| A Few New Cover Scans | Posted by Csabo on 2007-02-28 |
We close this month with another set of newly added cover scans. Haegar sent us the disk cover for Mercenary Kompendium-Ausgabe, which is the German release of the two Mercenary games bundled together. The manual is also included (it's in German, obviously). Plus we have two more scans from Rüdiger: Sun Star apparently has a German cover as well. He also managed to get his hands on a rare copy of Superbase +4, and sent us the missing box back cover. And that's pretty much it for February 2007. Thanks for the scans, guys! |
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| A genuine Commodore tape recovered! | Posted by Gaia on 2007-02-25 |
We have just added a real curio to our vast collection. It is a genuine Commodore release from 1984, albeit not of the much better known UK or US divisions but that of Commodore Nederland, the Dutch daughter company of Commodore. It's a whole tape with 7 BASIC programs accompanied by cover scans.
Most C16 and Plus/4 machines came prepackaged with those well-known 'Introduction to BASIC' tapes and this very tape accompanied the (very few) C16's sold across The Netherlands. It is however not a translation of the UK or the US version, but a genuine program developed by Softworld BV, a Dutch company and it will teach you BASIC in - well, Dutch - layman's terms.
While probably not many of you do speak Dutch, it is still interesting to get hold of a genuine Commodore product after so many years. Fun thing is that even the Dutch spelling has changed since then so instead of "introduktie" one should write "introductie" nowadays. Anyway, it is amazing that we are still able to recover such gems.
Grab a dictionary here and get crackin'! |
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| Dr. Death/TEK won at 15 Years Oxyron Party! | Posted by Luca on 2007-02-25 |
Veni Vidi Vici! "Veni" here at Flensburg to attend to the 15 Years Oxyron Party. "Vidi" my wonderful Zenith Of Puberty onefiler demo running on the big screen. "Vici" against all the other prods running the demo compo! Since tonight, there are several new items in the Ingo's loft: a "Freax" art album, a Competition Pro joystick and a Catweasel MKIV. And watch the result: he deserves all those prices and more!
After Arok, another C64 party has been forced to appreciate a great Plus/4 production. Which will be the next one to fall under the power of the Blackbox? |
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| Cover Scans From Crown | Posted by Csabo on 2007-02-21 |
Crown submitted another batch for our cover collection. We now have full size scans for two space-themed Commodore 16 games from Atlantis Software Ltd: Myriad and Space Escort. Bongo received some attention lately (have you heard the music from the alternative version yet?), and here comes some more: check out the full size scans for the Anco release. Crown also submitted the missing back cover scans for the other releases - and there's a few: the Anco release from the UK, the original Kingsoft cassette release, the "Bongo Construction Set" release and the disk cover. This game definitely deserves a lot of attention, it's a true masterpiece from Udo Gertz. He squeezed nice graphics with large characters, fast-paced but most importantly fun game play into the 16K. Oh yeah, and a complete editor too. Anyone able to put out a game of this quality should be proud. Thanks to Crown for these scans! |
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| Disk Cover and Tynesoft Promo | Posted by Csabo on 2007-02-20 |
We've recently added the original disk image for the Kingsoft compilation Plus-Paket II. This reminded Haegar that he had a disk version laying around somewhere... So he dug it up, scanned it, and now it's forever part of our cover collection. Another very interesting item that showed up in our mailbox is from Sidius. It's a rare two page poster from Tynesoft Computer Software. Check it out, the ad listings are a delight, and there are a few curiosities, for example, have you heard of "Commonwealth Games"? Read through to find out more. Thanks for these scans guys! |
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| More Covers and Solutions! | Posted by Ulysses777 on 2007-02-19 |
Today we have a new batch of stuff, courtesy of EinPlus4User. Fisrt up is a solution for the German version of Ghost Town. Not just any solution though, but in fact the original Kingsoft solution, which was supplied on request by Kingsoft. There are a few oddities with this solution: the game is named 'The Lost Town' and some of the room diagrams are somewhat inaccurate, nevertheless this is a welcome addition to the site.
In addition, we some German language material for the Mercenary series. First is Mercenary - Flucht aus Targ, which now has the long-awaited cassette cover and instructions. And last is Mercenary Kompendium-Ausgabe, which now has the (very wide) instruction card included with the cassette package. Thanks again to EinPlus4User for these scans! |
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| Soft, Playsoft and Number Builder | Posted by Csabo on 2007-02-15 |
Gaze upon these fresh cover scans that have just been added to our magnificent collection! Sidius sent us two rare Italian ones: the first one is Raffles. Besides the original Tynesoft release and the Soft re-release, this game was apparently also re-released by Playsoft. (The artwork is curious, it doesn't seem to have much to do with the actual game.) The other one is Zodiac, a re-release of Zodiac. For those who don't remember, this one is a typical maze game, with a huge play area to explore (creating maps, anyone?).
