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on 2023-01-06
 Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Egy kis önreklám...

Elindítottam egy blogot a Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 címmel. Változatos témákat tervezek feldolgozni ebben a vonatkozásban, fogyasszátok egészséggel:


 Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

A little self promotion...

I started a blog called Hungarians and Commodore Plus/4. I plan to cover various topics in this regard, please enjoy:


Posted By

on 2023-01-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Already read the two initial posts. Finally, this is the dedicated blog we always needed to read, go on!

Posted By

on 2023-01-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Szupppper! Ha már könyvet nem írnak a témáról, legalább lesz blog! happy

A téma nem túlzottan populáris, happy akik értékelik, szerintem elbírnak sokkal több technikai részletet is, szóval ilyen szempontból se fogd vissza magad! happy

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Great. As there are no books written about this we'll at least have a blog. happy

The topic is not too popular happy but those who appreciate it can bear with much more technical details so don't hold your horses from that point of view. happy

Posted By

on 2023-01-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Konyv irast nem vallalok, de talan egy-egy blog posztot ki tudok preselni magambol. happy

@Luca, don't hold your breath, next post requires some research, so naturally I procrastinate already... grin
Are you reading Hungarian finally?

@BSZ talalt hibat a posztban: a hianyzo 4KB memoria valojaban kevesebb, mint 1KB. Ezt kijavitottam most.

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

I don't write books, but maybe I can squeeze out a few blog posts. happy

@Luca, don't hold your breath, next post requires some research, so naturally I procrastinate already... grin
Are you reading Hungarian finally?

@BSZ found a mistake in the post: that missing 4KB memory is actually less than 1KB. I fixed this now.

Posted By

on 2023-01-19
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Közben @Rachy megírta a következő fejezetet! A nagy titkok még ebben sincsenek leleplezve, előbb-utóbb eljut majd oda is!

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Meanwhile @Rachy wrote the next chapter. The great mysteries are still uncovered but sooner or later he will get there.

Posted By

on 2023-01-18
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Can't wait for the second part of this fantastic post!

Posted By

on 2023-02-04
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

The 3rd post, dealing specifically with Hungarians who converted games is up here!

Posted By

on 2023-02-04
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Fanastic reading, Rachy, waiting for M04R!

Posted By

on 2023-02-05
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Ismét köszönjük Rachy, kiváló olvasmány! happy

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Thank again Rachy, excellent read! happy

Posted By

on 2023-02-05
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Koszi, koszi!
A kovetkezo poszt egy elegge mas tema kore epul majd, de remelem az is erdekes lesz.
Azert a levegot ne tartsatok vissza amig vartok ra. happy

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

The next post will be on a different topic, but I hope it will be interesting.
Don't hold your breath while you are waiting for it. happy

Posted By

on 2023-02-06
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Köszi, remek olvasmány volt!
Annak idején szakközepes koromban Pigmy-vel leveleztem egy keveset, és elég részletesen leírta nekem, miképp csinál meg egy konverziót, hogyan csinálta meg a Tass Times-ban raszterből az egeret, miképp működik a FRQ konvertere és hasonlók. Bár a gépi kód valamilyen szintű ismeretét már elsajátítottam, elég gyorsan lejött, hogy ez egy teljesen másik szint, amiről olvasok happy
Pigmy nagyon rendes volt velem, és elárasztott a friss konvertjeivel, amiért a mai napig nagyon hálás vagyok, pláne mivel cserébe nem sokat tudtam nyújtani, csak újabb kérdéseket, csereprogramok vagy C64 game-k nem nagyon érdekelték, ki tudja miért grin
Sajnos a sok költözés alatt ezek a levelek elvesztek, pedig sokáig kincsként őriztem ezeket és sokszor vissza is olvastam ezeket. (manapság már kifejezetten érdekes lenne ezeket a leveleket elolvasni, igaz akkor is csak a szerző határozott engedélye után lenne lehetséges).
Ki gondolta volna, hogy ezek a gépek és ezek a levelek bármilyen érdeklődést is kiválthatnak 30 évvel később.

