CBM PRG Studio For C16/Plus4
Posted by Luca on 2012-05-31
A powerful tool dedicated to all the coders out there now includes the 264 series Commodore machines, and that's great news!
Arthur Jordison, author of the all-embracing CBM Program Studio has released a new version the 25th of this month, and, beside all the fixes and addons he has wedged into it, he tuned it in order to work for C16 and Plus/4.

You can now enter both BASIC and machine language into this versatile package, and see how your code works directly compiling it as .prg file and sending it to run on your prefer emulator. No more desperately seeking the bugs all around, no more troubles with typing long BASIC stuff (hey, it's 2012, we're in the cut&paste era!), and several other extras, including sprites, characters and tilemap editors!

It's a first release, it smells like it would need debugging, so feel free to contact the author for any needing. But first, give it a try: it undoubtedly worths a run.
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