Type-Ins from Computer Games
Posted by Csabo on 2018-12-12
Hell HouseToday we've added 6 missing programs. They are from Computer Gamer, a video game magazine from the UK. It used to cover most 8-bit systems, and so they occasionally published C16 type-in games. Here they are:
- Caves Of Hell from Issue 27
- Hell House from Issue 6. This issue also included a cut-out cassette cover for each game!
- Karate Champ from Issue 9
- Master Coder from Issue 1
- Red Alert from Issue 3
- Solitaire from Issue 18
Apologies for this being put up so late. (This should be a standard apology attached to most news items, in this case, it took about nearly 6 months for this to make it.) I don't have a good excuse, simply not enough free time. This would be the part where I thank and credit the submitted, but unfortunately I misplaced the email :-/ I had this in my to-do folder with the date of 2018-06-21. Whoever sent it, please comment :-)
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