Successor to the plus4 emulator. Source and compiled binaries available for Windows (32 bit), Linux (x86 32 bit and 64 bit), and an older version for Mac OS X (Intel). The emulator package also includes some utilities: - compress - compresses Plus/4 .PRG and .P00 files with very good compression ratio (CA65 assembler source code for the decompressor is available)
- makecfg - reinstalls the configuration files of the emulator
- p4fliconv - converts JPEG and other format images to various Plus/4 video modes (hires/multicolor, FLI, interlace, etc.); it can be used both from the command line, and as a GUI program which uses the emulator for accurate previews. CA65 assembler sources for the FLI viewer are also available.
- p4sconv - converts PixelShop .P4S images to any of the output formats supported by p4fliconv
- tapconv - converts MTAP format tape files to the native plus4emu tape format
Keywords: Commodore, C16, C116, Plus4, Plus/4, Emulator