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

It was a pretty good read, a lot of nice memories came back.
When I was a kid in the secondary school, I wrote to Pigmy a letter (based on a text in his util prg), and for a short time he became my pen-friend. He game me a thourough explanation, how he does a conversion, how he made from raster the software mouse in Tass Times, or how the FRQ SID music converter worked. Although at that time I already did a little machine code programming, I quickly realized he is on a really different level happy
He was really kind with me, send his latest his latest conversions, though I could not offer anything in exchange. Due to some reasons he was not interested in game swapping or C64 games happy
for a long time I kept these letters from Pigmy as treasures ("my precious!"), but after several relocations they were lost. It could be a very interesting read nowadays (certainly only after the witer of the letters may agree with that).
Who could imagine these letters could have any relevance after 30 years happy

Posted By

on 2023-03-04
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Itt az uj poszt: https://plus4hun.blogspot.com/2023/03/magyar-plusisok-unreal.html

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Here is the new post: https://plus4hun.blogspot.com/2023/03/magyar-plusisok-unreal.html

Posted By

on 2023-03-05
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

very good read. Most of it must be true for all of us in a way. We are family.

Posted By

on 2023-03-05
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

For me who had never heard of Hungarian oldschool scene from good old days until recently (until I decide to make some games for the Plussy) ,
those articles are gold mine and so interesting...
I'm more interested in the game converting thing as this is what I like to do (converting game from one platform to another...).
Thank you Rachy !

Posted By

on 2023-03-05
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

I clearly remember that I've loaded Syndrome every single day for one entire year at least! The reason? Unreal's art! Those bitmaps made my Plus/4 jump ahead in a new class of graphics!

Posted By

on 2023-03-05
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Ó, további érdekességek! Köszi @Rachy illetve @Unreal! happy

Szerk.: Unreal grafikái már anno is nagyon tetszettek, a mostaniak meg egyenesen fenomenálisak. happy Remélem /-jük, hogy látunk még majd rengeteg újat is!

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Oh, more interesting things! Thanks @Rachy and @Unreal! happy

Edot: I liked Unreal's graphics even back then, and the current ones are downright phenomenal. happy I hope we will see a lot of new ones!

Posted By

on 2023-03-06
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@Majikeyric Sorry to disappoint. This blog is not about technical details, as I wrote in the introduction.
I am sure you can ask ppl here about converting.

Posted By

on 2023-03-28
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

No disappointment here, your blog is really great !

Posted By

on 2023-03-28
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Meg egy kis olvasnivalo:

Posted By

on 2023-03-28
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

This tuesday as soon become suuuper tuesday!

Posted By

on 2023-03-29
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Niiiiice! Thank you!

The FRQ converted C64 musics played on Plus/4 had major impact on my younger years to feel my life OK(ish). happy

I may add (three) four points, as future possibilities next to SID card:
-The recently appeared AY external sound card (also added to YAPE as a feature) - there were not so much updates recently, but there are a huge music database and fanbase for AY sound (>Zx Spectrum 128K, Amstrad CPC, ATARI ST just to name few)
Certainly the sound it not up to C64 SID, but could be rather decent. The best version of Robocop game music theme is made for ZX Spectrum on AY chip. (AFAIS the SID version is a little "overdone")

-Hopefully the Covox will reach our platform on the User Port (+4 only, unfortunately, but C16 Userport cartridge is also in progress). This could make the same magic as Pigmy's three channel player, just with a cleaner sound, faster way (no conversion table). Still, due to the huge CPU load on mixing, theoretically only possible with switched off screen

-Soundmax hardware from C64 theoretically fully useable on Plus/4 User Port, though some of the control pins are not at the sample place.
It could provide almost Amiga quality sound hardware, 4 independent 8bit digi channels, you can address independently. There is no mixing or conversion CPU load, just to send out the 8 bit digi data. If it is a very small MOD, it could even fit into the 64K memory together with the player. (some chiptune MODs have only 20-30KB size). Theoretically it is possible with screen On.

-the highest 16 bit quality: just few weeks ago a MIDI Out hardware emerged. After some conversion most of the MIDI files are possible to be played on an external MIDi device with MIDI in connector.

