Sprite in Plus/4 Encyclopedia

Effects - Sprite
NameRelease DateNotesAreaCharacter sizeItemsItem sizeColor modeFrame rate
Long Hours1994-02-222 2x2 char multi sprites over an FLD scroll + digiconverter.      
Long Hours1994-02-22A multicolor sprite over a logo.  1   
Long Hours1994-02-2216 2x2 char multi bobs over a logo.  162x2 chars  
Legend Of MC19939 2x2multicolor sprites over a logo.  92x2 chars  
Metal Ass1991-0211 2x2 sprites over a WIT logo.  112x2 chars  
8 Shades Of Black2006-08-1820 over graphics.Fullscreen 208x7 pixelsMulticolor 
Yet1991  34x4 charsHires 
Thalassa2007-06-16Fully masked and animated.  52x2 charsMCM 
Multigraph Sprite Demo2008-06-04Bitmap.  212x16 pixelsMCM 
MegaDreams1992-08-31Occasionally bugged.  64x6 pxMulticolor 
A Trip1989-06-23Change sinus by joystick.  2 Multicolor 
Metal Ass1991-022 on bitmap, 1 on scrolltext.      
Infection1993-08-01  32x2 charactersMulticolor 
Toxix1991-03  1 Multicolor 
Overture1991  22x2 chars  
10 Years Preview1994  2   
Bohemian Rapsody1992      
Bohemian Rapsody19922 sprites over changing text.      
Hexen Hexen19913 sprites over a scroll.  3   
Hexen Hexen19912 sprites over a scroll.  2   
Hexen Hexen1991Sprite over a moving logo.  1   
Dominion1991-02-06  196x16 pxMulticolor Bitmap 
Dominion1991-02-06  52x2  
Skoro Demo 101996-05-17  1   
Fuck Off1990  2 MCM 
In Memoriam (ASN)2007-09-12One colour only, though in MCM.  92x1 charsMCM 
Killer Demo2004-11-28Two colours, saving the 3rd for the overlapping text.  34x4 chars  
Killer Demo2004-11-28  67x7 chars (1), 1x1 chars (5)  
Expectation 22005-09-02  43x2 charsMCM 
ST Demo V1.1Unknown    HiRes 
+4 Mania Forever1997-12-01      
Amoba (SCN)1995-12-01Over the scrolling.  11x1Hires 
Virtually Yours1993They look they can move as sprites and as bobs only too.  26 Bitmap 
Hexen Hexen1991  1   1
Hexen Hexen1991Over a scroll.  1   
MC Demo1990-07-29Over a bitmap scrolltext, with changeable axis values and up to 256 sprites to display.  2562x2 chars  
10 Years +41994-10-23Over zooming/stretching scrolltext.  12x2 chars  
10 Years +41994-10-23Over 5x8 scrolltext.  8   
10 Years +41994-10-23      
Imagine Megademo1992      
Metal Ass1991-02Over a DYCP.  1   
Global Chaos1994      
Crackers' Demo 31992  3   
Crackers' Demo 31992Over a scrolltext.  13x1 chars  
Crackers' Demo 31992Over a logo.  10   
Crackers' Demo 31992      
Crackers' Demo 31992Over and under a logo.      
Long Hours1994-02-22Over a big scrolltext which overlaps over a moving logo.      
EVS 2 Years1992-04-01Over moving bitmap.  3   
Oh Yeah!1992-10-23  1 MCM 
Oh Yeah!1992-10-23  5 Multicolor bitmap 
Oh Yeah!1992-10-23Sprite scroller.    Multicolor bitmap 
Oh Yeah!1992-10-23    Multicolor bitmap 
First Demo (TLC)1992-04-22  3   
Fuck Off1990Over a moving logo.      
Now & Forever1993Text with bobs.      
Crime Time1992-10-11      
Gigademo (220V)1991      
Gigademo (220V)1991  6   
And Justice For All1992      
48 Hours Party1992  24x4 chars  
Exacting Demo1992-09-28Very similar to the bobs'last part of Crackers' Demo 2, by 220V.  9   
Dominion1991-02-06Looks like sprites rather than DXYCP.      
