Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Retail Price:£2.99
Game ending type:No end (highscore)
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Released by:Yes! Software
Code by:Kent, Robert W.
Notes:Eat the dots but beware of the chasing ghosts. Extra life at 10,000 points. Cracked by Boemmel Cracking. The fastload version uses Razorload (a fastloader from Razorsoft).
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    ZX Spectrum release

User Rating: 5.4/10 (7 votes)
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Gnasher Title Screenshot

Gnasher Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseYes! Software1986-12-03Commercial£2.99CassetteUnspecified2
1 found.

Hall Of Fame
1Spektro252,380YAPE/SDL 0.80.1
2Luca159,670Played using YAPE 1.1.6, PSX joypad.

Description: 100+4/2 (Book/Hungarian) pg. 58
Review: Commodore Computi... August 1986 (Magazine/English) pg. 46
Advertisement: Commodore Computi... September 1986 (Magazine/English) pg. 2

Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover
The '16K' text printed on the front cover could have been interpreted as a hint about the need of a limited memory for the game to run correctly.
This is proven to be not true, as the game runs anyway, with any memory expansion.

Physical Media
Cassette (No Turbo)
Cassette (No Turbo)

Review (Commodore Computing International, August 1986)
Gnasher is the C16 version of the old time favourite arcade game, Pacman, and is quite a good conversion. It is good to see, as most conversion Pacman games are a load of rubbish.
After loading Gnasher, you are presented with a title page made of Commodore keyboard graphic characters, with a line of smooth-scrolling text at the bottom, so it was with low expectations that I hit F1 to start the game. To coin a phrase, I was very pleasantly surprised with what I saw. The graphics are good as far as Pacman games go, even if the sound effects are a little pathetic; a sort of glooping noise.
When you load the game, you can either press F1 to start the game and play with a joystick, or press F2 and define your own keys. This is a very good idea, and is easy to implement, so I don't see why other programs don't include it. You select the keys you want to use for up, down, left and right, and then enter the game.
Level 1 is incredibly easy. I don't think the ghosts could have been made less intelligent if the programmers had tried. But as you rise through the levels, they get amazingly clever, until the game becomes almost impossible. This allows you to get into the game for the first time without it ending discouragingly quickly; a good idea. An extra life is given at 10,000 points.
If you like Pacman, get this game. Although it isn't a masterpiece, it is a very good conversion.

Graphics: 3/5; Sound: 3/5; Playability: 4/5; CCI Rating: CRISP

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>22F2 A5
Unlimited lives
G 1500
Restart game

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