Posted By

on 2023-04-20
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Didn’t know where to put this…


Posted By

on 2023-04-20
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Lavina this photo is fantastic! We've always said in several interviews the story of the massive purchasing of Plus/4s to be used in the Hunagrian schools still under Iron Curtain, but this makes it now a tangible fact. Precious.

Posted By

on 2023-04-20
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Yeah, we had the same in primary school, and we also used Plus/4 to learn BASIC in class 7 or 8.
At that time I was already a proud owner of a 64K C16 happy

Imagine the C64 guys who had to TOUCH this machine grin
(then the challenge: draw a HIRES line on the C64 screen in BASIC - LOL)

Posted By

on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Lavina: WoW...

I did a fast search:

Pécsi-Huszár Réka:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p.h.reka_yogalifestyle/
LinkedIn: https://hu.linkedin.com/in/reka-pecsi-huszar-dr-4651a619
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reka.pecsihuszar/?locale=hu_HU
Erdélyi magyarok: http://www.erdelyimagyarok.com/profile/DrPecsiHuszarReka



Posted By

on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Someone with an account to these social media sites might want to send this photo to the lady happy

Posted By

on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@Lavina: I sent it.

Edit: She answered. Good shot, she is on the photo. :) LOL.

Posted By

Pécsi-Huszár Réka
on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

And yes, I am

Posted By

on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Welcome to our small community of C+4 enthusiasts since childhood happy

Posted By

Pécsi-Huszár Réka
on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Thank you

Posted By

on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Ati: WoW, again!

I like these old-school photos because they remind me of when I was a little boy.

...and I was a bit unsteady about my find list above because I managed to find her age and I did not know when the photo was taken...

I tried to find more details about the webpage:

In turn, the domain check failed as you can see.

Then I tried to get more information from EXIF of the jpg:
But no any important details about the location either, so the picture was recreated (eg. scanned).
(...and I do not think EXIF exists then... :-) )

Pécsi-Huszár Réka: Miracles are existed! happy Welcome!

Posted By

on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

A képre: Burzsuj egy suli lehetett. Plus/4-esek ITT TV-kkel! Máshová meg csak 16-osok jutottak kis Videotonokkal vagy Junosztyokkal.

Posted By

on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

btw here is the entire article:


So the upper photo's description is: "Békéscsaba, 1990. november 8. Zsótér Ferenc órát tart a békéscsabai belvárosi iskola III/A osztályának a számítógépes oktatóteremben. Az új intézmény Békés megye legkorszerűbb általános iskolája."

Posted By

on 2023-04-21
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

irigy: Yes, you are right... We were sitting in front of Junoszty with C16, VIC20 and Plus4, sometimes somebody brought a C64. The year was about 1984-85-86, so a little earlier.

Lavina: Wow, Wow, Wow... happy
You are more expert than me... With the help of the last information you gave, I am successful in searching more details about this event: for example who is sitting next to Bako Eszter is Molnár Tímea! happy


There will be a lot of new "computer-faces", familiar "newcomers" on Plus4World, yeeeaaah...

Posted By

on 2023-04-28
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

A havi poszt megérkezett:


 (no topic)

The monthly post has arrived:


Posted By

on 2023-04-29
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Every time a new post arrives I literally devour it, and just like everyhime happens my heart got fed with parallel memories, and the day drastically changes. Thank you for this, Rachy.

Posted By

on 2023-04-29
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Haha, yea, I know that feeling. Probably that was the reason why I started this blog.
I am glad you enjoy the blog, I try to keep it entertaining as much as I can.

Posted By

on 2023-05-01
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Posted By

on 2023-05-09
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Rachy: I also read your last post. You were a very lucky guy because your dad was holding the ladder while you were climbed up to the high. It was a very interesting and charming story about your young thoughts.

We are waiting for the exciting sequence of your path to Auckland... happy

Posted By

on 2023-05-09
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@Charlemagne: I am glad you enjoyed.
After working on Plus/4 I moved on to Amiga and other platforms, but I find those years much less interesting, so I am not going to write about that.

