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Simon Avery Adventures!
Posted by Chronos on 2020-01-31
Danger! Adventurer At Work!Kichy is back with to close January on Plus/4 World with a new pack of adventures. We have no less than 11(!) new games converted from C64 - all by Simon Avery. This prolific author released all his games to the public domain in 2004, you can visit his site here. (He sometimes used the pseudonym Michael Hunt for specific types of games.)

  • In A Magician's Apprentice, you play an apprentice whose great magician disappeared, and you must find and rescue him.
  • In Jason Of The Argonauts, you play the of the Argonauts on a quest to find the fabled golden fleece, so that you can reclaim your rightful throne.
  • In Merlin (a two-part adventure), you must save the Queen, King Arthur's wife.
  • Pre-History takes you way back into the past, you must find your family.
  • Prison Blues lets you play a criminal, who is trying to break out of prison.
  • In The Gerbil Riot Of '67, you must escape from an asylum!
  • The House Out Of Town puts you into the role of a solicitor, looking for the last will and testament of a client.
  • In Total Reality Delusion you're transported to an abnormal plane of existence, and you must find your way back to reality.
  • And finally, Danger! Adventurer At Work! one and two are funny meta-games, in which you must find a quiet room to play adventures in.

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Posted by Luca on 2020-01-24New layout for the DAAD driven adventure games converted by John Wilson: let's test Jack The Ripper in three different versions, with alternative charsets and colour.[ comment ]

Posted by Rüdiger on 2020-01-21If you are curious about how many copies Timeslip sold in 1990, you can now get some insight (with permission from Jon Williams)![ comments ]

Impossible Mission * 3
Posted by Csabo on 2020-01-15
First off, don't get excited - we don't really have Impossible Mission for Plus/4. Now, with that out of the way, what we do have are some genuine Plus/4 oddities, three of them in fact. Read on, if you're interested.

Let's start with the first one: Impossible Mission. I wouldn't want to use the word "garbage" to describe a piece of software, but in this case it might be appropriate. Here we have a short BASIC program, 17 lines, which prints some text, inputs a string, and resets. So what gives? Back in the day (pre 90's), there was no internet, all we had were envelopes mailed to each other with cassettes and lists. Some enterprising (or mischievous) soul must have created this, and it started spreading. Who wouldn't want Impossible Mission? It probably works, you just need the code!... Well, we now know better.

Round two: Impossible Mission (Mr. Soft), this being the reason for this little editorial. It's a new cover and TAP file we got from Lacus. It's yet another Italian hack, we have our fair share of them. Imagine buying this at the store (or at the newsstand?), taking it home, loading it up on your computer, only for it to turn out to be... Raffles. Ugh, what a letdown. It's nice to have this in our database though (thanks, Lacus!)

And finally: Impossible Mission. This appears to have been the real deal, key phrase being "have been". It was a game written by a young Hungarian developer, taking 2nd place in a competition, but unfortunately this game is lost. Click the link for more info.

There we have it; garbage, hack, lost. If you really want to play, better load up A-07 or perhaps Rózsaszín Párduc - or pick a different platformer.
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New Covers from Lacus
Posted by Csabo on 2020-01-14
Telex 2000 Szó MagyarulSzövegszerkesztőOrosz - A Főnevek Eszközhatározós EseteOrosz - A Főnevek Részeshatározós EseteLacus sent us a pack of covers, cassette photos and TAP files, if you are interested in collection, read on! Each of these forced us to clean up the database a little bit: Telex 2000 Szó Magyarul was listed as two separate games, but apparently it's one release. Szövegszerkesztő is a competent word processor for C16. The well-known version of this utility is the 64K version however, and as of yet we don't have a commercial release of this. (The Hungarian language reviews of the 16K version do mention that the 64K version was sold as well.) Finally there's 4 "Orosz" (Russian) programs. These will need to be organized better; but the creators did not make this easy: they use different titles virtually everywhere (on the cover, on the cassette, for the program name when loading and on the game screen).

Big thanks to Lacus for these, enjoy!
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Posted by Luca on 2020-01-11John Wilson strikes again, completing the conversion of all the three parts of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde DAAD engined adventure.[ comments ]

Posted by Luca on 2020-01-09We know Xmas is gone, but Santa's Glowing Balls still need to be thrown at the tree, just as Giuseppe Mignogna used to do.[ comment ]

Posted by Luca on 2020-01-07Nick Sherman is back on the murder's place, it's now Caveman's turn to become a Plus/4 game from the Game & Watch world.[ comments ]

DAAD R5 is out!
Posted by siz on 2020-01-06
DAAD R5 is finally out with official Plus/4 support.

Earlier (unofficial) versions used C64 memory layout, therefore C64 DAAD adventures could be used by simply changing the interpreter engine. In order to use Plus/4 resources better, this release contains a new interpreter with native Plus/4 memory map. This allows 25 rows of text, but breaks compatibility with C64 game data; therefore you have to target the Plus/4 directly if you want your adventure to run on the 264 series (64K only).

You can download DAAD from it's GitHub page.
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Posted by Luca on 2020-01-03The very last DAAD ported adventures from John Wilson of the year, The Dogboy and Silverwolf, have been completed just today with the inclusions of both the two Part 2 disks.[ comment ]

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