It is a fake Sim City toy, where you can place roads and different building zones in the screen area and watch them getting populated while years slowly passing by. Oh, and you may be getting rich.

Feels Like A City
Title:Feels Like A City
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
 Play Online!
Code by:RoePipi
Notes:A fixed version was released 2020-04-13, see below.
User Rating: 8.5/10 (2 votes)
Feels Like A City Screenshot

BASIC 10Liner 2020PUR-8019,30

At the top, you can see the actual year, population and your funds (in undetermined units). Time is slowly passing by.
At the bottom, there is a short guide about the usable keys.

You can move the cursor around using the cursor keys, or place various items using the corresponding keys:
(R)esidential zones: They cost 200 units. They are the living places for people, who will rush to occupy these. They can hold 200 people, and you get 120 money units back till they fill up. You must place residential zones first to have any movement at all.
(C)ommercial zones: They cost 300 units. People will work in these, provided that you place them just beside already occupied zones, or connect them via roads. From time to time, you earn 10 units from companies working there.
(I)ndustrial zones: They cost 400 units. People will work AND produce goods in these, provided that you connect them to other occupied zones. From time to time, they pay you 30 units from the production happening there.
You can place any kind of zones on top of others. Your population will remain, and new people will occupy these places. However, you won't get more levels of revenues from new commercial and industrial zones.
(SPC) Roads: They cost 5 units per piece. They connect zones together. With time, you can see cars parking in them, bringing workers to industrial and commercial zones. You can't place roads on already occupied places. Note that people don't like to drive too much, so try to minimize distances.

Of course, when all your present people occupy some kinds of workplaces (number of full green blocks equals full purple plus full orange blocks), no more people will be there to work! You'll need new residential zones.

Beware, if you run out of funds, you can't afford building anything till funds fill up to positive range. However, you are allowed to build zones partially on loans.

Try to build the biggest city you imagine!

lines purpose
----- -------
0-1 init
2-3 stats, player move
4 cursor display
5-6 player buildings
7 people settling in
8-9 evolve roads and zones

A$ pressed key
const C cursor POKE address base (65292)
const C$(2-4) characters for different zones
const D diff between color map <-> char map (1024)
E year (2000-)
F funds
I loop variable
const K high bit (128)
const K$(2-4) color codes for different zones
M occupied workplaces (0-)
O population (0-)
P actual POKE address (3072-4071)
const R road POKE (160)
const S screen start (without stats line) (3112)
U actual pos color PEEK (0-255)
V how many populations around (0-4)
const V(0-3) view directions (-1,1,-40-40)
W actual pos PEEK (0-255)
X actual X pos (1-37)
Y actual Y pos (1-21)
Z actual pos to evolve (3112-4031)

EXTENDED CODE (using CBM Prg Studio for special characters)
0 C=65292:S=3112:K=128:FORI=0TO4:READC$(I),K$(I),V(I):NEXT:D=K*8:F=1000:E=2*F:X=19:Y=11
1 R=160:COLOR0,Y:COLOR4,2,6:PRINT"{black}{clear}":CHAR,1,24,"{orange}feels like a city * use crsr,spc,r,c,i"
2 E=E+.001:PRINT"{home}{black}year"INT(E)" people:"O"{left} funds:"F"{left} ":GETA$:IFA$="{left}"THENX=X-1-(X<2)
3 IFA$="{right}"THENX=X+1+(X>36):ELSEIFA$="{up}"THENY=Y-1-(Y<2):ELSEIFA$="{down}"THENY=Y+1+(Y>20)
4 P=X+Y*40+S:POKEC+1,PAND255:POKEC,P/256:IFF<5THEN7:DATA,,-1,,,1,R,"{green}",-40,C,"{blue}",40,I,"{orange}",
6 IFA$=C$(I)THENCHAR,X-1,Y,K$(I)+"O{183}P{down}{left*3}{165} {167}{down}{left*3}L{175}{186}{up}{left*2}{black}"+C$(I):F=F-I*100:NEXT:ELSENEXT

"FEELS LIKE A CITY" - use title to prepare player to accept a lesser simulation (also avoid using "SIM" in title to avoid copyright problems)

line 0 - INIT START

C=65292 - use hardware cursor to
- give the environment a seamless feel
- avoid PEEKing and POKEing around

