 $15 CRL $1516 $1836 $16 ??? (reload $39,$3A from $50,$51) $1589 $1816 $17 POKE [arg1] [arg2] $17: POKE arg2, arg1 $2310 $1816 $18 SYS [arg] $18 $3A: SYS arg $2330 $180E $19 GOTO / RUN $19 [hi] [lo]: GOTO absolute address ($15 $19 [hi] [lo]: RUN) $27D4 $1836 $1A GOSUB $1A [hi] [lo]: GOSUB absolute address $27C7 $1836 Push on stack return address (current +2) + $8D $1B ON GOTO [arg] $1B: ON arg GOTO $278E $1823 $1C ??? $278E $1823 $1D RETURN $27F0 $1836 $1E ??? $154E $1816 $1F ??? $2833 $1826 $20 $204B $1830 $21 INT() [arg] $21: INT( arg ) $202E $1832 $22 ??? $201B $1832 $23 ??? $1FFE $1830 $24 FRE() $1FFE $1830 $25..$2D ??? $1FFE $1830 $2E PEEK [arg] $2E: PEEK( arg ) $206A $1832 $2F ??? $2087 $1830 $30 $30: ??? $20F4 $1832 $31 VAL [arg] $31: VAL( arg ) $20BA $1832 $32 ASC() [arg] $32: ASC( arg ) $1FCB $1830 $33 CHR$() [arg] $33: CHR$ $211A $1832 $34 LEFT$() [arg] $34: LEFT$ $222A $1832 $35 RIGHT$() [arg] $35: RIGHT$ $222A $1832 $36 MID$() [arg] [arg] $36: MID$ $21F7 $1832 $37 ??? $2853 $1832 $38 ??? $2890 $1832 $39 $2803 $1836 $3A ??? (get next byte to parse) $1832 $1836 $3B ??? $2405 $1832 $3C PRINT; PRINT from stack with ; $23CD $1816/1832 $3D PRINT TAB() PRINT from stack with tab $23CD $1816/1833 $3E PRINT [arg] PRINT from stack with newline $23CD $1816/1834 Example: PRINT "ABC" would be stored as: $EB $41 $42 $43 $3E $3F ??? $2446 $1816 $40 PRINT SPC() [arg] $40: PRINT SPC( arg ) $2412 $1816/1832 $41 ??? $2412 $1816/1833 $42 ??? $2460 $1832 $43 ??? $23C0 $1832 $44 ??? $2460 $1832 $45 ??? $2458 $1816 $46 ??? $2812 $1816/1832 $47 ??? $175B (jump to Basic execute) $48 ??? $215F $1830 $49 STOP STOP statement $17F5 $1836 $4A ??? $2345 $4B ??? $2345 $4C ??? $2310 $4D GETKEY [XX] $4D: GETKEY [variable] $2179 XX is code of GET (from $80 to $9F) including destination variable $4E NEW NEW statement $17F8 $4F END END statement (also EOF) $17FB $50 (a) INPUT $50 [$A0 ##] $53: INPUT [numeric variable ##] $249C $50 (b) INPUT $50 [$80-??] $53: INPUT [string variable #] $249C ? $51 ??? $24E9 $52 THEN GOTO $52 [hi] [lo]: THEN GOTO absolute address $2776 $53 ??? $24A9 $54 ??? $25AB $55 ??? $24A9 $56 ??? $1751 $57 ??? $24E9 $58 ??? $281C $1832 $59 ??? $161B JMP (0300) $5A ??? $2761 $1826 $5B ??? $1615 $1816 $5C Not compiled BASIC commands $5C $hh [BASIC arguments] of statement (e.g. SOUND, COLOR, graphics commands, etc.) $2D8E $180E These Basic commands are not compiled and will be executed by standard interpreter (not Austro RTI) $5D LOAD relocating flag, device,"filename",$5D,$03(?) $2998 $1816 ex.: LOAD "MAIN*",d%,1 = $B1 (1) $91 (d%) $ED (following string 5 chars long) "MAIN*" $5D $03 $5E ??? Save? $299A $1816 $5F ??? Verify? $2997 $1816 $60 ??? $2A4A $1816 $61 ??? $2489 $1816 $62..$6A ??? $2A93 $1816 $6B..$6D ??? $1FFE $1830 $6E ??? $2CC5 $1830 $6F ??? $1FFE $1830 $70 ??? $1FFE $1830 $71 ??? $2BFD $1830 $72 ??? Error handler $2BE0 $1816 $73 ??? $2BA0 $1836 $74 TRAP $74[hb][lb] TRAP[arg] ***Warning: execution bugged!** $2D33 $1823 $75 ??? $2D17 $1830 $76 RESUME $76[hb][lb] RESUME[arg] $2D6E $1836 $77 ??? $2CF5 $1816 $78 ??? $2D66 $180E $79 VOL [arg] $79: VOL [arg] $160C $1816 $7A ??? $2BF0 $1816 $7B ??? $2CAD $1816 $7C ??? $2C3B $1830 $7D ??? $2D17 $1830 $7E ??? $2D6E $1836 $7F ??? $2BF5 $1816 $80..$9F GET Get value of variable [0-31] to stack $18CE $A0 $A0 [var]: Get value of variable [var] to stack $18CE $A1..$A3 ??? $18CE $A4 Push array element value onto stack (see example below) $18CE $A5..$BF ??? $18CE $C0..$DF Assignment, to variable [0-31] = value from stack $184D Example: A$="ABC" would be stored as: $EB $41 $42 $43 $C0 = Literal string of 3 chars, followed by the chars, followed by "assign to variable 0" $E0 $E0 [var]: Assignment, to variable [var] = value from stack $18B5 $E1..$E3 ??? $19FB $E4 Assign a value to array element = value from stack (see example below) $1BBA $E5 ??? $1BBA $E6..$EF ??? $18CE FOR loops: [assignment, to initialize loop variable] [arg, end of loop value] [get value of loop variable] $11 [loop] [get value of loop variable] $14 [assignment, to initialize loop variable] [arg, end of loop value] [arg, step] [get value of loop variable] $12 [loop] [get value of loop variable] $14 The compiler seems to always use [arg] $A0 [var] way of getting the loop variable's value. However, for the first 32 variables, this could be [arg] [$80-$9F] (see above), which can save 2 bytes from each loop. DIM structure: Data structure for P-code of DIM A(10): BA 10 01 41 00 00 07. BA = encoded literal number 10; 10 = DIM; 01 = # dimensions of the array; 41 00 = two byte variable ID. Here 41 00 = "A"; 00 07 = HB LB offset from start of arrays to look up the offset from start of arrays to actual location of "A" - a double offset string. Further examples: 25 DIM B(30) FE 10 01 42 00 00 09 10 DIM D(12,5) BC B5 10 02 44 00 00 07 Array Examples: B0 Bx E4 07: Push value Bx onto stack. Assign value Bx from stack to first element of first array in the queue. B0 Bx E4 09: Push value Bx onto stack. Assign value Bx from stack to first element of second array in the queue. B1 A4 07 3E: Push second element of first array onto stack and print from stack. B2 A4 0B 3E: push third element of third array onto stack and print from stack. (Last update: 11/05/2013 SVS)
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