| Posted By
 Luca on 2022-10-27 04:25:18
 | [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Let's ignite this thread where Plus/4 World asks for missing stuff to its beloved users and readers.
First request: TAP files for Plus-Paket 16 and Plus-Paket II. If you have those cassettes and you're able to dump'em onto TAP files, think about us 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2022-10-27 07:53:26
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I received the TAP file for Plus-Paket II from Lacus, it'll be up... "soon". It's a very large pack to process, so I decided on an at-least-one-upload-per-day schedule.
Posted By
 MIK on 2022-11-01 12:53:30
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
This showed up on my Google feed...
Link: GTW 1942
Posted By
 shoulders on 2022-11-28 06:33:38
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Anyone got any ICPUG Newsletters?
I am trying to complete the ICPUG Newsletter set below and then maybe have a copy hosted here.
Also Vol 1 - 3 will be under the banner of IPUG and most likely a less professional photocopied pamphlet.
P.s. I only noticed this thread today so this is sort of a double post 
Posted By
 Thomas on 2022-12-04 18:21:05
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Hm, seems I got 4 TAPs for the "Kingsoft 4er-Pack" which seems to be the same as "Plus-Paket 16"? That was actually the first cassette my father bought for the Plus/4 (came with Berks 1-3), because it had Grandmaster (Chess). We couldn't believe that there should really be 4 games on that short tape (didn't know about Turbo Loaders yet). https://fatpunisher.ddns.net/index.php/s/dkXbXjWdGMxfGYP
Posted By
 Csabo on 2022-12-04 20:03:48
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Plus-Paket II TAP file is up (as well as a mint-condition photo of the cassette), courtesy of Lacus.
Posted By
 Thomas on 2022-12-16 08:21:32
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Looked at the covers, the TAPs I got are definitely from "Plus-Paket 16".
[Edit] Is there something wrong with that?
Posted By
 Csabo on 2022-12-16 08:49:49
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Hey Thomas, sorry about the lack of specific reply I guess it "fell between the cracks", thanks for the reminder.
So the 4 TAP files which are up on your site - we do have those 4 individual TAP files already (see Galaxy, Ghost Town, Grand Master, Tom Thumb). I haven't done a super detailed check to see if these differ in any way from the ones we have, but ideally we would need a single TAP file which is specifically the preservation of that release (so the program order, any different loading screens, etc are preserved). Do you think you could create a single TAP?
Posted By
 Luca on 2022-12-16 09:37:18
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Ah Thomas, I've seen your post but I've probably lost myself in handling the Plus-Paket II's single TAP's, rebuilding the chronicles of the different releases and adding notes here and there.
I'm quite sure we just have the 4 versions included here, but you did a pretty kind move giving us the chance to "touch with bare hands" the truth around this release  You sent the splitted games but would be also cool to have the whole collection as TAP (I only need to merge the TAPs you've sent, but must known the exact sequence in order to offer a truthful and consistent TAP. Do you remeber how the were positioned in the tape?
EDIT: Thomas, are you sure that this is the first time you send these files? I checked and we have archived exactly the same files, samely dated, sometimes with the same filename (Grand Master) :D
Posted By
 Thomas on 2022-12-16 10:57:10
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Oooh, ok, didn't understand it that way, sorry. I never created a single TAP (back in 2003, it seems), and nowadays I don't have the hardware anymore. And currently can't find this specific tape. Thought it would be to annoying to have a single TAP and much more practical to have individual ones. The order... most certainly Grandmaster, Tom around counter 30, Galaxy after that, Ghost Town at the end. It's actually the order on the cover.
[Edit] It is very very possible that I actually sent them earlier. :D [Edit2] Actually, it's in the manual! :-) This is the correct order.
Posted By
 Luca on 2022-12-16 13:56:01
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Thomas, very good! We only need to merge the TAPs in few seconds 
Posted By
 Rüdiger on 2022-12-18 04:25:47
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
So does that mean the TAPs from both Plus Paket have only been put together from the individual TAPs?
