| Arok 13 Wrap Up | Posted by Csabo on 2011-09-24 |
The wait is finally over: the winning demo from Arok 2011 has been just released! Don't delay, go and check out Er Ist Friedlich Eingeschlafen (translation: He fell asleep peacefully). In retrospect, this year's Arok was also a good year for our little platform (3 new releases!) and an awesome party overall. Everyone who got to attend can count themselves lucky (even if it was in cardboard form). Let's hope next year will be even better!
Be sure to read Csio's party report in the Features section! |
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| Moldi's Treasure 4/10 | Posted by Luca on 2011-09-12 |
Summer is almost gone once again, so it's time to come back to work, and the Moldi Treasure's Big Bunches o'Software must reprise too.
Hence, here we are with the 4th chapter of this saga, which shows as major gem a rather unknown cool 16k game raising from the grave of unforgotten stuff to see the light again. Swords is nothing but a cool arcade adventure game which seems to be quite inspired from Robo Knight, with its proper tune and a big software sprite wandering into a manor in search of lost swords in order to seek out a secret chamber full of gold. The author is Attila Kardos, which did Break Dance under the same label Chip Software Ltd.. Freeware? Commercial? Who knows...any info will be welcome. Ürkaland (Basic), the mystery continues because we've uncertain feelings about its original coder, but at least the original version popped out finally. And...oh jeez, there's a Tibob In Space 2 too, really?
Plus, this is the session in which obscure demos run again. Queen Demo celebrates Mercury&Co. in the Hitman way (code by siz?) but it's broken and we're in search of the full working one, if it does exist. Bad Cat Demo is the oldest demo by CSM we've found ever, in which we know more about the mysterious SED (he got the idea for the famous game Crater too), and where CSM writes he "sold a game to Novotrade" (!). First steps for TCL too under the TBB moniker, in demos like The Cobra No1 Demo. See Ratt in graphician capacity offering a Logo To Titans, even though we've never heard of that C64 group! And look at Boomby and his early digitized moustaches in Wanted Demo. Early stuff by Kuni too, and the Shadow Gfx Box 1 comes too to complete the series.
Last but not least, the utilities: Botticelli original version, the famous TTL's pactator, a disk tools collection by Oscar/EVS and much much more!
This is the complete list for the 4th batch, enjoy all of them and wait for the fifth session: Swords, Logo To Titans, Mad Demo, Xenox Graphics Box, Summer Demo, Wanted Demo, Scanland 1, Shadow Gfx Box 1, Second Demo (Kuni), The Cobra No1 Demo, Queen Demo (broken), Music Demo 1, Music Demo 2, No More Heroes, Amiga Rap, Adventure Castle, Crater (trainer), Domino (Hungarian), Ugrasd A Nyulat, Tibob In Space 2, Bad Cat Demo, Donkey Kong, Ürkaland (Basic) (original), Remorszag, Tic-tac-toe (Mr. X), The Wall (Hungarian), DMC V1.2 (version), NF Technika, Kresz Lampak, Lebo-packer, Haromfasizu Valtakozoaram Valodi Vill Teljesitmenye Induktiv Terhelessel, Demomakers Disk Tool, Coma B Copy, Coby Compresser, Clues Of Coders (no pass), Assembler (prg), Botticelli (original), Bit-packer (version), Cimkatalogus, Duplicator V4.0, Duplicator, Turbo-block, 246 Pactator, Digiconverter Relocator (versions). |
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| Some Stuff | Posted by Luca on 2011-09-07 |
Plus/4 World is back from vacation, a vacation of hopeful waiting for a winner demo which will come in the near future and will delight our sceners' senses. In the meantime, let's reprise our massive storing of seekout material, since hundreds of hidden gems have to see the light again from their long timed buried status.
We've found the absolute first Mantra release in the classic take-two format, which was simply named Mantra 16 N. 1, containing two hacked games: Andromeda (Alternative) and Analisi Del Tempo. It's a weird thing to point out that this cassette can be defined as an early version of the second Mantra release (Andromeda / Meteo 16), which contains slightly modified versions of the same programs.
Found into some C64 ftp archives, here come some rare disks, part of the Productivity Software series released by Info Design, a look into the serious side of the Plus/4. Inventory Management is a self running tool, whereas Construction Industry and Professional Services are applications in the shape of General Ledger's data, and this last one is needed to let'em work. It's now clear that Productivity Software series includes both independently running tools and bound working data. |
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