The Search For The Nether Regions: A DAAD Avalanche's First
Posted by Luca on 2019-10-22
The Search For The Nether RegionsWe were awaiting for this moment, the moment when the great avalanche of adventure games running on the DAAD engine would hit the scene with all its hidden potential.

The recover, improvement and distribution to the public domain of the now famous multiplatfrom DAAD adventure writer engine, straight by its father Tim Gilberts and its savior Andres Samudio, has opened the massive gate that has kept separate all the adventure games written with it, from all the other systems which were missing'em. Stefan Vogt has put a lot of effort to instill new life into it, and finally siz is the Plus/4 hero who included the Plus/4 into this large project, involving so many clever and passionate retro users. Doors are open, let the DAAD adventures swarm in, we're ready to play them all!

After the modern approach of Hibernated 1 and Eight Feet Under, The Search For The Nether Regions is the first one to land from its original ZX Spectrum-esque place, taking in with it the usual combination of fantasy environment and easygoing irony we appreciate from the legendary author Gareth Pitchford, and the game comes to Plus/4 under the Absence label: it's Chronos who materially converted the adventure, and made it run on the black box too.

Adventurers, collect this gauntlet launched at you all, and think about setting free a lot of your time, because...do you really know how many adventures might potentially it your spare time? World of Spectrum site counts 410 of them. Yes, you read it really well: 410! And there's no valid excuse to not having'em all on Plus/4!
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