Please also note: after loading Tom, the tape continues. Both to see in YAPE, as well as real on the hardware. So stop datasette. Csabo: do you remember, we discussed the effect once, but you couldn't understand it?
By the way, there is also a very early version of the Plus Package, which contains versions of all 4 programs with the graphic bug (16 KB only). You can't see on the cassette whether the old versions are saved either. Grandmaster and Galaxy can also be loaded on the Plus/4 beforehand with a POKE. See also the very old manual, which is available here as a PDF.
This collection was always called "Plus Paket", but always a C16 compilation on the tape label. It wasn't until the end of 1987 that tapes were re-produced again that a new cover for double cassette sleeves was created, whereby the actual cover is the same, just labeled a little differently. A cassette with correct labeling was also included.
The Plus Package was never sold or translated in the UK. There are rumors (which I can't substantiate) that there was also a dispute between Audiogenic and Anirog, because after that the cooperation between Audiogenic and Kingsoft ended.
Posted By
 Luca on 2022-12-18 07:02:48
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Very interesting infos, @Rüdiger, thank you.
The building up of the complete tapes are granted of consistency, because Thomas dumped the TAPs from the same cassette. In other cases, of course, the same doesn't apply, but we've been lucky here I hope that the older version will pop out one day. In the meantime, wow: a release which has been "smeared" in a range of 4 years in different ways! :o
Posted By
 Luca on 2022-12-30 08:53:16
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Hey lads, although we constantly clean up the archive, several classic games' files which were released both as singles and in one or more compilations, need to be assigned to their precise origins. Hence, this is the deal:
if you have the chance to dump the tapes of game compilations which we don't have as entire, non splitted TAP file, please dump it and send it to us.
This will be a great help in order to understand from where different TAPs come. Thank you in advance.
Posted By
 MIK on 2022-12-31 12:35:48
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Something small and maybe interesting that's possibly ultra rare... A Beau-Jolly Compliments Slip

It's actually printed on water marked paper so wasn't something made on the cheap. Sorry it's partly covered over but you know how the internet likes to take advantage of other peoples stuff. That said, even though it's just paper it's a little slip of gaming history that we were all a part of.
Posted By
 Luca on 2022-12-31 16:31:02
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
@MIK scan'em all at your best resolution, we need it too 
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2022-12-31 17:21:11
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Presumably that note was included with a replacement for a faulty tape?
Back in the day, I had something similar from Elite Systems included with a replacement for a C64 game, although it's probably long gone now...
Posted By
 MIK on 2022-12-31 17:42:23
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I don't have that crappy scanner any more that ran on hardware from the last century. A better photo could be done but it would need to be marked and identified to Plus/4 World some how????
And yeah, faulty goods, compilation win with prize in the post or free goodies ect, these slips would be given out by some companies. Last time I got one of these was maybe 2002, from Microsoft lol.
Posted By
 shoulders on 2023-01-15 13:17:46
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
has anyone got any ICPUG disks for the Plus4 / C16?
I have got a most of them but am missing currently from the public domain collection
My plan is to get them all uploaded here at some point. I am just sorting my collection out.
I do have the catalogue disks
Posted By
 Luca on 2023-03-16 08:20:03
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Apparently, all the known tape copies of European Soccer Finals simply don't work on Commodore 16 (yes, they work on Plus/4) from what I've seen via emulators only (have to check at home, transferring the TAPs on real tapes and having some tests): all the copies of Sports 4, Power Pack (Anco) and Kingsoft Sport Show crash in the animated intro after the selection of the team(s).
Once I save an extrapolated .PRG file of the infamous intro, it doesn't work on YAPE but works on any other emulator. The Power Pack (Anco), which includes a revision of the early intro, again doesn't work on YAPE but works on any other emulator.
My guess is that both versions (Kingsoft Sport Show == Sports 4) were broken for C16 and YAPE is the most reliable among the emulators. Even the Italian crack called Sport 4 (yes, an S is missing there) doesn't work either, reiterating the existence of an original bug. Is there somebody here who's a lucky owner of a compilation including European Soccer Finals and an active C16, in order to have an ultimate test on this?