I established Appmindful some time ago and with my friends we created games among other things.
Just managed to subdue the urge to advertise the games here... Google it! grin

PS.: I don't mind, but some ppl doesn't appreciate doxxing on forums. Just sayin'. happy

Posted By

on 2023-05-11
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Rachy: It would be so good that you try to recall your old memory about one of your lost boulder-dash-like game with hammers and recreate it for Plus4World community. They would be so happy to play with it, I am sure. happy

...and sorry for doxin', but I am glad you don't turn rusty... happy Be proud of what you achieved and don't worry about envious ppl! happy

Posted By

on 2023-05-12
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Nah, not worth the effort, TBH. It was like Rockman, just much less refined and rather slow.

Maybe I put together some other game, I have some ideas that I wanted to give a try for like 30 years (or more).

Posted By

on 2023-07-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

The latest post from Rachy is up!

121 színű zsírkréta (121 colored crayons)

Posted By

on 2023-07-08
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@Rachy: Nice work. However, I find the description of colour restrictions in graphics modes ambiguous. May I ask some clarification? What is written there as of now resembles the VIC-II system configuration. At least for me. confused

Posted By

on 2023-07-08
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@gerliczer: I am not sure what you mean, any particulars maybe?
TED video rendering capabilities and features are very similar to VIC-II, as I mentioned that in the post.

Posted By

on 2023-07-08
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Very good read, thanks Rachy! One minor extra info: ECM mode was indeed used at least once for demo effect, in Waiting For Promised Land, Murphy coded an ECM (FLI) Plasma. Maybe it's worth mentioning in the article as it's really a rare use.

Posted By

on 2023-07-08
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Past-Help from '93 features the first ECM plasma I can think of, that predates your demo by a few decades happy But even if you want to somehow ignore that as a conversion, Murphy's Genetic Faulty from '95 also has an ECM plasma, and that's - AFAIK - coded for Plus/4. The effect section is definitely not complete, but it does have some of this info for you to check.

Posted By

on 2023-07-08
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

ok, so 3 instances in 3 decades. Still rare. wink I did now know about the mentioned 2 demos that they are ECM, I did not even know about the first one that it exists happy Thanks for the info.

Posted By

on 2023-07-08
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Added a correction note to the post, thank you for letting me know.
In the next post I will be writing about the actual prods, so this is something I am going to add.

@gerliczer explaied to me what he meant, I also fixed that part which explains the number of colours that can be used in each mode.

Posted By

on 2023-07-08
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@Rachy: Thank you, it was a good read!

What about Luca's Tropical ECMotion? Then already 4 instances in a few decades!
Seems it is less and less rare happy

BTW ECM mode has such a huge potential. You can create really colorful pictures looks like HIRES, but takes much less space in memory. In fact I enjoy the creation of an ECM more, than a Hires or Multi picture.
Somehow more satisfying and I feel it is more efficient happy

Posted By

on 2023-07-09
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

On an ECM side-note, I converted the full screen ECM plasma from Extremes/Byterapers (https://csdb.dk/release/?id=11660) ages ago just for my own fun. So no actual relevance here. grin

Posted By

on 2023-07-09
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

I just said those were the first ones I could think of, and suggested that you take a look at the Effects page... I guess you didn't happy I'm counting 9 (of the 81 listed), but for most of the entries, no-one has bothered to enter the color mode yet. "Rare" is a fuzzy term, but in this case, one could argue that calling this effect rare is a stretch.

Posted By

on 2023-07-09
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

I would say using ECM for any purpose is still rare compared to any other features, like rasterbars or even FLI.

Posted By

on 2023-07-12
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Again, fantastic reading!

About ECM's usage frequency, my HUE rotating plasma shown in Crackers' Demo 5 is boldly an ECM extravaganza grin. Also, the crack intro I recently did in Sulphur Eye has ECM upper/lower logos. I say that ECM has been used quite constantly along the years, much more than we could know...

Posted By

on 2023-07-12
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

I agree it is very rare.

