Reach For The Sky
Title:Reach For The Sky
Category:Game/Shoot'em up
Release Date:
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Machine code
Game ending type:No end (highscore)
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Released by:Gremlin Graphics
Produced by:Micro Projects
Re-released by:OziSoft
Re-released by:Top30
Re-released by:Master's Software House
Created by:Perkins, Jason
Notes:Novaload serial: A100001.
User Rating: 7.4/10 (15 votes)
Reach For The Sky Title Screenshot

Reach For The Sky Screenshot

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Gremlin Graphics releaseGremlin Graphics1986CommercialCassetteUnspecified2
1 found.

Hall Of Fame
1Luca32,430Played on real hardware.
5Csabo15,060YAPE 1.1.8, keyboard controls.
6Retroshire13,980Real machine (C16+64kb), Arcade Joystick, Beamer.
7Chronos12,790Yape 1.1.6, ps2 controller.
9David3608,640YAPE 1.1.6.
11Silly Thing Codename W5,110
13siz1,650Real plus/4, joystick.

Derived Software
Airplane '86
Falcon (Byte Games 22)
Top Gum

Appeared On Compilations
C16 Star Games Classics III
Omnibus II
C16 Star Games Classics
Reach For The Sky / Xargon Revenge

Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 7 (Magazine/English) pg. 20
Review: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 1 Issue 2 (Magazine/English)
Review: Commodore Computi... October 1986 (Magazine/English) pg. 53

Cassette Cover
Submitted by Lacus
Cassette Cover
[ Large cover ]

Physical Media
Submitted by Lacus

Game Levels
The game has 8 increasingly difficult levels. The second four levels are the same as the first four, but with green background and faster enemy planes.

Name Background Power-up
ROBIN Blue (sea) Wide shots
BUZZARD Blue (sea) Enemy planes don't shoot
OSPREY Blue (sea) Enemy planes explode immediately
HAWK Blue (sea) Extra life
EAGLE Green (grass) Wide shots
FALCON Green (grass) Enemy planes don't shoot
CONDOR Green (grass) Enemy planes explode immediately
KING VULTURE Green (grass) Extra life

Each level has a special group of small blue planes called the Blue Squadron flying in formation. Shooting all of them grants a power-up (see above).

Title Screen
F1 Keyboard/Joystick
F2 Sound On/Off
Left Z
Right X
Up ;
Down /
Fire Return
In-game Keys
Quit game Esc
Commodore Pause on
S Pause off

Undocumented Keys
Though it has not been reported in the official instructions, the game features a quit option. Press 'Esc' to quit the current game.

In the instructions, Commodore key sets the pause on/off, but actually the pause off option is on the key 'S'.

About The Game

Despite the good gameplay and decent variety of situations, the game surprisingly leaves large areas of the C16's memory completely unused, with great waste of graphical possibilities in the same character set used.

Apparently, the only multicolored graphic is the explosion of enemy planes. Actually, in memory there is another multicolor graphic element, which at the beginning of the game is shifted from the code at the time of game settings in four vertical positions, which suggests it could be a bonus falling from above (smart bomb? weapon?), which quotes 'ZAP' on it. The presence of an element unrelated to the actual game, in conjunction with large areas of the character set filled with $FF, suggests an initial idea of the game structure different from the final product.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
Run/Stop + Reset
Stop game
>26CA ##
Start with ## lives
>2204 AD
Unlimited lives
>21FD A9 00
G 2000
Restart game

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