Posted By
 Lavina on 2023-03-16 10:57:15
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
“YAPE is the most reliable emulator” - I would doubt that. In reality there are known (and probably still unknown) issues with all existing emulators. Some new (maybe upcoming??) effects are for example not emulated correctly via YAPE but 100% with Plus4Emu. And there are things that YAPE does better, of course. Maybe TEDwise Plus4emu is more correct, I would say.
Posted By
 Chronos on 2023-03-16 11:10:25
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Just for my two cents, Plus4emu is the most accurate emulator i ever seen, but with a terrible, terrible user interface.. yape is much more user friendly, and thats what i appreciate...
Posted By
 MIK on 2023-03-16 13:14:23
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
This may be linked with regards to tape loading in Yape, and I have said this before...
Hollywood Poker tape does not load correct on a real Plus/4 if you use the Basic LOAD command, it causes the game to crash. However, if you load Hollywood Poker via the machine code monitor on a real Plus/4 the game works and runs perfectly. Yape on the other hand ignores this fact when using the tap image of Hollywood Poker and will load and run the game perfectly using the LOAD command via Basic. Obviously this is wrong if the game works in Yape but not on a real Plus/4 when using the same load command...
It seems to me Yape's LOAD command via Basic could be at fault? Basic LOAD should load a program from $1001 down in memory, Yape is acting as if Basic LOAD is instead loading from the machine code monitor, reading the first few bytes where the game was saved from...??
Posted By
 ANOC on 2023-03-16 12:30:59
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Posted By
 MIK on 2023-03-16 12:38:22
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I just tried the Anco version on a real C16 Rev.A and yes the game crashes, the music is playing and the players start to run down the screen and soon after it hangs. I also tried my 16K Ram pack (28k free memory) and the game again crashed in the same place. Couple of pics for peace of mind.

Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2023-03-16 13:04:27
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I've dug out my Sports 4 tape, and tried it on four machines, with a variety of RAM for good measure, and it always crashes at the same spot as shown above on MIK's machine, after both teams have walked out, unlike on YAPE, which crashes after the first team has walked out.
Posted By
 Luca on 2023-03-16 14:33:39
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
@MIK thank you for the hints, anyway as you can see it's not a matter of tape loading here, even because I added the .PRG cases too. I don't really know much about the situations you have described here, must investigate further...after this one which is still quite a complex one 
@Lavina @Chronos yes, the superior accuracy of plus4emu has been reiterated several times along all those years, nothing new, but I was referring to these results in particular, and that was a guess, as I've written; the inversion of the usual ranking of reliability is actually a paradox to write, in order to increase the interest In the very end, the results show that the known ranking has been respected: plus4emu first 
@Ulysses777 and MIK suuuper thank youuu for your tests, you helped to unveil another little secret fact about the Commodore 16 gaming era. Here's mine too.

And here comes another brick into the entire wall: the Power Pack (Anco) version (dated as minimum 1987 due to the presence of Terra Nova) is actually a fixed version of the Sports 4 version (dated 1986): apart of the BARELY IMPORTANT fact it now works ( ) the garbage on the upper left corner in the intro has gone, and the main game too shows some little fixes, like the fixed typo EVEVTS ->EVENTS on the right side of the field compared to the older version.

Unfortunately, the late version introduces another graphic glitch when setting the last flag on the right side, scattering flag's garbage on 4 chars until the flag's animation reduces them to two. If I would have a buck to bet on something, I'd bet on the fact that those $FE graphic glitches are somewhat linked to the crashing bug shown in the earlier version.

