Happy Birthday Csabo!
Posted by Luca on 2014-11-15
Smells Like Happy BirthdayIt's the 27th in November again, and I hope nobody out there is three times triskaidekaphobic, because...yes, today is the birthday of our beloved mate Csabo, leader of Legion of Doom!!

How many times the heroic co-maintainer of this honoured site has spent his precious slices of life, stealing'em from job, family, whatever, in order to keep Plus/4 World as much comfortable as possible for the sake of any single user of it? I mean, every of them, from the frequent sceners to the ones we'd see just one time and then never seen again around here? How many bugs have been fixed, how many new features have been added to the site's original structure, how many dramas had been shut off with smiles and wiseness? And has someone counted how many TED tunes went out from Csabo's ears and hands, for the releases of anyone out there? And why don't keep in count the pretty neat magazine intros Csabo has given away as presents in recent times? And who's that guy, which keeps upgraded the best Plus/4 dedicated development tools? Maybe the same guy that added one by one the outer sites' download links to the current pages here? Again the same guy that joins the minigame compos gaining prizes, that converts and fixes C64 adventure games, that even finds the time to accept the gauntlets to enter his scores into the Hall of Fame?

I remember that dude: once a day, he said to me:"Sometimes, you spend a lot of time in something that people won't even take the bore to try...". And he'd spoken these words, but to me it was absolutely clear that, although he was right about that, the joy he got in making his own stuff was inestimable beyond words to him!

The man deserves to hear all the voices in one big batch, in all the glory of one of the traditions the Plus/4 scene should reinstate: the birthday scrolltro! Does he deserve it for what we've written at the beginning? Oh well yes, it also does, but first of all he deserves a birthday scrolltro because he's Csabo and we know, love and respect him since long time.
And you really have to sit down with your tea and read for a long time, as this is a very long one, beating any previous scene's record, with idea, code and TED music by Luca and graphics by Unreal...in a weird 90's fashion ;)

What's left to say? Nothing, apart...happy birthday Csaba! From all of us, with all our love!
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