| Posted By
Csabo on 2020-01-14 14:09:03
| New Covers from Lacus
Lacus sent us a pack of covers, cassette photos and TAP files, if you are interested in collection, read on! Each of these forced us to clean up the database a little bit: Telex 2000 Szó Magyarul was listed as two separate games, but apparently it's one release. Szövegszerkesztő is a competent word processor for C16. The well-known version of this utility is the 64K version however, and as of yet we don't have a commercial release of this. (The Hungarian language reviews of the 16K version do mention that the 64K version was sold as well.) Finally there's 4 "Orosz" (Russian) programs. These will need to be organized better; but the creators did not make this easy: they use different titles virtually everywhere (on the cover, on the cassette, for the program name when loading and on the game screen).
Big thanks to Lacus for these, enjoy!
Posted By
MMS on 2020-01-15 14:09:43
| Re: New Covers from Lacus
Well, in 1989 for a long time I was staring this "Szovegszerkeszto" cassette in the shop, considering to buy it. I really liked the design of the cover sheet. I wanted to create a small (few pages long) funny newspaper I may print out on my MPS801. (NQL, hahaha)
At that time finally I could buy a C64 from the company my mother worked at that time, and the free GEOS was a much better option to creata funny looking mag, even with some pics.
OFF: this C16 (!) progarm offers 170 lines of text in memory. Still the 3+1 limited number of lines on a 64K RAM machine bugs me. (although "Szovegszerkeszto" does not offer bold, italic, underline text)
Posted By
siz on 2020-01-16 14:11:15
| Re: New Covers from Lacus
Great stuff! I really envy you Csabo for the patience and the maximalism you have to maintain the database and clean up/organize/upload new (well let's say new-old-stock ) things!
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