plus4emu is once again extremely reliable, YAPE shows me something I don't see on the real machine, and in the bugged version it crashes too early compared to what we've seen on the real machine, but it reproduced a bug and crashed where there's no crash on the real machine, signaling me there was a bug! @Gaia tagging you here, it's much more easy than texting all this to you by other ways 
Useless to say that our intent is to improve things, no negative or suspect criticism is involved, obviously.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2023-03-16 15:17:46
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
One thing I've found so far with why it crashes earlier on YAPE than the real thing, is that on YAPE, when writing to some addresses in the $FE00-$FEFF range in 16K mode, some of the writes get through to the mirrored RAM at $3E00-$3EFF, whereas they don't get through on a real machine (the RAM should be unaffected).
Posted By
 MIK on 2023-03-17 02:34:34
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Wow Winter Evevts! Nice spot Luca! 
Good to know all our real C16's crashed in the same way! A good sign they are all healthy 38 year olds. 
Posted By
 Gaia on 2023-03-18 18:56:00
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Ulysses was right, some writes accidentally did get through in YAPE in C16 mode (this will be fixed soon), hence it crashed earlier. The real culprit is however, that the game's code gets overwritten in C16 mode in a way that it ultimately ends up jumping to the $FEFE memory location, which is either the 1551 drive's or open address space. So what it exactly does there is mostly random (end may not be consistent), but a crash is guaranteed.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-21 04:53:53
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I'm duplicating this post in order to match a better topic.
Apparently, we would need tape dumps of Bounder And Planet Search, the suspect is that our current TAP of Planet Search comes from the Omnibus compilation.
We would eventually need: the TAP dump of XCellor8, Dork's Dilemma, Kung-Fu Kid, Monty On The Run, Sword Of Destiny, Petals Of Doom original releases, as the ones we have now share the same A100000 Novaload serial number as seen in Omnibus II.
For the same or similar reasons, the original releases of Bounder, The Magician's Curse, Reach For The Sky, Xargon's Revenge should be at least checked, if possible.
This gives me the chance to recall to all of you that we're still searching for TAP dumps of game compilations that we don't own yet: C16 Classics I, C16 Classics II, C16 Star Games Classics, C16 Star Games Classics III.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-03-21 16:04:17
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Preliminary update: The main TAP download for Xargon's Revenge is actually from the C16 Classics II tape, the original release is saved as 'ZARGON REVENGE', but is otherwise identical, TAP file coming soon 
I have most of the other tapes listed above (except for Bounder and Planet Search and the German C16 Star Games Classics), and further checks are ongoing :)
On an additional note, I've noticed on some Novaload games (not just Gremlin, but also Mastertronic as well) where the two sides of the tape have a miniscule difference in the Novaload loader routine. Specifically, the bytes loaded at $023F and (sometimes) $023E are different on each side. As far as I know, these bytes serve no function in the loader routine, and the remainder of the tape sides are identical. Furthermore, the side of the tape they're on can vary between multiple copies of the same game, sometimes it's the same on both sides, and sometimes one of the sides will have a third or even a fourth variation.
An example can be seen in the c16.de TAP download for Fingers Malone, which contains two TAP files, which load different values at $023F.
Question: is it worth looking further into this?
Posted By
 Waz on 2024-03-21 16:25:10
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I checked the original Monty on the Run, and that has a a Novaload serial of A100000 - so same as what was on Omnibus. I do of course have the TAP archived so if you'd like that in the uploader, let me know.
Kung Fu Kid is Novaload A100001, and so have got the original of that TAP archived - will put that in the uploader now.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-21 17:05:20
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Waz thank you for the TAP file. Strangely, I've checked it and it loads the game with several graphics glitches.
I also checked 4 Konami Coin-op Hits purchasing a copy on eBay, and the three games which uses Novaload have serial number A100000 too, exactly like their TAPs available here: Green Beret and Yie Ar Kung-Fu. Should be checked too.
Posted By
 Waz on 2024-03-21 17:53:54
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Might be a bad tape, potentially. The original TAP downloaded from Plus4World is A100000, so that's the compilation one. I'll see if I can re-do the tape capture.
