Moldi's Treasure 8/10
Posted by Luca on 2015-12-07
We've promised to you all, and a promise is a promise! Let's repeat it: it's now time to finalize matters with the gigantic bunch of programs we've never seen before, as picked up one by one from the big treasure chest donated to us by Moldi nearly 5 years ago. That's the reason why, after two weeks only from the 7th session, here comes the 8th! We're on a run and we don't intend to slow down the flow.

Virtual FLI ShowFrom this release and both the next two, there's no particular stuff which stands out as the main one in the whole heap. Nonetheless, there are so many unseen utilities, unknown games and demos coming from the very first period of the forming scene, but we can't point a specific one. If we would find a theme for this 8th leak, Hires FLI, M-FLI 1, M-FLI Laced 2, Virtual FLI Show are further (and probably definitive) single steps which did allow to understand and implement FLI graphics on Commodore Plus/4. That had been a very hard journey in order to interpret how the machine manages the color per line and the (unexpected in the early era) double badline. Pioneers like TLC, bubis, DCD and most of all Larry had given their contribute to reach the results we all know nowadays, and these old releases are the missing tiles to fill the history about FLI on Plus/4 which now awaits to be definitely written from the beginnings to the end.

The acquisition of several programs lists has generated in the course of time various holes into our database, empty entries of missing stuff of which we've never heard before, and these last appointments with the Moldi's treasure will fill some of the gaps. This time we've got Lethargix, a little dentro from the time when TDD was close to Terrorists; Demo Madness, as it contains a short software list in a scrolltext which allows to determine the release date of several other TEC demos with a good approximation; the most wanted King Demo, released when TCL still was known as TBB.
Furthermore, there are programs out of every known list: Klaustrofobia the adventure written by Bitecus with a great intro coded by Murphy with music by SLD, Yazz V2.0 as the improved conversion of Yazz music box, the independent Hungarian translation of Tricky Dices done by LBM, Keresztrelytvény 1 and Keresztrelytvény 2 crossword games in Hungarian language. And more, rarities from authors with very little production: Disc Doctor & Monitor V1.1 is the second known production overall by Balász Vissy, Miami Vice picture show from CCW, Depeche Mode Demo (TCKT) where the bond between BCS and Ern0 got one group's name we really didn't know before (further infos are well accepted!).

That's A WayIt comes the traditional complete list of releases included in this 8th batch, the show is slowly coming to an end in two last chances, so stay tuned: Lethargix, Demo Madness, Kémiai Reakciók II (part 2), Kémiai Reakciók II (part 3), Német Nyelvi Gyakorlás, Német-Magyar Szótár, Tanulj Velem Németül!, Disc Doctor & Monitor V1.1, Csucsu Super Tape, Ultraformat V3.5, SuliKomp - Matematika és számítástecnika I. (crack), Konto-file 1.0, 664 Blokk, TARDOS V8.28, Bit Image (MPS), Integrate DOS V1.0, Házibuli Teszt, Relokator (Commodore Újság), Plus 23 Funktion Keys, Legionnaire 5, Legionnaire 6, Legionnaire 7, Legionnaire 8, Legionnaire 9, Jazzy, Cube Caster, Deltex Converter, Deltex-Dump, Deggendorf, Bus-Stop, U-Boot (AMA), Plus-Paket (AMA), Keresztrelytvény 1, Keresztrelytvény 2, Klaustrofobia, Beobachtungen, Hires FLI, M-FLI 1, M-FLI Laced 2, Virtual FLI Show, That's A Way, Digi Ripped Piccys, Depeche Mode Demo (TCKT), Miami Vice, Yazz V2.0, King Demo, Killed By Death, Hoaxers Party 00, Sinus Raster.
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