OFF I am just curious, if anyone ever made a multicolor PETSCII on Plus/4?

Posted By

on 2023-08-01
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

New post:

Magyar plusisok: ern0

Posted By

on 2023-08-01
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Thanks Rachy, nice read, as usual. Keep it coming! Oh those good old diskmags with interviews, news, etc...

Posted By

on 2023-08-02
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

...sajnos a FB spamnek nyilvánítja a blogbejegyzés posztolását :\

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

...unfortunately posting this blog entry on Facebook gets marked as spam :-\

Posted By

on 2023-08-02
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Thanks, Rachy, this blog is awesome, I read almost all post now in one round. happy
The 121 színű zsírkréta is the best, please continue that as soon as possible!

Posted By

on 2023-08-05
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Thanks Rachy for the blogpost! It's always good to read about such things.

Posted By

on 2023-08-31
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Monthly post:

Piros-fehér-zöld rasztercsík

Posted By

on 2023-09-01
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Fact: I've assigned my maximum vote to Hot Sixteen during the voting session at 4Ever03. In the same compo btw, I sent in Lamenessnomen omen – a horrible raster crap forcing the rules which didn't consider if your 16kB demo would use or not a SIDcard, something I could afford with my little knowledge of the machine. Nonetheless I got 2 points, getting unfairly upper than the one-point Expectation by Skoro ( <3 ), probably just because I was there while he was at his own home...

About how the FLI has been understood on the TED, I suggest to take a look to some initial attempts, probably dated in a time when the concept itself of "double scanline for a DFLI" was far to come, mostly performed by Larry and TLC: Virtual FLI Show, Hires FLI, New FLI, the TLC FLI Collection saved by me from the ashes of time, M-FLI 1, M-FLI Laced 1 (NSFW!), M-FLI Laced 1 (NSFW!).

Did I already write how much I love this blog?

Oh btw: 4Ever23 here and now, make Szeged great again!

Posted By

on 2023-09-01
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Well, thank you for your maximum vote, good sir.

I would love to party with all of you guys at Szeged. Unfortunately, that is something rather complicated to manage for various reasons.

Posted By

on 2023-09-03
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Thanks for the new blog post! While reading it I was looking at the linked demos. It took me a few hours to finish reading. grin

Posted By

on 2023-09-16
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Egy kis meglepetes amig vartok a kovetkezo posztra:

Magyar Plusi kvíz #1

Valaszokat kerlek ne posztoljatok sehol! Koszi.

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

A little surprise while you are waiting for the next post:

Magyar Plusi kvíz #1

Please do not post the answers anywhere. Thanks.

Posted By

on 2023-10-03
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Megjelent @Rachy újabb blogposztja, én nagyon jól szórakoztam az olvasása közben! Köszönjük! happy

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Another (hungarian) blogpost by @Rachy has been published, I had a lot of fun reading it! Thank you! happy

Posted By

on 2023-10-03
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

First reader ahoy!

Posted By

on 2023-10-03
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Great post as usual! Since the topic of "first Hungarian adventure" came up, I asked Brazil about this, his responses have been added to games (Kisértetkastély, Fogd A Pénzt, A Hős Lovag), IMHO those are worth a read as well.

Posted By

on 2023-10-03
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog


Posted By

on 2023-10-04
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Did you guys know that Időlabirintus was originally written for the C64? happy

Posted By

on 2023-11-04
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Monthy dose:


** The post has been fixed according to Luca's comments.

Posted By

on 2023-11-04
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

This is an interesting read too, thanks!

Posted By

on 2023-12-02
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Ebben a honapban nincs uj poszt, viszont tesztelheted a Plus/4 tudasod a kovetkezo kvizzel:


 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

This month no new post, but you can test your Plus/4 knowledge with the next quiz:


Posted By

on 2023-12-03
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Hm... Interesting questions. happy I knew the answers to a few! grin

Posted By

on 2023-12-03
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

8/11, could have done better sad

Posted By

on 2023-12-03
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

9/11 :] Though I must admit some of my answers were a best guess

Posted By

on 2023-12-03
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

I got nine right. Didn't know the answer to question 2 and 9. Picked random choices there and well deservedly missed them. grin

Posted By

on 2024-01-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Havi poszt:

Csak a buli meg a partizás

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Monthly post:

Just the party

Posted By

on 2024-01-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

I have some marvellous memories of the 4Ever03! That's why I dedicated the whole Lone News 15 issue to those great days...showing the logo I didn't manage to finish there for the compo!