Petals of Doom original is Novaload A100002, so different from Omnibus. Having tested the TAP image I captured with YAPE, that one seems all good so will upload.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-03-21 18:01:17
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
@Luca, if by 'graphics glitches' you mean that the top half of the letter characters are glitched, I've checked two copies of the Kung-Fu Kid single release and they both have the same problem.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-21 19:27:39
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
@Ulysses777 wow, really? Not only the compromised charset, but the panel's elements too. Then I have checked all the Italian hacks, and indeed all of them have the same glitches as the original dump from @Waz. We discovered the truth after 38 years! Omg look at the photo going with the review in Commodore User 30 to spot the glitch on the panel! Fun fact: the TAP on C16.de was actually the one from the original release, different from which we had here. Same for Petals Of Doom, which was the C16 Classics one on C16.de, so now we have three version of it: A100000, A100001 and A100002.

Posted By
 Crown on 2024-03-22 04:15:27
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I wonder if the corruption is the result of the very little known DIRECTORY bug in the ROM.
Essentially if you issue a DIRECTORY command, in certain cases it corrupts two bytes at a fixed location in memory (don't remember the exact memory location details). Now if you worked on something and save your work, than you have a corrupted version, and you wouldn't know it.
@Pigmy run into this once with one of his conversions.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-22 06:29:23
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Xargon Wars, what a mess, let's take in a bit of linearity.
I recovered the C16 Classics version (A100001), now we have two copies of the A100000 version called With Novaload and Omnibus, which are probalby the same version! And the so called No-turbo version. What we need now: check the official single release, which could actually be the No-turbo one. Finally, a cleanup will close the matter once forever *phew*.
Tycoon Tex and Dork's Dilemma: recovered the C16 Classics versions, now we only have the A100000 versions pretending to be the official single releases, but apparently they match the Omnibus and Omnibus II formats. What we need: check both the official single releases, will they have A100002 like Petals Of Doom?
Posted By
 Hop on 2024-03-22 07:33:13
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I have C16 Classics II with Novaload A100001, except for Monkey Magic which has N102301. I can upload TAPs soon.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-22 07:47:25
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Very appreciated, Hop, thank you! Is Monkey Magic saved in C16 Classics II as "Monkey Magic" or just "Monkey"?
Posted By
 Hop on 2024-03-22 11:02:40
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Uploaded. It's saved as "Monkey Magic".
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-03-22 12:07:22
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Update on Dork's Dilemma:
The version listed as the regular download ('DORKS DILEMMA',A100000) is actually from Omnibus II.
I've checked a few copies of C16 Classics, and the version on all of them is saved as 'DORKS',A100001, which doesn't match the c16.de version, which might possibly be from the German C16 Star Games Classics.
The single release is 'DORKS',A100004.
The single release and the C16 Classics release is in the uploader.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-22 15:43:08
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Thank you @Ulysses777! And now it's a real Dilemma! Because C16.de admittefly presented the four games under examination as the components of the C16 Classic collection which they present with their scans of the cover. Let's see what happens next then... And what about Tycoon Tex?
Thank you Hop! Gonna handle the new files ASAP, so I can adjust the previous assumptions too.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-03-22 18:04:45
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Tycoon Tex:
The regular download on the site 'TYCOON TEX',A100000 is the Omnibus version.
The C16 Classics version 'TYCOON-TEX',A100001 (with hyphen) is correct.
The single release is 'TYCOON TEX',A100001 (without hyphen), and is in the uploader.
Xargon Wars:
The single release comes in both turbo and non-turbo versions. The turbo version is A100001.
The C16 Classics release is the same as the single version.
The version listed as 'with Novaload' is indeed a duplicate of the Omnibus version (A100000).
I've uploaded a new dump of the Classics TAP, as the existing version has some noise on it and sometimes fails to load.
Sword Of Destiny:
The regular download 'SWORD',A100000 is used on both C16 Star Games Classics III and Omnibus II.
The single release is 'SWORD OF DESTINY',A100005, and is in the uploader.
Reach For The Sky:
The regular download 'SKY',A100001 is used for both the single release and C16 Star Games Classics III.