S=3112 - set screen start just below the stats line

K=128 - high bit to check/set reversing in game

FOR I=0 TO 4:READ C$(I),K$(I),V(I):NEXT - fill up some arrays from DATA in line 4

D=K*8 - set color map <-> char map diff (1024), saving 1 char

F=1000:E=2*F:X=19:Y=11 - set funds, starting year, coordinates; note that starting year is 2x the starting funds, saving another char in line

line 1

R=160 - screen code for roads, also we will consider every zone "occupied" above this

COLOR 0,Y:COLOR 4,2,6 - screen colors; Y is good for this (in retrospect, it wasn't necessary, as line is 2 chars below the limit)

PRINT "{black}{clear}" - clear screen with color black, so POKEing a road char won't need POKEing a color code, too

CHAR,1,24,"{orange}feels like a city * use crsr,spc,r,c,i" - give player a warm welcome and a short guide about what they can do
(also to give the game an "out-of-the-box" feeling)

line 2 - LOOP START

E=E+.001 - important to balance out the passage of time; in a year, every char in the playfield gets some chance to evolve

PRINT "{home}{black}year"INT(E)" people:"O"{left} funds:"F"{left} " - display stats; not rushing player displaying months or such;
note the auto-erasing leftover digits feature (in retrospect, I would have indented this line just 1 char;
also, deleting digits from 'people' count is unnecessary as it won't decrease)

GET A$:IF A$="{left}" THEN X=X-1-(X<2) - starting the long key-checking and keeping the player inside the edges, to avoid errors placing 3x3 zones

line 3

IF A$="{right}" THEN X=X+1+(X>36):ELSE IF A$="{up}" THEN Y=Y-1-(Y<2):ELSE IF A$="{down}"THEN Y=Y+1+(Y>20) - yep, it's long...
note the comparison expressions inside the brackets, eg. if (X>36) is true, it returns -1; if false, returns 0.

line 4

P=X+Y*40+S:POKE C+1,P AND 255:POKE C,P/256 - set actual screen address and place hardware cursor

IF F<5 THEN 7 - low funds, skip buildings

DATA,,-1,,,1,R,"{green}",-40,C,"{blue}",40,I,"{orange}", - compressed DATA for check directions and zones

line 5

IF A$=" " AND PEEK(P)=32 THEN POKE P,R:F=F-5:GOTO 7 - build roads only on empty places; skip buildings

ELSE FOR I=2 TO 4 - check for different zone buildings; also I is for 1/100th of their prices

line 6

IF A$=C$(I) THEN CHAR,X-1,Y,K$(I)+"O{183}P{down}{left*3}{165} {167}{down}{left*3}L{175}{186}{up}{left*2}{black}"+C$(I):F=F-I*100
- zone coloring and gfx; pressed key is also for zone letter

NEXT:ELSE NEXT - simple trick after conditional branches to save a line for loop end

line 7

Z=INT(RND(0)*920)+S:W=PEEK(Z):U=PEEK(Z-D) - pick a random position along the 23 lines of playfield; set char and color PEEKs

IF U=53 AND Wadd some funds and people; one 3x3 green zone can hold 200 people (their centers are unused); go back to loop start

line 8

V=0:FOR I=0 TO 3:V=V-(PEEK(Z+V(I))>R):NEXT:IF V=0 THEN 2 - everything else beside unoccupied greens: see if it has "occupied" chars around;
if not, go back to loop start

ELSE IF W=R THEN POKE Z,186:GOTO 2 - if it's a road char, make it occupied by cars (and go back to loop start)

line 9

IF U>69 THEN F=F+10*(U-69) - if it's "above" green (as orange and purple happens to be), give funds to player, orange ranking the highest :)

IF WM THEN POKE Z,W OR K:M=M+25:GOTO 2 - also if it's unoccupied and there are more people than working ones:
occupy and mark as workers (go back to loop start)

ELSE 2 - anything else: back to loop start

ROEPIPI2020 - "signed"; the interpreter won't run it because it's after an (implicit) GOTO

Fixed Version
- Used a more compact method for cursor navigation (in line 3), so it became possible to apply the fix below:
- Fixed a lame bug (in line 2) which scrolled out the playfield (including the bottom line) when PEOPLE and FUNDS together reached 9 digits. Now even if they both reach 6 digits, only some flicker occurs.
- Also changed all '0's to '.'s, thanks to Csabo for the speed hint!

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