Merry Xmas-gaming From Spain!
Posted by Luca on 2014-01-04
A.R.C.O.S. C16A.R.C.O.S. C16We were so close to have a glance back on our shoulders to see what's happened along the whole 2013 in the Plus/4 scene, but the proverb say:"Never close the stable door until all the cows are in". And, oh well, there was a last cow standing outside.

Just after the Xmas day, the Spanish software developer group Kabuto Factory has released its sophomore product on C16, previously presented for several machines (C64, MSX, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, ZX81) and once again created by Baron Ashler: it's A.R.C.O.S. C16!
The game basically plays like a knockout clone, but here the 'bricks' to break out need to be strategically amied at, and others must be saved in some ways. Not an easy task, especially when the level design complicates your job.

The game has been written in BASIC and, although pretty nice, it appears to be quite slow. The author did some attempts of compiling it with C16/C116/Plus4 Micro-BASIC-Compiler, but unfortunately he failed. So, does exist around here a Compiler Hero who is able to release a compiled version of A.R.C.O.S. C16 to see how it runs? Game in the game, sirs! ;)

Meanwhile, happy new year Kabuto Factory, and keep up with the C16 section, we're gonna like it more and more!
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