The Omnibus II version is 'REACH',A100000, and is in the uploader.
Monty On The Run:
Both the single release and the Omnibus II release are saved as the same name and number, but there are a few bytes loaded differently between $0FEA-$0FFB. The current download is the Omnibus II version. For completeness, I've uploaded the single release.
No action needed, both single and Omnibus II versions are the same.
Unfortunately I don't have The Magician's Curse single release to check.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-23 04:29:33
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Fantastic super clear text @Ulysses777, it's now time for a cleanup!
I'm going to juggle those files, and the ones we already had and that now must be better defined, renamed, repacked and substituted. I'm also gonna edit this post at any further news while handling those delicate stuff.
Thank you again Hop! We discovered that we already had those TAPs, but your dump gives now the chance to say who's who, and C16 Classics II is now clean and correct! This now opens two needings more: - we definitely need an original release TAP of Blagger; - there's an undefined Monkey Magic tape left, the one with "MONKEY" as filename, which also shares the same Novaload serial N102301 as in C16 Classics II, and there's no other collection left to assign to, apart of the Robin To The Rescue / Monkey Magic one which probably is a double release bargain with the original ones. Could MONKEY Novaload be an earlier version used in C16 Classics II? I dunno... ---
The mysterious Dork's Dilemma with the same Novaload serial of the C16 Classics's but full filename coming from C16.de has been pit on a hiatus waiting for a copy of C16 Star Games Classics. All the others are in! ---
Looking at the tape inside the cassettes photos of Xargon Wars, it's clear that both the cassettes contain a Novaload version of the game, and this means that we still need a picture of the no turbo earlier version. ---
We can't say more about The Magician's Curse and Wimbledon, we'll see in a somewhat near future... ---
Meanwhile, 3D Quasars releases had their justice. ---
Posted By
 Rüdiger on 2024-03-23 06:06:06
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Timeslip's Novaload TAP is from C16 Classics II, where everything was saved with Novaload. Also Blagger with Novaload is also included there, but also with the loading screen.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-03-23 16:43:39
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
A little more clearing up for the Omnibus and Omnibus II games:
The main download A100001 is from both the single release and C16 Star Games Classics.
The Omnibus version is A100000, and is in the uploader.
Rescue From Zylon:
The version 'RESCUE',A100000 is from the Omnibus version.
The single release is 'ZYLON',A100001 and is in the uploader.
No action needed, single release and Omnibus II are the same.
Footballer Of The Year:
The 16K version is the same on the Gremlin, Kixx and Omnibus releases.
As for the Plus/4 version, I have two copies of the Gremlin release, one has the 'FOTY' version and the other has the 'FOOTY +4' version. The Kixx tape I have has the 'FOOTY +4' version
I don't have Future Knight to check.
Next subject: 4 Konami Coin-op Hits and their games:
Yie Ar Kung-Fu:
The current download is from the original Imagine single release.
The Coin-op Hits version is saved under a different name, and is in the uploader.
The Hit Squad release is the same as the Coin-op Hits version.
Green Beret:
No action needed, both releases are the same.
And finally:
Monkey Magic:
The 'MONKEY',N102301 is the single release, which (apparently) comes in turbo and non-turbo versions (I don't have a non-turbo version myself).
And there is yet another Monkey Magic TAP incoming, this time from the Micro Design release, which has a modified title screen.
And Blagger is coming as well 
Posted By
 Waz on 2024-03-24 14:33:59
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
So I have an original release of Future Knight so was able to do a check.
The original release is 'FUTURE KNIGHT' with Novaload serial N and then two dots at the end (no actual number) - this matches the TAP version currently on the site. The Omnibus version on Side A of that TAP image also appears to be the same.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-24 15:08:43
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Well done Waz, record collected and links updated!
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-03-24 18:31:07
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Oops, made a mistake on the last post: regarding Jetbrix, A100001 is the single release and C16 Star Games Classics III version, and not confirmed as the C16 Star Games Classics (sans III) version.