Posted By

on 2024-01-08
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Kijavitottam a posztot, 1994-ben is megrendezesre kerult az EVS party.

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Fixed the post, EVS party has been organised in 1994 also.

Posted By

on 2024-01-09
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Somehow I missed the fact that this part was published. happy

I have such a collection of tickets myself, just to remember that I was there. But these name tags came into fashion later; how can you remember older events? grin I remembered some details while reading, thanks!

Posted By

on 2024-02-02
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Havi poszt:

Egy év meg egy kicsi

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Monthly post:

One year and a bit more

Posted By

on 2024-02-02
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

- Play a lot;
- Watch the demos;
- Have care of your TED;
- Long life to the Plus/4.

Ok, I'm into this, it's time for this tattoo now wink

Posted By

on 2024-02-02
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog


I dare you. grin

Posted By

on 2024-03-11
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Havi poszt:

Új reneszánsz 1.

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Monthly post:

New renaissance 1.

Posted By

on 2024-03-12
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

I was starting to miss it, and now I realize that there have been a lot of releases, which I have yet to discover.

Posted By

on 2024-03-12
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Eeeeh! This is *that* kind of blog's post which plays several strings of my resonating heart. Even that entry sentence is written by me!

As you can see from the statistics by date, the 2004 could be truly considered a Renaissance's year, after years of darkness during which I can say that I was literally the standard-bearer in a scenario of solitude. 4Ever03 has been one of the funniest times in my life: I was in love, and in the Csongrád's county, I met fantastic guys and in the end even my myth, TCFS, appeared from the mists, I had giant kürtőskalács at morning and halászlé at night. And if you ask to me, it's time to do it again! *wink-wink*

Crackers' Demo 4 has been a pretty funny project, basically driven by DCD (which still visits this forum silently... WE'RE WATCHING YOU VIKTOR, please leave some words at least! grin ), in which I drew a lot of graphics, composed the SID music and injected so many weird ideas. And there's a part by me too, which can boast a veeeery big help by Csabo! You know, I'm not a skilled coder... No wait: actually I'm not a coder at all! So, Csabo has taught me how to enrich that dull logos box part with some funny bobs.
What can I add about 8 Shades Of Black? That project has sealed the friendship between me and Degauss forever, and sooo many cool and skilled sceners have contributed to make it a little marvel. Do you know that the official homepage of the project is still on?

As you know, I created and maintained limiTED '07 and limiTED '09 exactly in order to gather sceners and fermentate the juice of what appeared to see a new thrust for a new scene. And now, given that parties and online compos like Lovebyte and BASIC 10Liner currently exist, the question is: would you be ready and join a 3rd edition of the limiTED online compo? Answer me ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶b̶i̶o̶ oh come one write it here.

I'm very proud of Adventures In Time, I collaborated with KiCHY on it, thanking him once again for the chance he'd given to me, in one of the darkest slices of my life. That work helped me a lot, and most of all I consider that game the real ignition of a completely new era for the high-soaring flamingo's** scene. Róbert is moved by a very unique passion for the machine, behind what you've seen by him, there 's a ton of explored new projects still locked in the drawer. Loved to compose that music with the brilliant TLCPlay, and to contribute with some ideas to it. Unfortunately, the excessive desire to contribute to what was in any case the project of KiCHY, at the time showed all my lack of diplomacy and guidelines to be kept during a cooperation project, ending up overflowing with my insistent presence the sphere of the natural creator of the game itself (sorry again, Róbert!), who then preferred not to collaborate more closely with me. But this taught me the lesson, which was extremely useful when I was then able to at least partially coordinate the work done on Pets Rescue, conducted with much more diplomacy and respect for the needs of the collaborators involved.

