Summer Events
Title:Summer Events
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk or Tape
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Retail Price:£9.95 (C); 29,95DM
Game ending type:(n/a)
 Play Online!
Produced by:Kingsoft
Released by:Anco
Cracked by:Hungarian Cracking Service (HCS)
Re-released by:Top30
Code by:Gertz, Udo
Music by:Gertz, Brigitte
Cracked by:TPPC
Cracked by:Supy
Notes:The last C16/Plus4 creation by Udo Gertz which is one of the most astounding C16/Plus4 games ever released. The game was released in Germany as "Sommer Olympiade" by Kingsoft. Cracked by AC Soft.
User Rating: 9.4/10 (25 votes)
Summer Events Title Screenshot

Summer Events Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Anco releaseAnco1987Commercial£9.95 (C); 29,95DMCassetteDouble boxUnspecified4
Kingsoft releaseKingsoft1987CommercialCassetteDouble boxUnspecified2
Kingsoft diskKingsoft1987CommercialDiskUnspecified1
3 found.

Hall Of Fame
1Luca01.16.0Played on the real machine.
3retroscener01.46.1Played on a real C16.
4Csabo01.57.8YAPE 1.1.0c.
5SYS 6552902.09.1VICE 2.4.
6Michael FunTec TV02.45.1
1Luca0:32:3Played on the real machine.
3Michael FunTec TV1:03:3
4Csabo1:24:7YAPE 1.1.0c.
5retroscener1:32:7Played on a real C16.
6SYS 655291:37:3VICE 2.4.
1Luca69.49Played on the real machine.
1gc84169.49Played on a plus/4.
2Csabo67.74YAPE 1.1.0c.
4retroscener66.33Played on a real C16.
5SYS 6552963.49VICE 2.4.
6Michael FunTec TV46.66
Platform Diving
1gc841144.64Played on Yape v1.1.7.
2Luca133.24Played on the real machine.
3retroscener120.84Played on a real C16.
5Csabo114.42YAPE 1.1.0c.
6Michael FunTec TV027.36
Pole Vault
1Luca6.00Played on the real machine.
1retroscener6.00Played on a real C16.
1gc8416.00Played on a plus/4.
3Csabo4.80YAPE 1.1.0c.
Skeet Shooting
1gc841400Played on a plus/4.
2Luca380Played on the real machine.
3retroscener240Played on a real C16.
4Csabo220YAPE 1.1.0c.
5SYS 65529140VICE 2.4.
6Michael FunTec TV110
Weight Lifting
1Luca440Played on the real machine.
2retroscener315Played on a real C16.
3Csabo300YAPE 1.1.0c.
4Michael FunTec TV100

Summer Events (Intro)
Opening Ceremony (Summer Events)
Summer Events (Menu)
Summer Events (DDR Menu)
Butterfly (Summer Events)
Pole Vault (Summer Event)
Javelin (Summer Events)
Skeet Shooting (Summer Events)
Platform Diving (Summer Events)
Cycling (Summer Events)
Weight Lifting (Summer Events)
Closing Ceremony (Summer Events)

Derived Software
C16 Best 2
Summer Events (TBL)
Trainer System

Preview: ZZAP! C16 (Magazine/English) pg. 5
Review: Zzap! 17 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 26
Preview: Zzap! 15 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 44
Previewed: Compute Mit SA 1/87 (Magazine/German) pg. 4
Review: Compute Mit SA 4/87 (Magazine/German) pg. 6
Review: RUN (German) 10/1987 (Magazine/German) pg. 144
Review: Commodore Welt 1/88 (Magazine/German) pg. 34
Oskar 1986: Aktueller Softwar... 1/1987 (Magazine/German) pg. 61
News: Aktueller Softwar... 1/1987 (Magazine/German) pg. 65
Review: Aktueller Softwar... 10/1987 (Magazine/German) pg. 58
Previewed: Commodore Computi... June 1987 (Magazine/English) pg. 72
Review: Bit Games November 1987 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 3
Review: Bulletin 01 04 (Magazine/Dutch) pg. 4
News: Computer & Video... May 1987 (Magazine/English) pg. 103
Advertisement: Happy Computer 1/87 (Magazine/German) pg. 100
Review: Retro Gamer 264 (Magazine/English) pg. 33
Review: Retro Computer Sp... 1 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 82

PartEffect nameParametersNotes
Extended Vertical Border 
256k Support Optional version.

Cassette Cover (Anco)
Submitted by Rüdiger
Cassette Cover (Anco)
[ Large cover ]
Sommer Olympiade Cassette Cover (German Release)
Sommer Olympiade Cassette Cover (German Release)
Disk Cover
Disk Cover

Listed events are six: Swimming, Cycling, High Board Diving, Kyaking, Steeple Chase, Pole Vault.

Additional Software Materials
Advertisement Leaflet
Advertisement Leaflet
This fine work of art was printed back in 1987 and shipped with Summer Events.

On the face side you were shown images of four classics from Anco and these them self also held the front cover art work to each game. On the back side was black and white text with the quick low down on some of the goodies they had for sell including that all important price tag from the day.

Download scans:
Small Front - Small Back - Large Front - Large Back.