Also forgot to mention Gullwing Falcon: A100006 is both the single release and the Classics III version.
All fixed now 
Moving on to Formula 1 Simulator, there is no practical correlation between versions and covers. Tapes with the 'Commodore 16' inlay card could be either turbo or non-turbo. The 'C16/Plus4' inlay card is much harder to find: over the years, I've accumulated over a dozen copies of Formula 1 Simulator, and only one has the 'C16/Plus4' card.
The same goes for BMX Racers, the 'Commodore 16' card could be with any of the tapes, and the 'C16/Plus4' card is just as hard to find.
But there is some new stuff to add:
On BMX Racers, on the main TAP downloads, the Plus/4 World download has the Novaload number M100002, but the other downloads have number N103103. I've redumped and uploaded the M100002 version, as the existing one has a lot of noise on it.
Coming back to Formula 1 Simulator, I've found a tape with a similar number, M100001, also uploaded 
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-25 03:15:22
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Great, all the entries have been updated according to the new infos.
Posted By
 Waz on 2024-03-27 17:55:12
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Talking of Formula 1 Simulator, I've located a fifth Mastertronic cassette label variant online. I've ordered this - primarily to check if there's an extra Novaload variant but also to get the C16/Plus4 corner inlay version. Once it arrives, I'll get a pic of the cassette in the uploader.

I've now also uploaded some different cassette variants to the Uploader, based on a recent delivery of games:
Rockman - white cassette variant, has Novaload N103104 so it's the C16 only one (unless you use the POKEs to make it compatible)
Tutti Frutti - black cassette variant, with the game name hyphenated (Tutti-Frutti)
Finders Keepers - black on white cassette variant, with C16/Plus at the top (no 4)
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-28 14:17:56
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Thanks for all the contributions, guys! You know, this page is up, strong, updated and kicking exclusively thank to your cooperative commitment! @Ulysses777 the no turbo tapes and the Ultimate (Adventure 4) material were from you, right?
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-03-30 12:18:48
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
@Luca, Yup, the Commodore TAPs were mine.
I've found an alternate TAP for Triple Decker 5, which has a working title screen for Robin To The Rescue. Also, Alien Attack is also saved under a different name. One other odd thing about this alternate tape, is that all the games have the bytes '$06E1' saved at memory location $3FFE-3FFF.
I've also got an alternate TAP for Triple Decker 3, and Galaxions is saved as 'GALAXIONS' instead of 'GALAXIANS'. Again, all the games have '$06E1' saved at $3FFE, which in the case of Galaxions, causes a slightly corrupted graphic for the blue enemies when moving right-to-left.
And also an alternate TAP for Triple Decker 1, with Winnie Witch's Superbroom saved under a different name. This time, the games on the combined TAP already on the site has the '$06E1' problem, but this alternate TAP does not.
All in the uploader, along with scans and tape photos for Triple Decker 2 and Triple Decker 7.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-30 14:25:55
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
@Ulysses777 precious addons as ever, although this time I'm gonna process'em after few days, 'coz I'll be busy and at my parents' house for a week ca.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-04-06 07:33:03
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Slowly starting to add all the materials, and it's a slow operation because at every new addon I have to change all those side infos we accumulated along the years, and shuffle up the TAP files in order to restore the correct origins of all the involved TAPs.
Meanwhile, I saw that we have the same TAP for Invasion 2000 AD, both coming from 10 Computer Hits 3 – check it please, the one which was believed to be the original one will be deleted soon – and the best hypothesis is that the game has been originally saved as "Invasion", and that has to be the first release.
Oh btw: the Solar Software releases show progressive Novaload's serial numbers M10000(x). This validates the hypothesis that those are the earlier and first Solar releases, followed up by the newer serial N10230(x): in the case of Robin To The Rescue, the former should be considered as the original release, and the latter (currently placed here as 'original release') should be the alternative release.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-04-06 12:01:48
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Re: Invasion 2000 AD, the version saved as 'INVASION' is indeed from the single release.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-04-06 13:40:07
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Checked Winnie Witch's Superbroom in the new version of Triple Decker 1 (the two versions have been swapped, in order to keep'em in line with the other releases of the series), and the file is called Winnie The Witch exactly like the old version. Did I miss something?