Last but not least we have nice full size cover scans of Number Builder - the single release, courtesy of Crown. Number Builder is an nicely done education math game. It's one of the few official releases that actually require 64K, so it won't run on a base Commodore 16. This completes the series for the 10 tapes that were distributed with the Commodore Plus/4 Plus Pack: see all the thumbnails here. Big thanks for these scans! |
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| 3 Italian Cover Scans! | Posted by Csabo on 2007-02-14 |
Crown keeps us busy with another supply of cover scans of Italian Commodore 16 games. We have two more from Visiogame. Rambo (or Rambo16 on the title screen) is another original game from them, written by Paolo Aimetti. (We already know this game as Vietnam). Olimpya is a hack of Daley Thompson's. Unfortunately Crown's copy of this tape was such bad quality that he hasn't been able to make TAP images for it. The same thing is the case for our last cover scan: Stop Mat / Golf Mania, a compilation tape from Mantra. The second game is a hack of Crazy Golf, the first one we do not know at this point (could not be loaded). If anyone has these, and can make TAP images for them, please send them in. In the meantime enjoy the new cover artworks! |
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| Maps and TAPs! | Posted by Ulysses777 on 2007-02-12 |
Quite a lot of new stuff today, starting with a new map, this time for Megabolts! We also finally have the back cover scan for this game with the instructions on it. Next up is a bunch of TAP files, courtesy of Rüdiger. First up is an alternative TAP file for Bongo, with a Kingsoft loading screen. Next is a TAP for Kingsoft Sport Show. There are also TAP files for several previously missing utilities from Robtek, namely King Size Daten Bank, King Size Turbo Calc and King Size Turbo Text! And if all that wasn't enough, we also have two new Kingsoft G64 disk images, again from Rüdiger. These are for Emerald Mine and the compilation Plus-Paket II. Enjoy! |
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| YAPE 0.71 is Out! | Posted by Csabo on 2007-02-10 |
YAPE, the popular Commodore Plus/4 emulator just got its first update of the year. Here's the list of changes:
- Advanced settings dialog window
- Forced UpdateOverlay call introduced in 0.70 is now optional
- Optionally allow only one instance of the emulator to run
- Two older tweaks (load vector patch and 1541 loader hack) are incorporated
- At long last: command line options
- '/DISK#:image' for attaching an image to drive {8,9,10,11} at startup
- '/TAPE:image' for attaching a TAP/WAV image on startup
- '/TYPE:text' for typing 'text' on startup
- '/NOSTART' will suppress autostart
- And a couple of TED bug fixes.
Grab if from the usual place. Cheers to Gaia for his continued work!
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| New Visiogame Scans! | Posted by Csabo on 2007-02-07 |
Well, it wouldn't have been very honest to title this news item "New games!", even though that's an eye catching title. We do have some new games though, sort of. Crown sent us today's update, which consists of three Visiogame cover scans and TAP + program files. At the mention of this company most scene members would immediately think "unauthorized re-releases". Sure enough, they did put out a lot of commercial games under change titles, but it looks like they did in face release some original Commodore 16 games as well. First up is Mr Big, which happens to be a re-release of Tutti Frutti (to make things worse, they messed up the well known catchy game tune). Puppy's and Small Jones on the other hand appear to be originals, programmed by one Paolo Aimetti. Puppy's may look familiar: this has actually been ripped off by another Italian software house, Edizioni Fermont, and released on Go Games 15 under the name Britt. Oh the irony! :-) Big thanks to Crown for these rare scans and quality TAP images. |
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| New Cover Scans - Hungarian Releases | Posted by Csabo on 2007-02-06 |
We have some new cover scans for you courtesy of Bear(tm) (who sent us such rare ones in the past as Időlabirintus, etc). Let's run down the list: Betűrömi is a game, Gépi Kód Oktató is an assembly language tutor, and finally Ez a Plus/4 is a compilation package. We're still on the lookout for the TAP images for these, and we're hoping to get more info on the compilation (as far as contents). Meanwhile collectors can be happy for the new scans. Big thanks for these, enjoy! |
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| New Exomizer beta is out! | Posted by Gaia on 2007-02-03 |
We are a tad (TED? :-) ) bit late with this but Magnus Lind has recently released a new version of Exomizer. Exomizer is an excellent cross cruncher that targets 6502 based 8-bit computers, in particular the 8-bit home computers from Commodore including the 264 family of course, otherwise we wouldn't post this piece of news, would we? Changes since the 2.0 beta 5 release:
* Bugfix: sfx -t 128 placed decrunch table at $0334, not at $0b00 where it is supposed to be. * Bugfix: sfx -t 128 was unable to bank RAM/ROM properly. * Bugfix: Now works when compiled in a setting where unspecified char types are unsigned. * Added experimental Oric 1 target to the sfx command. (not properly tested, comments are welcome)
For more info and download see the Exomizer web site at http://hem.bredband.net/magli143/exo/ |
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| Club Info 97 Released! | Posted by Csabo on 2007-02-01 |
We start off this month with a brand new release from Erich/Unlimited: the fresh new issue of the German diskmag Club Info is here. Let's see what goodness was squeezed into the 664*2 blocks: Side A is full of articles, including several adventure game solutions. Side B contains games, utilities and demos, some older and some new releases. These include Car Duel (a small game), Kalender (a collection of date utilities) and Sudoku V2, which is the updated version of the previously released Sudoku program. It guarantees to solve all valid Sudokus!
Find Another Way Again is the big surprise: it's a brand new maze/platformer game by Data-Land/Unlimited. Your task is to guide Hirnbert, the hero from the top entrance to the bottom exit through walls and ladders. Of course, there are enemy guards (last name Iller, first initial K) abound. The game description promises that the baddies are controlled by an AI, e.g. they only follow you as long as you are in plain sight, making it possible to seek cover and hide.
Check out all this new stuff! Cheers to the developers for writing these programs and to Erich for Club Info itself! |
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