You're on spot Rachy, Whack is a terribly addicting rougelike game, dynamic and strategic at the same time in 1kB! Guys, play it once and hours will be wasted unexpectedly! Granted!

What to say more about who has left the scene in the worst way he could? Miss his pure genuine love for the scene, the same thrust that moved (and moves!) KiCHY, and Csabo and Chronos, and many other sceners I'm not citing here. How lucky we were to have Skoro with us for so many years, we were so lucky that sometimes we forget to think about it and tell ourselves in the mirror.

**: are you really wondering what that means? Really? Get out of here now!

Posted By

on 2024-03-13
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog


...would you be ready and join a 3rd edition of the limiTED online compo?

Yes, limiTED'24 please. Or maybe '25?

Posted By

on 2024-03-13
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@Luca wrote: would you be ready and join a 3rd edition of the limiTED online compo?

Cool. Right after limiTED2 I was hoping for a repeat in 2011. I had a 1k entry mostly ready but, as it turned out, in vain. limiTED3 in 2025 FTW. Please, Luca, pretty please. grin

Posted By

on 2024-03-13
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

btw one minor detail about 4ever03. Maybe some of you remember that it had originally been my idea to hold a compo for 16k demos and organize a party around it. But of course I was lazy that time so MC saved the day and did the latter. wink

Posted By

on 2024-03-13
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@Lavina I also remember that you were probably a bit in anger a bit to me and my gf because we were somewhat late at the pub's meeting, but we realised this something like weeks before! Then, Francesca went around to visit Szeged with your gf, leaving us free to chill into the party. Did I dream about these both, or that's the real story? grin

Posted By

on 2024-03-13
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Well, I think I was not angry, you came a long way from Italy and I was very happy to meet you there: happy

I remember the gals, actually she was my wife (two years before the party we had the wedding) and still is. happy

Posted By

on 2024-04-17
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Havi poszt:

Új reneszánsz 2.

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Monthly post:

New renaissance 2.

Posted By

on 2024-04-17
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

thumbs up! Much appreciated.

Posted By

on 2024-04-17
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Thank you for the great post again happy

Posted By

on 2024-05-14
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Havi poszt:

Új reneszánsz 3.

 (no topic)

Monthly post:

New renaissance 3.

Posted By

on 2024-05-14
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

End of an era! Thank you!

Posted By

on 2024-05-14
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Again, an excellent summary of the period, thank you! wink

Posted By

on 2024-05-16
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@Rachy: Jó lett. De egy kérdés: "A Blob Fox, című alkotásuk már kevésbé pihent, mint előző próbálkozásuk" Melyik előző és hogy érted, hogy kevésbé pihent? (Szerintem az LTIB-re gondolsz, pedig az előző a Gigantic Monsters-t jelentené.)

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

@Rachy: Well done. But one question: "Their game Blob Fox is less silly (lit. "relaxed") than their previous attempt." Which previous one did you mean and what do you mean by that? (I think you meant LTIB, although the previous one would have been Gigantic Monsters.)

Posted By

on 2024-05-16
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Az elozore gondoltam, amit a posztban megemlitettem es igen, az a Legyel Te Is Burzsuj! volt. Ezek szerint nem volt vilagos, kijavitom a szoveget.

 (no topic)

I was referring to the previous release that was mentioned in the post, and yes, that was Legyel Te Is Burzsuj! Apparently this was not obvious, I am going to fix the text.

Posted By

on 2024-06-06
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Havi poszt:

Magyar plusisok: GAIA

 (no topic)

Monthly post:

Hungarian plussyheads: GAIA

Posted By

on 2024-06-06
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Great article!
The programmers in Hungaria are very capable, because you didn't have the luxuries of the varieties of systems here. So you apreciated what you had and made the most of it. This is how excellece is made.

@Gaia: Its a blessing, that you are not a professional programmer. Its true, that after work you don't have the energy to finish the projects. It was during the pandemic lockdown, where i had the energy to do my own dreamproject, which is really nothing compared to the masterpieces produced here.

