Kung-Fu Kid
Title:Kung-Fu Kid
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Product Code:Computer Software: SP1437
Retail Price:£6.95
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Released by:Gremlin Graphics
Re-released by:OziSoft
Re-released by:Computer Software
Created by:Perkins, Jason
Notes:AKA Kung Fu Kid, Kungfu Kid. The original release suffers from buggy graphics affecting the whole character set and some elements in the upper panel, whereas the re-releases included in Omnibus II looks fully fixed.
User Rating: 5.0/10 (14 votes)
Kung-Fu Kid Title Screenshot

Kung-Fu Kid Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has an ending!

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Gremlin Graphics releaseGremlin Graphics1986Commercial£6.95CassetteUnspecified4
Computer Software rereleaseComputer SoftwareUnknownCommercial/PDCassetteClamshellUnspecified1
2 found.

Hall Of Fame
1Luca87,838Normal skill. Played using YAPE 1.1.6, PSX joypad.
Submit your own high score now!

Derived Software
Karate Master
Kung Fu
Kung Fu (Mr. Soft)
Kung Fu Kid (MSH)
Kung Fu Master

Appeared On Compilations
Omnibus II

Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 1 (Magazine/English) pg. 15
Review: ZZAP! C16 (Magazine/English) pg. 8
Review: Zzap! 15 (Magazine/Italian) pg. 47
Cheat: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 8 (Magazine/English) pg. 16
Review: Commodore User 30 (Magazine/English) pg. 44
Cheat: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 2 Issue 3 (Magazine/English) pg. 24
Review: Compute Mit 5/87 (Magazine/German) pg. 8
Review: Commodore Computi... September 1986 (Magazine/English) pg. 96
Cheat: Moj mikro November 1986 (Magazine/Slovenian) pg. 60
Cheat: Bulletin 01 04 (Magazine/Dutch) pg. 29
Cited: Computer Gamer 15 (Magazine/English) pg. 27

Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover
Cassette Cover (Computer Software)
Cassette Cover (Computer Software)
Photo Cover (Computer Software)
Photo Cover (Computer Software)

Physical Media
Submitted by Ati
Cassette (Computer Software)
Cassette (Computer Software)

Undocumented Options
Though it has not been reported in the official instructions, the game features pause and quit options.
Press the 'Commodore' key to pause the game, and 'S' to get back to the game. Press 'Esc' to quit the current game.

Title Screen Options
On title screen, F1 toggles Joy/Key control, F2 toggles Sound On/Off.


Load this .FRE file as snapshot in YAPE emulator.


Glitchy Release
Apparently, all the known copies of the official single release of the game shows corrupted graphics in the memory area $1000-$117F. The possibility that all commercial copies of the official release were affected by this problem therefore appears extremely realistic.

This notable bug was subsequently fixed in the copies of the game included in the Omnibus II compilation, which instead shows no errors in the graphics.

Titlescreen (single)
Titlescreen (single)
Titlescreen (Omnibus II)
Titlescreen (Omnibus II)

Graphics Recycling From "Sword Of Destiny"

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>21F4 AD
Unlimited lives
>2792 A5
>2982 A5
Unlimited energy
>263C ##
Starting level (first level = 08, last level =01)
G 2000
Restart game

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