Physical Media
Diskette (Sommer Olympiade)
Submitted by IQ666
Diskette (Sommer Olympiade)
Cassette (Sommer Olympiade)
Submitted by Rüdiger
Cassette (Sommer Olympiade)
Submitted by Rüdiger
Cassette (Anco)
Submitted by IQ666
Cassette (Anco)

Cassette Back Cover: English Instructions
Page 1

Page 2

Leaflet: German Instructions
Page 1

Page 2


seintroaCompete in seven exciting events: Pole Vault, Weight Lifting, Skeet Shooting,
Platform Diving, Cycling, Javelin and Swimming.
seopenaThe opening day of Summer Events has come. An athlete with a torch runs into the stadium and lights the flame to herald the beginning of the competition.
seaButterfly Swimming: This is a two man relay race, each person must swim the length of the pool and back.
sebPole Vault: This event requires, agility and superb timing. BAR hight and status message are displayed on the screen. The Height you clear depends on your planting the pole correctly and the perfect timing to impact the forward kick.
wecJavelin: The distance you throw the javelin depends on the speed of your run and angle of elevation of the javelin at the time of the throw.
sedSkeet Shooting: The aim is to shoot as many skeets as possible in eight rounds. You are provied with five shots in each round.
seePlatform Diving: You can select one of the four dive options 'FORWARD BACKWARD-REVERSE-INWARD' To receive high scores from the judges, you should attempt as many somersaults as you can entering the water in a good diving position.
sefCycling: Move the joystick in the direction of the arrow shown on the screen, the movement is rotational.
wegWeight Lifting: Two styles of weight lifting are attempted. Two Hand Snatch and the Clean And Jerk.
Closing ceremony.

Events That Weren't
Looking in the Udo Gertz Graphic Editor disks, few unreleased graphic elements can be found, according to several preview articles on various magazines. Here you can see them: an almost completed Rowing event with an early mapping of finished background elements and a complete animation, a full animated Hurdles event runner, few frames of an unimplemented Crawl Swimming and a very early stage for a background of Archery event.
Probably, the animation for the previously announced Horse Riding event has been later used in the Closing Ceremony instead.


rowing background




Oddities From Adverts
Summer Events shows all the Kingsoft's great skills and knowledge, and still nowadays it continues to astonish the users due to the big amount of details they stored in less than 16K. Getting success in optimize the whole thing would appear to be a tough work, and probably that's the reason why it's possible to spot out some differences comparing the actual ingame screens with older screenshots published in various advertising material.

oddities 1: platform divingIn the German magazine Compute Mit issue 87-1, a silver coloured advert page had been published, showing: the best awarded hit Winter Olympiade, and the forthcoming Sommer Olympiade, roughly claimed to be out in January 1987. For the latter one, three screens were shown in that advert, and two of them (Cycling and Pole Vault) will never change, both in adverts and official back cover.
The third of them, a Platform Diving screenshot, is a very rare game shot, showing an early version of pool's backdrop with different elements.
In the following issue of Compute Mit (issue 87-2), a new advert will show the actual graphics for Platform Diving event, leaving to us all the curiosity about that strange brown oblique stuff.
oddities 2: opening ceremonyOn both adverts and cover, this is the screenshot about the Opening Ceremony in the beginning of the game.
The whole stadium's upper slice appears to be almost the same of Winter Events opening ceremony, with flags, clouds, crowd and all the rest, and with no athletics track and entrance gates. Flags order is changed, and the white mountain peaks had been erased.
The pole vault installation looks very different, even in colour and in positional perspective. Examining the little picture, it's not sure the colour for the running torch-bearer was originally black.
oddities 1: platform divingAt a very first sight, Javelin event's graphics seem to be the actual one. After a better examination, there are two elements that differ from the final game.
The stadium's lower bounds appear to be different, a bit more complex in the design, using certain graphic elements very close to their equivalent in the Butterfly Swimming event.
Although it's difficult to see in the screenshot, the athletics track is spotted by some dirt and pebbles.
oddities 4: pole vaultThe Pole Vault screenshot had never been changed in the whole advertising operation of the game, and reached the official game's cover untouched and unchanged. The strange fact is that: it looks heavily different compared to the actual game.
The stadium reaches the top of the screen, and without waving flags, because the higher stadium used in Winter Events Opening Ceremony here merges with the new entrance gates. Also, the elements we previously noticed in the Javelin's screenshot, can be found here too: stadium bounds and track's dirt.
There's dirt also in the green field and on the vault's track, and both field and track don't show the horizontal perspective coloured lines. The design for the track is someways different too.
The pillow on the right is very different, white skirted and with light dirt all around. Mainly, the positional perspective is completely different, though the two rods that keep up the bar seem to be the same.
The main sprite looks absolutely different in shape animation and colours. The man has brown skin, wears in black and doesn't have white elements on him apart of the pole itself. He holds his pole under an arm, and not over his head like in the actual game.
oddities 5: pole vaultThis is the equivalent screenshot regarding the pole vault event, but taken from the Kingsoft multigame advertisement which had been published on several German magazines. It's quite cleaner than the previous one, and similar features are here very clear, like the lighter border around the pillow. It may be that the previous picture of pole vault event was badly stretched and altered in colours.
oddities 6: pole vaultA bigger image of pole vault from German magazines. Now we're able to read the player's name as "Harald".

Commodore Show Preview
Anco presented a preview of Summer Events at a Commodore Show, as reported by Eugene Lacey in a Commodore User magazine issue. The article reports that it would be released as an 8 events multiload game, but the official release included 7 events only. Actually, Lacey described Kayaking as the missing event!
Also worthy of note: the screenshot reporting the demo version of Pole Vault.

Click on the thumbnail to see the full pages'scan.

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