Posted By

on 2024-06-06
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Fantastic interview, this opens several paths of discussion in so many directions. But most of all, this brings me back memories of that particular episode cited by Gaia involving the both of us: what a flash thru the brain! surprised I've completely removed it till now! Anyway, I can confirm that kind of approach by me: standing basically away from the Hungarian history of the scene, once discovered this whole world beyond the curtain, I was used to mythologizing the persons behind that social environment. Ati (yes, the real one) has been the bulwark in a dying scene, with many new productions concentrated around the years 1993-1994, culminating in the Lynx megademo in 1997, released in a moment when having a megademo was really something. He has always demonstrated his own very personal style, both in design and graphics, and this makes him very appreciable.

I've come back to the forum on Index.HU, and have to say that the work about posting brief monthly summary news at a constant rate is something noble.

After the citations, I had a rewatch of Picture Show 2 (PPCS) which seems not to run that flawlessly. The boot file tries to load a file titled "MAIN", and not the BASIC loader present in the disk as "PS2". Even after renaming PS2 to MAIN, the Kernal loader got stuck, forcing the watcher to put it on work by loading and running the PS2 file directly. Do we have a manipulated copy, or did it arise unlucky as is?

Congrats again for the unmissable interview, and let me add a particular: did you know that Gaia is able to speak write and read a barely perfect, clean, Italian language?

Posted By

on 2024-06-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Hey, thanks all the kind words happy It was a blast, really, to recollect the memories. @Luca: I realized that the version of Picture Show 2 uploaded here may not be the one I fixed while recovering my leftover disks... I even remember a version with turbo load (and more pics). I'll have a go at it again.

Posted By

on 2024-06-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Very good read, thanks Racs' and thank you GAIA!

Posted By

on 2024-06-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

WoW, this is a very-very good idea from Rachy: making interviews with prodigy children. BTW, I thought that the name of Gaia was coming simply from the Greek Mythology: "goddess" of Earth... happy

I examined source codes of emulators such like any other Plus4 fanatic, so I discovered what this interview said about YapeSDL was not only a Plus4 emulator but VIC20 and C64, too. What's more I read "Readme.htm" in Yape directory where Gaia wrote all these and he likes to emulate everything else, too... happy And I like how Gaia is programming. In turn IstvanV likes using exraordinary solutions in Plus4Emu, for example how to compile the source under Linux... happy

Posted By

on 2024-07-06
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Nincs havi poszt, de van uj kviz:

Magyar Plusi kvíz #3

 (no topic)

There is no monthly post this time, but here is a new quiz:

Hungarian Plussy Quiz #3

Posted By

on 2024-07-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

9 pts. Did not know LimiTED and the transistor count wink

Posted By

on 2024-07-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

7 for me, I didn't know those two, or how VolBass works either, apparently grin

Excellent quiz though, one needs a wide range of knowledge to ace it.

Posted By

on 2024-07-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

10/11, shamefully fallen on the last question sad

Posted By

on 2024-07-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Yeah, I have zero knowledge about hardware stuff, but the way that question was phrased, I assumed it will be either a lot or very little. Guessed wrong happy

Posted By

on 2024-07-07
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Ten out of eleven for me, too. VolBass tripped me up. It is lucky for everyone of us that I didn't invent it. I would have screwed up even its base idea. wink

Posted By

on 2024-08-01
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Uj poszt:

Könyvek mindenkinek

 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

New post:

Books for everyone

Posted By

on 2024-08-02
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Babán a Mása is the Bible.

/Sry, translation to non-Hungarians: "Masa on the babe" how we called this book back in the time/

Posted By

on 2024-08-01
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

Nice nostalgia trip! Of those listed, the two pocket books and the adventurous one are unknown, the rest are somewhere around there. (Oh, I don't have the BASIC exercise book either.)

For me, the plus/4 internals is the basic one, if there is a question about ROM or hardware operation, I open it.

Posted By

on 2024-08-02
 Re: Magyarok és a Commodore Plus/4 blog

The book Babán and Mása was the one where the pages fall out from being read so much by everyone I knew.

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