Other Handles:PipiSoft

Releases by RoePipi
TitleCategoryRelease DateLanguageSize
100-Line MazeGame/Maze2022-02-23English64K
251 characters long lines instead of 88Utility/Programming2021-02-10English64K
Big Mac (Pipisoft)Game/PlatformerUnknownEnglish/Hungarian16K
Big Mr PuniverseGame/Platformer1988English32K
Bit FoxGame/Action2011-07-26English16K
Byte FoxGame/Action2022-02-12English16K
Castle MatcherGame/ArcadeAdventure2017-09-23English64K
Castle Matcher - A KastélymeccsGame/ArcadeAdventure2018-06-04Hungarian64K
Catch Ten Bugs!Game/Action2020-02-29English16K
Cheap LCD game simulatorGame/Action2022-03-06English16K
Dogpile SchoolGame/Action2021-03-15English16K
Dork's Dilemma +Game/Action1987English16K
Feels Like A CityGame/Strategy2020-02-29English16K
Felcsút TycoonGame/Management2019-10-06English/Hungarian64K
Good MonkeyGame/Trivia2021-02-07English16K
Help them, T-man!Game/Action2020-03-12English16K
Madarak BolygójaGame/Adventure1988Hungarian64K
Magician's Curse Pipi VersionGame/ArcadeAdventure1999English32K
Maze Of MazesGame/Maze2009-10-10English32K
Money For LifeGame/Strategy2000English64K
Monsters In The MazeGame/ArcadeAdventure2001-05-26English64K
Only Way To HomeGame/Action2020-02-29English16K
Pénzért ÉletGame/Strategy1991Hungarian32K
PETSCII to BASIC linesUtility/Graphic2019-09-05English16K
Pipi's StuffsGame/Compilation1991Hungarian64K
PUR-120 EXTREME-256 input environment for BASIC 10 Liner ContestsUtility/Programming2021-02-09English64K
RandTown BuilderGame/Action2016-06-05English16K
RandTown CrusherGame/Action2016-06-05English16K
RandTown DumperGame/Action2018-06-07English16K
RandTown EmailerGame/Action2019-10-19English16K
Spread, Reproduce, FightGame/Strategy2021-02-27English16K
Szökés A FöldrőlGame/ArcadeAdventure1989Hungarian/English64K
Szörnyek Az ÚtvesztőbenGame/ArcadeAdventure1988Hungarian64K
The LibrarianGame/Action2020-07-07English16K
Thrust Fox ExtraGame/Action2011-07-29English16K
Tom Thumb DeluxeGame/Platformer2021-03-11English16K
Two Canaries FightingGame/Action2021-02-07English16K
Two Canaries PeckingGame/Action2025-02-22English16K
Üzlet Egy TyúkértGame/Adventure1991-06-15Hungarian64K
46 release(s).

Hall Of Fame
1The Librarian405Video played on 2021-02-20, score was 358.
2Booty1,890Played on VICE 3.5.
2Find A Pair12
4Encounter17,400Played on VICE 3.5 using keys.
4Terra Cognita8,200Played on VICE3.5, cursor keys.
6Lunar Blitz34,360Played on YAPE 1.2.0, Ctrl key as Fire button.
6Timeslip127,550Played on VICE 3.5, Normal level.
6Bongo83,500Played on YAPE 1.1.8.
7Jerry's Quest1,145Played on VICE 3.5 using keys.
7Rescue From Zylon17,500Played on YAPE 1.1.8.
8Trailblazer1,338Played on VICE 3.5, keyboard control.
8Ball72Played on YAPE 1.1.8, 50 to 25 fps downgrade fully automatically by YouTube.
9Video Meanies77,028Played on YAPE 1.2.0, keyboard as joystick.
9Skramble32,750Played on VICE 3.5 using keys.
11Stop The Express6,470Played on VICE 3.5 using keyboard.
11Killapede14,090Played on YAPE 1.1.8.
12Galaxy155,431Played on VICE 3.5 using arrow keys.
12Kikstart24,908Played on YAPE 1.1.8.
14David's Midnight Magic117,470Played on VICE3.5, smashing my poor SHIFT.
14Pacmania3,690Played on VICE 3.5.
14Robin To The Rescue1,076Played on VICE 3.5.
15Cuthbert In The Cooler8,720Played on VICE 3.5 using cursor keys.
16Auto Zone5,445Played on YAPE 1.1.8, VICE fails at sound.
27 found.

Mercenary - Escape From Targ
[ Download ]
File size: 1.23 MB.
Mercenary - Escape From Targ
[ Download ]
File size: 1.60 MB.
2 found.

My favorite classic games on C16/Plus4:

A Hős Lovag - ACE +4 - ACE 2 - Arena 3000 - Arthur Noid - Atlantis - Auf Wiedersehen Monty - Auto Zone - Baby Berks - Back To Nature - Bandits At Zero - Berks 3 - Big Mac - Blaze - BMX Simulator - Bomb Jack - Bongo - Borrowed Time - Bubble Trouble - Cuthbert Enters The Tombs Of Doom - Cuthbert In Space - Cuthbert In The Cooler - Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában - David's Midnight Magic - Death Race 16 - Defence-16 - Deja Vu - Dork's Dilemma - Dudaorrú Patric - Elite +4 - Exorcist - Finders Keepers - Fire Ant - Formula 1 Simulator - G-Man - Gnasher - Harvey Headbanger - Head Over Heels - Hungaroring - Icicle Works - Időlabirintus - Jack Attack - Jet Set Willy - Kikstart - Killapede - Laser Squad - Legionnaire - Limonade - Locomotion 2 - Major Blink - Menekülés - Mercenary - Escape From Targ - Monty On The Run - Moon Buggy - Mr. Puniverse - Number Builder - Number Chaser - Olympic Skier - Out On A Limb - Pacmania - Paperboy - Project Nova - Prospector Pete - Punchy - Purple Turtles - Puzzle Shuffle - Ramazuri - Rescue From Zylon - Robin To The Rescue - Rózsaszín Párduc - Saboteur! - Saboteur 2 (MB) - Skramble - Skyhawk - Snooker & Pool - Space Pilot - Spectipede - Spy Vs Spy - Spy Vs Spy III - Squirm - Summer Events - Super Cobra - Sziget - Tass Times In Tonetown - Terra Cognita - The Magician's Curse - Timeslip - Tir Na Nog - Tom Thumb - Total Eclipse - Tower Of Evil - Trailblazer - Treasure Island - Tube Runner - Tutti Frutti - Twin Kingdom Valley (Crown) - Vegas Jackpot - Video Meanies - Winter Events - X The Adventure - XCellor8 - Xzap

Please feel free to suggest other really good games if I'm missing something!

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