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A Relaxing Shields'Harvest
Posted by Luca on 2013-04-27
Robo Knight+4MOk, maybe here in the Plus/4 scene, we're not exactly used to release one production a week, have to admit... But what we do for sure is listen people and quickly match their needings.

In this forum's thread, Yerzmyey/H-PRG has complained about the high grade of difficulty of certain classic games, which nonetheless he would play further to see what lies more into it, and he cited Robo Knight with that intent. And, yes, Robo Knight is a classic game for real, a C16 milestone in the commercial games, with its wide map, competent usage of software sprite's techique, a gameplay extremely polished and calibrated properly. The only pity is that it's a unique opera of its coder!

May your superheroes stay blind and deaf to the neat request of a trainer? Here comes Luca of the FIRE crew, to save the day and your nerves too, releasing Robo Knight +4M, a trainer with four features you can activate and deactivate while the game is running, pickin'up shields here and there has never been that easy!Robo Knight+4M As for previous trainers, the whole stuff is absolutely C16 compliant, perfectly running in any 264 series machine, and it runs again the cracktro with music by Csabo/LOD.

And so, Yerzmyey, what do you say about? Does it is a much more easier shields'harvest or not? ;)
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Endings Triplets 24-30
Posted by Luca on 2013-04-20
Game EndingsAnd after some weeks of silence, here we are, ready to start again our ride into the games'endings we've never seen in past years. Yes, in the usual mix of C16 classics, converted games and original ones.

Another seven-triplets release. Come to see the endings of: Tonido, Nuclear Ball, Lloyd Game, The Hell, The Hell 2, The Hell 3, Molecule Man, Extasy, Legionnaire, Kaputörő, Slipper 2, Trans Logic, Escape, Trap, Ponk, Puzzlenoid, Triple Change, Landscape Maze, Very Shit Game, Very Shit Game 2, Dixi A Megmentő.

We still have dozens of this stuff for you, and new endings are added day by day. Don't miss the signal when the Endings will call!
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Exomizer 2.0.7 Loves C16
Posted by Luca on 2013-04-15
Exomizer, the widely used packing tool which crunches your 8bit files starting from your own PC, improves again!

This brand new version (2.0.7) includes fixes and new features exclusively dedicated to 264 machines'users, and it's a straight consequence of a feedback to the author Magnus Lind from Luca of the FIRE crew, after his recent dealing with stuff that have to work on C16 too.

Here follow the changes'list since the previous version:

- bugfixed commodore sfx targets to automatically disable irq when decrunching over system areas. This was reported for the plus4 target by Luca/FIRE. This fix together with moving the decrunch table to zero-page, -Di_table_addr=0x2, allows decrunching $0200- without corruption for all commodore targets except for the vic20-configs that have a memory hole at $0400-$1000;
- bugfixed z80 decrunchers from Metalbrain;
- bugfixed sfx c16/plus4 target where the default decrunch effect could corrupt memory while decrunching data that covers $0be7, reported by Luca/FIRE;
- added feature to sfx-mode that complains if the data it too big to fit in the available memory of the selected target, suggested by Luca/FIRE;
- added c16 target, -t 16, like -t4 but with smaller memory, suggested by Luca/FIRE;
- bug fixed in the z80 decruncher.

See how much new matter for us? Hence, you have no excuses and must update your Exomizer right today!
We respect Magnus Lind once again, thank you bud for keeping this essential tool clean and running!
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Liberator +5MD: A Crack For Any 264 Machine
Posted by Luca on 2013-04-11
Liberator +5MD"Let's resume the tradition of cracks and trainers on Plus/4 too!" we said just a couple of weeks ago, and you all know that the scene doesn't like vapourware. So, let's go back in time, to fully exploit the games we'd loved so much, which sometimes we'd desired to win by breaking the toy to see how it's made inside.

First in row to fall is Liberator, the widely appreciated horizontal shoot'em up with softsprites, smooth scrolling great sfx; somewhat prejudiced due to various flaws and unrewarded no ending, its strong points are the Uridium-esque graphics and the great fun playing against the mothership's generator.

It's now time for revenge: Luca/FIRE takes to you Liberator +5MD, a jewel version implementing ingame modifications, and a useful autofire feature in order to blow up generators easy way! As any respectable crack deserves, a classy intro with game's docs precedes the game itself: all coded by the cracker himself, and supplied with a sweety tune composed ad hoc by Csabo/LOD.Liberator +5MD

Ok for the cutey tune, but Csabo did more than you can see on the surface, occupying $1ED (493) bytes only for that tune! Why this effort? Well, simple: what has been thought to run on C16, must continue to run on C16! Yes, this cracked game lies into the C16 memory limitation, and can be run on any machine in the 264 series!

Time to scatter some generator's debris in the deep space, we shall meet again in other forthcoming cracks.
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Four Missing And Rare Tapes Are In!
Posted by Luca on 2013-04-06
Xargon WarsWhen the community asks, the community promptly answers loud and clear!

We asked for some missing tapes since months, moreover the famous case about the two different versions of Xargon Wars raised up again. This has moved MIK to save the day, under the motto:"It's saturday, let's dump some damn tapes!". Once copied as TAP images, the whole pack of four was ready to be spreaded, and that's how we've got the TAP files for Joey, the very rare Room Ten, Xargon Wars first version without turbo loader, and...ohoooo Aliens as one of the super rare tapes around!

Big bash MIK, we thank you so much! And we hope that many other buddies shall move their 1531 cables to join in and enrich the TAP archive, 'coz many many other missing files await to be crossed out from the list.
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