| Introduction![](/i/s0_t2.gif) | For those who speak Hungarian, this game is highly recommended! It has lots of fun sub-games, an overall very enjoyable experience. |
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| Időlabirintus (Time Labyrinth)![](/i/s0_t2.gif) | Title: | Időlabirintus (Time Labyrinth) | Category: | Game/Maze | Release Date: | 1987 | Language: | Hungarian | Size: | 64K | Machine: | PAL Only | Code Type: | Basic + Machine code | Distribution: | Commercial/TA | Game ending type: | Has an end, game ends | | ![Play Online!](/images/ponline.gif) | Distributed by: | Novotrade Magyarország | Produced by: | Octasoft | Code by: | Tihor, Miklós | Code by: | Brazil | Code by: | Papp, György | Cracked by: | TPPC | Cracked by: | KNM | Cracked by: | CMS | Additional written by: | MB-Soft | Notes: | Also created by Zoltán Rózsavölgyi. Also cracked by Mr. Gregory. German translation by MB-Soft in 1989. |
KNM & CMS crack:
Mr. Gregory crack:
TPPC crack:
User Rating: 7.8/10 (11 votes)
| ![Időlabirintus Title Screenshot](/dl/screenshots/i/idolabirintus_title.gif)
![Időlabirintus Screenshot](/dl/screenshots/i/idolabirintus_main.gif) |
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| Releases![](/i/s0_t2.gif) | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Original release | Novotrade Magyarország | 1987 | Commercial | | | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 1 |
1 found. |
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| Covers![](/i/s0_t2.gif) | ![Cassette Cover (Front)
Submitted by Lacus Cassette Cover (Front)
Submitted by Lacus](/dl/covers/i/idolabirintus_front.jpg) Cassette Cover (Front) |
![Cassette Cover (Back)
Submitted by Lacus Cassette Cover (Back)
Submitted by Lacus](/dl/covers/i/idolabirintus_back.jpg) Cassette Cover (Back) |
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| Controls![](/i/s0_t2.gif) | CURSOR UP | : walk | CURSOR LEFT | : turn 90° counter-clockwise | CURSOR RIGHT | : turn 90° clockwise | S | : view map and your position (energy consuming!) |
Each subgame explains the other keys to use. |
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| Author's Comments![](/i/s0_t2.gif) | (paraphrased from Brazil's email in 2023)
"Időlabirintus was originally written for C64 by Miki. The Plus/4 version was based on the C64 game, but not converted, and it did not have the same sub-games. I don't think the original C64 program survived for posterity, unfortunately all of Miki's old discs disappeared at some point.
I don't know exactly how much of the game sold, but it was quite successful, and Miki got a share of that. I certainly remember that as a child it was considered very good money. We received a quarterly statement or something like that, and they paid us a percentage or fixed amount based on that, I don't remember the details. If these papers still existed, it would be interesting information many years later, but unfortunately I managed to lose them along with all my old disks, source codes and everything during one of my moves." |
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| Solutions - Hints![](/i/s0_t2.gif) | Arisztotelész | Gyorsan össze kell adni a számokat. Fontos, hogy vele találkozzunk, mert ő mutatja meg a térképet, és hogy hol van a kulcs hordozója. | Aristotle: Quickly sum the numbers. It's important to meet him as he will show you where the Keeper of the Key is. | Kobra | Megoldás: 1, 1, 2. | Cobra: Solution: 1, 1, 2 | Buffalo Bill | Menjünk teljesen lentre a Z-vel, és akkor lőjünk, mikor a célpont lefelé indul, így mindig eltaláljuk. | Buffalo Bill: move all the way down with Z, and shoot when the target starts moving down. This way each shot will hit. | Egoista Gorilla | Mikor a gorilla másodjára rajzolódik, figyeljünk, mert egy fél másodpercig megjelenik a neve egy véletlenszerű helyen. | Egoistic Gorilla: When the gorilla is being drawn for the second time, pay attention, as his name will show up for half a second. | Festő | Jól jegyezzük meg a képet, mert mindegyikből két hasonló van. A kép alatt nagyon rövid időre a neve is megjelenik. | Painter: Remember his painting as there's always two similar ones. The title will appear under the painting for a very short time. | Maccientoni | Elég egyszerű beütni a golflabdát, az erő hossza határozza meg, hogy hány karakterrel mozdul el. | Maccientoni: It's relatively simple to hit the golfball, the power specifies how many characters the ball will move. | Báró Duel | Csak reflex kérdése, bár elég nehéz... | Baron Duel: it's only a question of reflexes, but it's very hard... | Három Ketrec | Figyeljünk a ketrecek kirajzolása után, mert nagyon rövid időre az egyik szám fölött villanás lesz. Ebben van az oroszlán tehát a másik kettő közül bármelyiket nyissuk ki. | Three Cages: after the cages being drawn, one of the numbers will flash. That's the one with the lion, so open either of the other two. | Nagy Keverő | Elég egyszerű, csak össze kell rakni a szót az összekevert betűkből. | Giant Mixer: Very simple, just reassemble the word from the jumbled up letters. | Rakétatámadás | Ügyességi játék, nem túl nehéz. | Rocket attack: arcade game, not too difficult. | Egy programozóval találkoztál | Szintén ügyességi játék. | You met a programmer: Another arcade game. |
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| Solutions - Complete![](/i/s0_t2.gif) | A játék megoldása elég egyszerű: keressük meg a kulcs hordozóját a labirintusban, akitől megszerezhetjük a kulcsot. Ezután már csak az ajtóig kell elkecmeregnünk. Minden sikeresen befejezett al-játék után egy betűt kapunk, ezeket írjuk fel, mert az ajtónál az ezekből összeállítható szót kell beírnunk. A Tippek (fentebb) az al-játékokhoz nyújtanak segítséget. | The solution to the game is simple enough: find the bearer of the key in the maze, from whom you can get the key. Then all you have to do is venture to the door. For each successfully completed sub-game, you will receive a letter, write these down, because you will have to enter the (Hungarian) word you can make from them at the door. The hints for sub-games (above) will help you. |
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