| Tom Thumb | Title: | Tom Thumb | Category: | Game/Platformer | Release Date: | 1985 | Language: | English | Size: | 16K | Machine: | PAL Only | Code Type: | Machine code | Distribution: | Commercial/PD | Game ending type: | Has an end, restarts (reward) | |  | Produced by: | Kingsoft | Released by: | Anirog | Re-released by: | Top30 | Code by: | Gertz, Udo | Cracked by: | Floppy Robby | Trained by: | Apos | Cracked by: | The Bitsoft Ltd | Cracked by: | KMS | Notes: | AKA Tom 16. Later Anirog releases reports Anco on the cassette label. Tom+ has a built in invulnerability cheat. |
64K only:
Apos trainer:
C16 only:
Floppy Robby crack:
KMS crack:
TBL crack:
Various platforms early stages:
External links: C64 release VIC20 release
User Rating: 9.1/10 (23 votes) User comments: Read comments
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Anirog release | Anirog | 1985 | Commercial | | | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 4 |
1 found. |
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| Sounds/Music | Link | Filesize | Description |
[ Download ] | 2.05MB | A remix of the original Tom Thumb in-game music in MP3 format. (by Csabo) |
[ Download ] | 3.1 MB | An amazing techno remix of the original music in MP3 format. (by MIK) |
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| Covers | |
 Cassette Cover (Kingsoft Release) Missing VC-20 version. |
 Cassette Cover Instructions (Kingsoft Release) |
 Cassette Cover (Kingsoft Release) |
 Cassette Cover (Anirog) (Multiformat) |
 Cassette Cover Inlay (Anirog) (Multiformat) |
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| Advertisements |  Advertisement Earliest advertisement known. |
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| Physical Media |  Cassette (Kingsoft - Black) |
 Cassette (Kingsoft, Multiformat) |
 Cassette (Anirog) |
 Cassette (Anirog, Multiformat) |
 Cassette (Anirog, Turbo) |
 Cassette (Anco) |
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| Maps | Download: tomcsabo.gif Created by Csabo Description: Game Map Dimensions: 4032x2400 File size: 672 KB. One of the largest maps ever. |
Download: tompreview.gif Created by Noro Description: Game Map Preview Dimensions: 4200x1200 File size: 231 KB. |
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| Instructions | Best way to play Tom Thumb if using a Joystick!
Once you start the game press the SHIFT/LOCK key to the down position - This will allow Tom to automactilly run. The whole game can be complete in this way with Tom continuously in RUN mode.
Not fully explained in the game cover instructions is the way Tom can Jump. Tom has 2 jumps when he is in run mode.
Up/Left or Up/Right Tom will jump high. Down/Left or Down/Right Tom will jump low.
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| Game Over | Once you have completed Tom Thumb you are taken back to the very start to face the many dangers all over again, but this time spikes have been placed down all over the pyramid. Udo only had 16k of memory to play with and in an effort to keep the game going he added at random spikes with in the game. In truth Udo's trick keeped me wondering for years what was beyond a set of spikes I could not pass. The small screen grab (left) shows you the point at which I was stuck. Trying to get the timing of the jump was impossible, or so I thought? With the Bat, Spikes and Flower getting me every time I lost all my lives trying.
In the end I cracked it! The trick was not only the timing of the jump but where Tom had to jump from. The second small screen grab (Left) shows you the position to jump from. When a set of spikes are in the floor with only the middle spike showing you can walk up next to the spike and not die ! Doing a low jump from here the quest for the treasure was on.
Now I could continue with Tom Thumb I was on a mission to see what was at the end of the game. Going back the random spikes the game does come to a sad end. The 3rd screen grab (Left) displays a bug with the random spikes. Tom can not pass through the spikes sat on top of the ladder. Even with the spikes down Tom can not pass and this is because your are able to stand next the the center spike when all spikes are down, in effect blocking the ladder aswell. At this point in the game I have just opened door 2 and on my way to get key 3. I'm hoping this screen grab is something special as I believe this is the highest score of 198000, maximum keys of 28 and the maximum amount of 13 lives that you can possibly get !! Game Over. There has been no cheating no tricks involved with this grab. Let us know if it's possible to go beyond here or you have a higher score. I only needed to find one more treasure to get 14 lives ;-)
This issue included in the original game has been definitely solved by fixing a mistake in the code used to restat the game with more spikes, implemented in the production called Tom Thumb Deluxe, as main and most important fix among many others, plus six useful cheats.
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| The Curse Of Ghost Town | The curse of Ghost Town is a little tune hidden in the game! Some of you may have heard this before? You may have heard at some points in the game little musical notes playing when going up and down ladders or after jumping of a spring. The notes can also be heard when going through the small platforms. As in the screen grab (Left) you can sometimes find a point where you can get the whole tune to play. The best bet is to go up and down the ladders until you can find a spot, remember not all ladders you can do this but it's easy to find one that will. If you listen carefully you can almost make out some of the tune and this tune is made up from notes of Ghost Town! As you know Udo also coded the game Ghost Town. Very Spooky!! Right now the emulators can't play the whole tune and only some notes. You can still make out parts of the tune if you're lucky, but for now your need a real C16/Plus4 to hear it 100% correct.
If you don't have access to a real C16/Plus4 we have an MP3 of the tune for you to download. This is one full cut of the original looping tune.
 Ghost_Tune.mp3 650k
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| Cheats - How do I use cheats? | Once you've run out of lives, press W or pull down on the joystick and a new game will begin from the last location where you've either previously collected an object or last opened a door.
| Built-in cheat |
>35CD EA
| Unlimited lives (enter in emulator monitor) |
>1C67 2C
| Invulnerability (enter in emulator monitor) |
Type in the following listing and SAVE if required. RUN the listing and if successful the screen will clear and you'll see SYS1632 at the top. Move the cursor to the top line and press RETURN and the game loads with infinite lives.
0 REM TOM THUMB HACK BY WAZ 1 FOR WA=1632 TO 1672:READ Z:C=C+Z:POKE WA,Z:NEXT 2 IF C<>4548 THEN PRINT "DATA ERROR":END 3 PRINT CHR$(147);"SYS 1632":NEW 10 DATA 169,000,032,189,255,032,027,227 11 DATA 032,096,241,032,033,234,169,033 12 DATA 141,090,003,169,129,141,091,003 13 DATA 169,007,141,092,003,076,012,241 14 DATA 141,025,255,169,154,141,205,053 15 DATA 096
| Infinite lives (Anirog/Anco versions) |
Type in the following listing and SAVE if required. RUN the listing and if successful the screen will clear and you'll see SYS1632 at the top. Move the cursor to the top line and press RETURN and the game loads with infinite lives.
0 REM TOM KINGSOFT HACK BY WAZ 1 FOR WA=1632 TO 1672:READ Z:C=C+Z:POKE WA,Z:NEXT 2 IF C<>4394 THEN PRINT "DATA ERROR":END 3 PRINT CHR$(147);"SYS 1632":NEW 10 DATA 169,000,032,189,255,032,027,227 11 DATA 032,096,241,032,033,234,169,033 12 DATA 141,090,003,169,129,141,091,003 13 DATA 169,007,141,092,003,076,012,241 14 DATA 141,025,255,169,000,141,205,053 15 DATA 096
| Infinite lives (Kingsoft C16 only version) |
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