Space fighter superstar, Master technician and space fleet commander climb into your cockpit and let battle commence. Reflexes alone will not outmanoeuvre and destroy the alien hordes as they descend in wave after wave of 3 dimensional hostility. Strategy and cunning are essential to your survival as you bring to full effect the capabilities of your on board computer and scanner.
From Novice to battle weary veteran this action spectacular will find out the flaws in your super-human make-up.

Project Nova
Title:Project Nova
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, restarts (reward)
 Play Online!
Released by:Gremlin Graphics
Code by:Moore, Mark J.
Cracked by:Bitsoft
Notes:Also cracked by Mac. In the Omnibus version, the game loads a single file.
User Rating: 7.5/10 (14 votes)
Project Nova Title Screenshot

Project Nova Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has an ending!

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseGremlin Graphics1986CommercialCassetteDouble caseUnspecified2
1 found.

Derived Software
Project Nova (Armati)

Appeared On Compilations

Description: 100+4/3 (Book/Hungarian) pg. 20
Review: ZZAP! C16 (Magazine/English) pg. 3
Review: Zzap! 15 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 42
Review: Aktueller Softwar... 7/1986 (Magazine/German) pg. 71
Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 5 (Magazine/English) pg. 17
Cheat: Commodore Világ 11 (Magazine/Hungarian) pg. 23
News: Popular Computing... Vol 5 No 29 (Magazine/English) pg. 36

Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Cassette Cover English Instructions 1
Cassette Cover English Instructions 1
Cassette Cover English Instructions 2
Cassette Cover English Instructions 2
Cassette Cover English Instructions 3
Cassette Cover English Instructions 3
Cassette Cover German Instructions 1
Cassette Cover German Instructions 1
Cassette Cover German Instructions 2
Cassette Cover German Instructions 2
Cassette Cover German Instructions 3
Cassette Cover German Instructions 3

Physical Media

On the title screen
1. JOYSTICK or CURSOR-keys choose the starting difficulty level.
2. SPACE or FIRE start the game.

In the cockpit (3D VIEW)
1. JOYSTICK or CURSOR-keys control the space ship.
2. SPACE or FIRE fire the laser guns.
3. F for front (AHEAD) view.
4. A for rear (ASTERN) view.
5. C for activating the space ship's computer.
6. F1 activates RED ALARM (full shields).
7. F2 activates ORANGE ALARM (20% shields).
8. F3 turns shields off (GREEN ALARM).
9. HELP repairs damaged systems.
10. 0123456789 (numeric keys) choose the speed.

On the computer screen
1. JOYSTICK or CURSOR-keys choose a new hyperspace destination (marked on the map).
2. H activates the hyper-drive (jump to a different sector of the galaxy).
3. V return to main (cockpit) view.
4. Controls (6) to (10) as in the cockpit view.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>2A80 60
Unlimited energy
>0306 01 00
>2183 2C
>28F8 00
Unlimited screens
>07DF XX (XX = $00 to $10)
Change player rating
G 21D2
Restart game

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