| A Hős Lovag (The Heroic Knight) | Title: | A Hős Lovag (The Heroic Knight) | Category: | Game/Adventure | Release Date: | 1986 | Language: | Hungarian | Size: | 16K | Machine: | PAL & NTSC | Code Type: | Basic | Distribution: | Commercial/TA | Product Code: | ED 40 | Retail Price: | 250 HUF | Game ending type: | Has an end, game ends | |  | Distributed by: | Novotrade Magyarország | Code by: | Tihor, Miklós | Additional code by: | Brazil | Notes: | AKA A Hos Lovag. The first commercial Hungarian language adventure game. The original version of this game (without custom font and accents) was written in 1985, see below. |
Broken crack:
Original version:
With loading screen:
User Rating: 6.1/10 (6 votes)
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Original release | Novotrade Magyarország | 1986 | Commercial | ED 40 | 250 HUF | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 1 |
1 found. |
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| Covers |  Cassette Cover |
 Cassette Inlay (Page 1) |
 Cassette Inlay (Page 2) |
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| Origins | (paraphrased from several email in 2023)
"A Hős Lovag (The Heroic Knight) was originally called Bátor Lovag (The Brave Knight). This was written some time in 1985, when my C16 was new. Back then I visited Miki with my machine to conduct some experiments (such as checking compatibility with the C64 through simple POKE commands, etc). We quickly abandoned this, but then had the idea to write an adventure game. Since it can be written in BASIC, it won't need any hardware compatibility. The entire program was made in one afternoon, and then later, he finished it without me on his C64 (since that's what he had). I want to clarify that our games didn't share code, our games weren't modified versions of the other's code or vice versa.
I'm not sure why the game got renamed, we definitely worked on it before Novotrade released it, and I can't confirm that it's 100% the same as the original '85 version.
I don't have any information about the sale of the program, and I don't know how much of it was sold, I wasn't involved in the business part of it. I don't think it was a resounding success because they were very reluctant to release a similar program. I was around Octasoft at the time, and I certainly remember that before the release of Logikai Áramkörök they looked at what was ready, but they didn't want any of the adventure games I wrote."
Note: The C64 version (which also bears the original name) can be played online here.
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| Solutions - Hints | Hogy jutok át az árkon? Csak ugord át (ugrik). Mit csináljak a pókkal? Ha a bot nálad van: öl pók. Honnan szerezzek pénzt a kardra? Az erdőben van egy fészer, abban egy ásó. A megfelelő helyen: ás, ott a ládika, amiben arany van. Az útonálló mindig megöl! Fejbe kell dobni egy kővel. Hol találok egy követ? A játék elején, a köves úton. Nem tudom felvenni az életvizet! Fújd meg a sípot, amit a pók megöléséért kaptál. A sárkány mindig megöl! Viseld a páncélt amit az öregasszonytól kapsz a pogácsáért.
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| Solutions - Complete | fog bot, fog pogácsa ki, k, fog kő k, ugrik, é üt pók (+5%, kapsz egy sípot) d, k, d, ny, ny, húz fuldokló (+5%, kapsz egy kulcsot) k, d, k, d, ny fog ásó k, d, be fúj síp (+5%) fog életvíz ki, é, é, k ás (+5%) fog ládikó nyit ládikó (+5%, arany) ny, ny, é, k, é, k fog kismadárka fel letesz kismadárka (+5%, gyűrű) le, k vesz kard (+5%) é, k ad pogácsa (+5%, páncél) ki, d, k, d dob kő (+5%) k visel gyűrű (+5%) fel, k mozdít szikla (+5%) ny, d visel páncél (+5%) k öl sárkány (+5%) használ életvíz (+5%) k, d, ny, é, ny, é, fel (+30% = total 100%)
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