| Raffles | |
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Tynesoft Computer Software release | Tynesoft Computer Software | 1985 | Commercial | | | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 2 |
1 found. |
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| Remakes | Title | Created by | Platform | Homepage | Notes |
Raffles | Lacoste | Gameboy Color |  | 2022-09-23 |
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| Game Description | In each town you have to rob 5 banks. Go to each bank with your vehicle. Locate and touch the safe, this places the charges. Move away from the safe so that it's out of the screen, this explodes the door. Go collect the money and leave the bank.
Once all the banks are done, you go on to the next town. There are 5 towns. After town 5, you get town 1 as 6 but with three enemies in the town.
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| Unused Text | An interesting sentence can be read at $314E, which seems to be an early title for the game with some proper modified characters for "st" and "1/7": COMMODORE PRESENTS RIK RUFFLES IN THE 21st&1/7 CENTURY
Moreover, the hiscore text is located at $3300, followed by what looks to be an early and extended vanity board, mostly filled with COMMODORE default entries, also with the authors names.
These hints make believe "Raffles" has originally been coded for Commodore Business Machines (UK) Ltd. (CBM) with another name and a full vanity board, and later adapted quite roughly to be released under the Tynesoft label.
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| Cheats - How do I use cheats? | Run/Stop + Reset
| Stop game |
>2631 DC
| Unlimited lives (in the banks) |
>2771 DC
| Unlimited lives (in the town) |
>21CA C0
| Invulnerability (in the banks) |
>2765 24
| Invulnerability (in the town) |
>21BF ## (20 = default, lower is faster)
| Character speed |
>28BC ## (01,03,05,07,09)
| Select starting town |
G 2AE4
| Restart game |
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