Jerry's Quest
Title:Jerry's Quest
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only (1 side)
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:No end (highscore)
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Released by:Chain
Created by:TCFS
Distributed by:Nukeman
Additional code by:Stinky
Additional code by:BSZ
Additional graphics by:Sharp
Notes:A cute Super Mario style game. Guide Jerry through 8 levels, collecting fruit and magic crystals, avoiding toadstools and all the enemies.
User Rating: 9.0/10 (22 votes)
User comments: Read comments
Jerry's Quest Title Screenshot

Jerry's Quest Screenshot

Game Endings
This game is confirmed
to have no ending.

Hall Of Fame
1Csabo3,815Reached level 5 with 3 lives, feel in the water each time.
2siz3,670Real plus/4, joystick.
4David3602,925Played on YAPE, reached level 4.
5Silly Thing Codename W1,700
7RoePipi1,145Played on VICE 3.5 using keys.
8DGS130Played on YAPE.
9gerliczer120plus4emu 1.2.11.
10Chronos105Played on a real Commodore 16.

Review: K&A Plus 07 (Magazine/Polish) pg. 16

PartEffect nameParametersNotes
DYCP Trainer version.

Jerry walkingThis is Jerry. You can move him with the cursor keys and jump with Shift, or use a joystick in port 1.
Magic CrystalThese are the Magic Crystals that Jerry collects. They are worth 25 points each.
Jerry's favourite fruits... Yum.On each level you must also collect all the fruits. They are worth 5 points each.
ToadstoolJerry does not like toadstools - remember, he is not Mario... Picking up a toadstool reduces the time left by 10.
There are many enemies Jerry has to watch out for. Most of them follow a simple pattern. The earthworm, however, will always turn and run towards Jerry if they are at the same height. Jerry has no way of killing the enemies, jumping on them or touching them will lose a life. The only exception is dropping a boulder on them - some enemies will die and Jerry will find a fruit.
The Turtle, The Crab and The Earthworm
Another enemy of Jerry's
Door and key
Sometimes Jerry needs to find keys to open doors. Jerry can carry up to three keys at a time.
The purple blocks contain fruits or magic crystals. To get these, Jerry has to bump into the block from the bottom so the hidden treasure pops up.
Jerry bumps into a block to get the fruit hidden inside.

Collect the required number of magic crystals and fruits before the counter reaches zero. Collect up to three keys at once to open the gates. Additional items can be found: headbutting purple tiles, squashing the walking foes by moving rocks, let the walking foes falling from above. Mushrooms have to be avoided: they reduces the countdown by 10 seconds. In some levels you can find underground chambers that are separated and seem to be unreachable. In this case please try to find a hidden wall where you can start digging (only left and right digging is possible).

Joystick in port 1 or Cursor Keys+SHIFT

LEFT walk to the left
RIGHT walk to the right
DOWN scream (to instantly have enemies change direction)
FIRE jump

ESC suicide
F1 move score box
F2 change score box color
F3 music on/off
HELP sfx on/off

Image Gallery
Jerry's Quest Screenshot #1
Intro screen with the usual scrollers and raster bars.
Jerry's Quest Screenshot #2
The title screen.
Jerry's Quest Screenshot #3
Jerry on level three.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>546B AD
Unlimited lives (enter in emulator monitor)
>5308 00
Invulnerability (enter in emulator monitor)
>59BE 00
Floor doesn't crumble

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