Xargon's Revenge
Title:Xargon's Revenge
Category:Game/Shoot'em up
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Gremlin Graphics
Produced by:Micro Projects
Re-released by:Master's Software House
Cracked by:Floppy Robby
Cracked by:OPI
Code by:Clarke, Anthony J.
Uncredited (Graphics by):Clarke, Matthew
Notes:AKA Xargons Revenge, Zargon Revenge. The sequel to Xargon Wars. Free 5 planets (MAGNUM, KAYLIH, NEBULA, NILBEG, XARGON), 16 attack waves each. Omnibus II collection has a buggy version. Novaload serial: A100001.
User Rating: 5.5/10 (9 votes)
Xargon's Revenge Title Screenshot

Xargon's Revenge Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has an ending!

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseGremlin Graphics1985-09CommercialCassetteMicrocaseUnspecified2
Alternative releaseGremlin Graphics1985-09CommercialCassetteCassette caseUnspecified2
2 found.

Hall Of Fame
1Luca65,785Played using YAPE 1.0.4, PSX joypad.
2MIK39,000Played on a real C16 using the original tape release from C16 Classics II.
4C64Mark17,550Played live on streaming.
5Csabo16,100YAPE 1.0.6.
Submit your own high score now!

Derived Software

Appeared On Compilations
C16 Classics II
Omnibus II
C16 Star Games Classics
Reach For The Sky / Xargon Revenge

Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Alternative Cassette Cover (Front)
Alternative Cassette Cover (Front)
Alternative Cassette Cover (Side)
Alternative Cassette Cover (Side)

Physical Media

Undocumented Pause Option
Though it has not be reported in the official instructions, the game features an ingame pause option. Press the 'Space' to pause the current game, press 'G' to get back in play.

Even the original game seems to suffer of several bugs. Some of them are:
- enemy ships' graphics tend to degenerate, till the game restores all of that after 16 levels once a new planet's mission begins
- sometimes the energy bar fails
- if you're able to finish the level in the exact moment you run out of fuel, the ship's movements stuck, but you can fix it on the fly putting the game in pause mode just in order to reprise it.

Early Stages And Disk Versions
A preliminary version of the game has been found once rebuilt from the source file, picked up from a pack of D64s mainly containing sourcefiles and personal utilities, donated by the author himself to Mark Hardisty, some days before the distribution of Hardisty's book about Gremlin Graphics.

There are notable differences between this older version and the final release. Let's point out the most tangible ones.

The older version shows a differently drawn player's ship, worse than the one used in the official version but basically with a similar outline. The upper panel has a red fuel bar instead of the usual green, and a different 2x1 charset, which will be finally changed into a mix of letters used in Petals Of Doom and digits from Daley Thompson's Star Events.

There's no enemy ship yet, they're replaced by two slices of hires chars floating on the screen, and they cannot be shot down. Even the refuel pod has different graphics, just like the larger laser shot compared to the one used later.

Joystick/Keyboard and Sound On/Off options are active while playing a game too, and the game can be aborted by pressing the spacebar, whereas 'P' is for the pause on and 'G' restore the game.

During the colours changing demo in the titlescreen, the upper and lower background graphics never change the colour palette: $5F (that means $57 in MC) for screen colour, $70 for $FF16, $42 for FF17.

Xargon's Revenge Early Stages
Early Stages
Xargon's Revenge Official Release
Official Release

Two disk version have been found too handling the author's sourcefiles. The 'disk' version has been split in two parts: a bigger block to load first, then a little one has to be automatically loaded into the memory once the program moves a slice of the previous one in the lower memory of the C16. The disk version has a PETSCII loading title and loads four separate parts: P1 $0C00/$1000, P2 $0800/$0C00, P3 $1000/$4000, P4 $0400/$0800.

Xargon's Revenge Loader Picture
Loader Picture


Load this .FRE file as snapshot in YAPE emulator.


Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>2154 A5
Unlimited lives
>31EB 00
>1BD6 01
Complete planet in 1 wave (default: $10)
Instantly finish level

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