Microdeal Adventure Series
Mansion (Adventure 1) | Jerusalem (Adventure 2) | Williamsburg (Adventure 3) | [ Ultimate (Adventure 4) ] | Castle Dracula (Adventure 5)

Ultimate (Adventure 4)
Title:Ultimate (Adventure 4)
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
 Play Online!
Released by:Microdeal
  External links:
    Dragon 32 / 64 release

User Rating: 3.6/10 (5 votes)
Ultimate (Adventure 4) Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Original releaseMicrodeal1985CommercialCassetteUnspecified3
1 found.

Appeared On Compilations
Super Hits From Microdeal

Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Back)
Submitted by Ulysses777
Cassette Cover (Back)

Physical Media
Submitted by Ulysses777

This game was also published for the Dragon 32 system by Microdeal (See screenshot to the right). The covers are almost identical (except for the system), and the gameplay is essentially the same as well. However, the Dragon version also has instructions built in for the game (probably did not fit into the C16 version). Also note that the C16 version has higher strength and money to start with...

Solutions - Unsolved
This game does not yet have a solution. Do you have a verified solution? Please enter it here (if you have access rights to edit this record), or send it to an administrator.
Für dieses Spiel gibt es noch keine Lösung. Vielleicht hast Du eine. Wenn Du die entsprechenden Zugriffsrechte hast, kannst Du sie gleich hier einfügen. Sonst schicke sie einfach an einen Administrator.
Ennek a játéknak még nincs megoldása. Ha van egy leellenőrzött megoldásod, beírhatod ide (ha van szerkesztési jogod), vagy elküldheted az egyik adminisztrátornak.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
Stop game
POKE 4206, 57
900 strength (unpacked)
POKE 4212, 57
900 money (unpacked)
Restart game
POKE 4694, 57
900 strength (packed)
POKE 4699, 57
900 money (packed)

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