Xargon Wars
Title:Xargon Wars
Category:Game/Shoot'em up
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, restarts (reward)
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Produced by:Micro Projects
Released by:Gremlin Graphics
Re-released by:Top30
Code by:Clarke, Anthony J.
Graphics by:Clarke, Matthew
Cracked by:TSG
Notes:According to its author, based on The Ultra on Oric-1. Released both as no turbo and with Novaload versions, with the second used in C16 Classics too. Omnibus includes a buggy version.
User Rating: 6.8/10 (17 votes)
User comments: Read comments
Xargon Wars Title Screenshot

Xargon Wars Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has an ending!

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Gremlin Graphics C16 releaseGremlin Graphics1984-12CommercialCassetteUnspecified4
Gremlin Graphics C16/Plus4 releaseGremlin Graphics1984-12CommercialCassetteUnspecified2
2 found.

Hall Of Fame
1Litwr3,841Real PAL +4, 4 ships.
2Dariolino78811Stopped after losing one life.
3retroscener611Hi-Score achieved via the YAPE emulator (4 ships).
4randagio1972517Casual play, 4 ships, played on real hardware.
5Csabo351YAPE 1.0.4, default 3 ships.
6Arcade Fan327
7Luca321Played using YAPE 1.1.6, PSX joypad, 3 ships.
8Plus4Punk3154 ships. Video (206 Points) played with 3 ships.
9KiCHY3034 lives, on emulator.
10Chronos261Yape 1.1.6, ps2 controller, 4 lives.
11MIK246Played on a real C16, default setting of (SHIPS 3) used.
12Luigi Ruffolo231Played on YAPE 1.1.7, 3 ships.
13Retroshire211Joycontrol very difficult, not smooth, played on Plus/4, beamer, Arcade Joystick, 4 lives.
16siz88Real plus/4 with joystick, 3 lives at start.
17le-grenier-informatique82Played on real Commodore 16, 3 ships.

Xargon Wars

Derived Software
Astral Bomb
Galaxy (Byte Games 27)
Guerra Di Zargon
Kargon Wars
Space Mission (Computer Set 3)
Xargon (Tecniche Nuove)
Xargon Wars (Armati)
Xargon Wars (Byte Games 13)
Zirgon Wars

Appeared On Compilations
C16 Classics
Xargon Wars / Tycoon Tex
Video Basic 19

Review: The Cuthbert Chro... Vol. 1 No 5 (Book/English) pg. 21
Review: Commodore Horizons 17 (Magazine/English) pg. 13
Review: ZZAP! C16 (Magazine/English) pg. 4
Review: Zzap! 15 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 43
Cheat: Moj mikro November 1986 (Magazine/Slovenian) pg. 60
Review: Your Commodore June 1985 (Magazine/English) pg. 78
News: Your Commodore May 1985 (Magazine/English) pg. 11
Advertisement: Computer & Video... June 1985 (Magazine/English) pg. 115

Cassette Cover (C16 Label)
Cassette Cover (C16 Label)
Cassette Cover Instructions
Cassette Cover Instructions
Cassette Cover (C16 Plus4 Label)
Cassette Cover (C16 Plus4 Label)
Cassette Cover Continued (C16/Plus4 Label)
Cassette Cover Continued (C16/Plus4 Label)

Physical Media
Cassette (Commodore 16)
Cassette (Commodore 16)
Cassette (C16/Plus4)
Cassette (C16/Plus4)
Cassette (Pre Production Copy Side)
Cassette (Pre Production Copy Side)
Mark Edwars has posted some pictures of a cassette with labels reporting that it contains two different early version of Xargon Wars: one side should contain a pre production copy, one side is tagged as any level version. Yet further contacted, Mark has never answered back to say more about that cassette. Anthony J. Clarke, author of the game, reacted on Twitter feeling amazed once he'd seen the pictures, but he'd never confirmed clearly he produced those tapes personally.
Cassette (Any Level Version Side)
Cassette (Any Level Version Side)
Mark Edwars has posted some pictures of a cassette with labels reporting that it contains two different early version of Xargon Wars: one side should contain a pre production copy, one side is tagged as any level version. Yet further contacted, Mark has never answered back to say more about that cassette. Anthony J. Clarke, author of the game, reacted on Twitter feeling amazed once he'd seen the pictures, but he'd never confirmed clearly he produced those tapes personally.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>1C85 A9 ##
Number of lives
>38E6 4C 0A 39
Unlimited lives
>2F0B 60
No alien bombs
>27A0 2C
Weapons do not overheat
Instantly finish level
G 1C80
Restart game

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