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-04-06 17:20:27
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Ok, there seems to have been some pre-existing mismatches between the individual game TAP files and the combined TAP files. To my sorrow, I only checked the combined TAP files. 
On Triple Decker 1, the combined TAP file which was already on the site (now relabelled as alternative version) is the so-called '$06E1' version.
On this combined TAP file, Winnie Witch's Superbroom is saved as 'Winnie Witch' (sans 'the').
However, the individual TAP files for each game already on the site, appear to have been dumped from the 'other' tape version.
Therefore, the new combined TAP which I uploaded, we already have the individual game TAP files.
Posted By
 Waz on 2024-04-07 10:55:42
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I've added the fifth label variant of Formula 1 Simulator to the uploader now.
And yesterday, I noted there was a sixth variant. It's similar to the Rockman printed cassette, and had Formula 1 Simulator in a similar style. I couldn't get a picture though as I was in the middle of a games shop where the games were in boxes and had to dig down, but definitely be worth anyone checking their collections to see if they have the same.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-04-07 11:58:03
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Waz the photo is up, thank you.
Ulysses777 now I see: we got the alternative version but the single linked files were from the non-alternative one! Now everything's ok.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-04-12 11:41:44
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Something to look out for:
There's apparently an earlier version of Cuthbert In Space which has the text 'CBM IS TRASH' at $274F.
It's been blanked out on the main version currently on the site, but it is present (or partially present) in the Italian hacks.
There was also a reader's letter on this subject in Commodore User 25, page 8, with an explanation from Steve Bak.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2024-04-12 15:49:57
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Wow, what a find! I love these interesting tidbits. I added the scanned page to the publication and linked it to the program, but we should add these notes to the program itself.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-04-13 07:02:37
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Eagle eyes indeed, Ulysses777! Note added, files changed and renamed, we now need a dump of the single release.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-04-13 11:03:39
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Just to clarify, I have a copy of the single release, but it's the blanked out version. So there's two versions of the single release.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-04-13 11:18:55
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
And does it completely match the one used in the compilation, filename and loader included?
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-04-13 14:26:59
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
My single release tape matches the single TAP file download exactly.
The version found on the combined compilation TAP file uses a (slightly) different turbo tape format, but this might be nitpicking 
Posted By
 Waz on 2024-05-01 07:24:08
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
There appears to be a red cassette variant of Tomcat by Players, this was taken from the eBay auction currently for it:

eBay Auction listing - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/296401202364
Not sure it's worth £8 mind you, and the seller has listed a fair number of C16 and Plus4 releases recently, so may be worth checking out if anyone is missing collection gaps.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2024-05-01 07:56:58
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Not sure if this could be called a real variant, it's a plain looking cassette, and the label appears to be exactly the same. Much better quality photo than we have now though, if someone could photograph the other cassette in higher resolution, that would be great.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-05-01 09:14:39
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Also, I had this red one!
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2024-05-01 10:31:28
| Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
I've got the black Tomcat cassette, photo on it's way 
On another note, the aforementioned '$06E1' glitch that affected the Triple Deckers also appears to have affected Speed King as well. The existing version has '$06E1' saved at $3FFE-3FFF, but I've found a newer version with different content at that location. The result is that there is a very slight difference in the music.
This version was found on a cassette with the newer Mastertronic logo design, although I have two cassettes with this design, and this newer version was only found on one of them.
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-05-01 12:57:30
 | Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff
Brilliant, guys! All done! Check the New Stuff page to see what has been changed, both covers and programs.
EDIT: I also had to re-link to the HVTC's new entry all the programs which include it, and you know what? No program uses the working fixed version of the music, it looks like the fixed version could be a rare one! I myself have never heard the fixed version of the Speed King music till now!
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