| Aliens | |
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Original release | Electric Dreams | 1987 | Commercial | UZK 614 | | Cassette | Double case | Unspecified | | 3 |
1 found. |
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| Covers |  Cassette Cover (Front) |
 Cassette Cover (Side) |
 Cassette Cover (Inlay 1) |
 Cassette Cover (Inlay 2) |
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| Maps | Download: aliens_zzap_map.jpg Description: Game Map Dimensions: 1566x670 Published on Zzap!64 Issue 25 April 1987, pagg.62-63. Created by Stephen Lington. |
Download: aliens_map.gif Description: Game Map Dimensions: 649x1335 Created by Reuben Cornwall. |
Download: aliens_mark_eyles_map.jpg Description: Game Map Dimensions: 4678x2806 Created by Mark Eyles, this is the official game map included in the published package. |
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| Image Gallery |  Room 28: the Armoury  Room 78: the Control Room  Room 174: the Generating Room  Rooms 177-182: the Medical Research Block  Rooms 248: the Queen's Chamber  Newt the Survivior Girl
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| Instructions | Keyboard controls:
Cursor keys: | pan around / aim with the Smart Gun | Space: | shoot | Return: | enter doors | R: | choose Ripley | G: | choose Gorman | B: | choose Bishop | H: | choose Hicks | 1-9 + N/S/W/E: | command movement (acts once another character has been chosen) | P: | pause on/off | Run/Stop: | abort game |
5 points | Clearing infestation from the walls | 100 points | Killing a warrior alien | 600 points | Killing a queen alien | 500 points | Each time Newt is spotted | 2000 points | Bonus given if player reaches room 69 while still under attack wave 1 |
Attack waves: - Starting attack wave is 1. - After every 2000 points reached, the attack wave increases. - The 6th is the highest attack wave, any wave above is the same as the 6th. - In each attack wave, the warriors and infestation spreads faster, queen(s) move quicker. - At the start of attack wave 2, the queen is placed in room 248. (Because of the 2000 points bonus, it's not possible to get to the queen's room during attack wave 1.) - At the start of attack wave 4 and 5, up to 8 additional queens are added randomly to the complex. - At the start of attack wave 6 and above, up to 16 additional queens are added randomly to the complex.
Mission: Step 1: You must move each player at least once. Reach the queen's room (248), kill her and clear the infestation. If these conditions are met, the following message will be shown: "ATTENTION / COMPANY MESSAGE / RETURN TO MTOB TO / COMPLETE MISSION"
Step 2:: After step 1 has taken place and all surviving players reach room 1, the game ends with the following message: "COMPANY SUGGESTS YOU / RETURN AT A LATER / DATE TO GAIN A HIGHER / CREDIT RATING"
The game contains a message which is never shown: "MESSAGE FROM COMPANY / MISSION ACCOMPLISHED / BY (names of surviving players shown) / TOTAL CREDIT POINTS / ATTAINED (score shown)"
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| Cheats - How do I use cheats? | >1DF1 00
| Unlimited ammos |
>1D17 EA EA
| Unlimited energy for all character |
>40 RR HH GG BB (RR = Ripley, HH = Hicks, GG = Gorman, BB = Bishop) 00 = normal 20 = captured 40 = impregnated 60 = dead and infested 80 = taken (illegal) E0 = alienized
| Change characters' state |
>44 RR HH GG BB (00-FF, default: 30) (RR = Ripley, HH = Hicks, GG = Gorman, BB = Bishop)
| Ammo levels |
>4C RR HH GG BB (00-FF, default: 19) (RR = Ripley; HH = Hicks; GG = Gorman; BB = Bishop)
| Bio-Monitor bars |
>54 RR HH GG BB (00-FF) (RR = Ripley; HH = Hicks; GG = Gorman; BB = Bishop)
| Characters' location |
>71 ZZ YY XX WW (00-99, score:WWXXYYZZ) Beware changing XX and WW, because the higher score, the more iterations must be calculated, the more wave advancing must be displayed, resulting in a very slow play.
| Score |
>27 SS WW NN QQ (00-99, warriors: WWSS, queens: QQNN)
| Killed aliens |
F 0600 06FF 00
| No aliens |
>06XX YY (XX: room number = 01-FF)
YY = | subject in room | 00 = | noone | 01 = | alien 1 | 02 = | queen | 03 = | dead body | 04 = | alien 2 | 05 = | sentinel alien | 06 = | newt | 07 = | attacker |
| Subjects per room |
>AF 01
| Mark the queen's chamber as cleaned |
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