Best Of GFW Mega1993-07-31"LOOK THIS" 1x1 chars over a TMFS logo.      
Action Demo (Kuni)1992Over a "KUNI" logo.      
Action Demo (Kuni)1992Animated, over scrolltext.      
Electric Fields1991  33x3 chars  
TJ4 IntroCompo1996      
Holus-Bolus1992-02-21  1   
Drive1992-01-02Claimed to be sprites, even though they never overlap each other.      
Farewell +41991-05-18Several sprites in different shapes in order to perform pseudo-3D, producing shadow in the bottom too.    MCM bitmap 
Epic1993-11-06Even though they're called bobs in the scrolltext.  32   
Knight Rider 21993-10-24  5   
Continuity2003-09-05The Lavina's sign.      
EVS Demo1990  2 Multicolor bitmap 
Magnificient Plus/41990  3 Multicolor bitmap 
GOTU Megademo II1993-04-01A vertical GOTU tag overlapping the vertical scrolling text.      
Friction1990-11-25Changeable parameters.  up to 62x2 chars  
Rock Editor V1.31990-12-10      
Magic Inspiration1991-01-12Over a logo.      
Magic Inspiration1991-01-12Over scrolltext.  10 MCM 
Magic Inspiration1991-01-12Under a big vertical scrolltext.  20   
Terror Bubble1991-05-07      
Terror Bubble1991-05-07      
TIT Mega1990Changeable parameters via joystick.  10 MCM 
Fucking Universal1992-02-22  3   
Ninja Is Back2003-06-05  2   
No Future1990      
Gigademo II1989-10A TCFS logo.      
CBS Intro1992-05-14An animated "HELLO" tag going left/right on a converted bitmap.    Multicolor bitmap 
Megadreams Preview1992Occasionally bugged.  64x6 px  
Little Party1991-03  5   
No Coke1991-05-23  11 char  
IMBK News #081994-11-28  42x2 charsMCM 
MTV Prime 011992-10-23  3   
Divine Page 31993  4 MCM 
Terrible Page 021991-08-01  2 Multicolor bitmap 
Mini News 031995-10-09  51 charHires 
Oldschool 22010-07-17Bouncing letters over a bitmap.  8 Multicolor bitmap 
Gordian Tomb1991-08-08      
GFW Megademo1993-07-31"LOOK THIS" 1x1 chars over a TMFS logo.      
Great Change1991-02-06      
I'm Yet Today1992-08-01Almost a circle mini spritescoll.  3   
TCFS Demo1989-09-15  1x1   
Gigademo (220V)1991Cannonball and crater.      
Just A Demo1990-07-28    MC Bitmap 
Bad Acid Demo II1990   2x2 charsHires 
The Cat (Kruk)1990-12-04In the lower border.    HiRes bitmap 
Long Hours1994-02-22      
Rigor Mortis1991      
Bars2003  5   
Mystic Crystal1996-09-29      
Secret Agent1998-03-23      
Fancy World1992      
Multydemo I1990-08-05    HiRes 
Past-Help1993Change sinus with SHIFT key.  71x1  
Surprise!1992-07-04 3x31   
Sunset 921992Very flickery, used in variable number as text over a logo. 1x1   10
Harry Gfx Box 62006-08-05      
Harry Gfx Box 72008-09-08As light source on chars.      
Ghostbusters +1991      
Lunacy 41994  15x4  
Skidz1991Simple chars over a graphic effect. 1x14   
Triple Change1993-01-29In the instructions file.  2 Hires 
Smells Like Happy Birthday2014-11-27Moving over and under a 5x5 variable speed textscroller.  22x2 chars  
Stellar 71990  83x3 chars  
Visual Atmosphera1993Arrow in the menu part. Use Cursor keys and return to select the part to be loaded in the given sequence.      
GFW Megademo1993-07-31"TMFS" 1x1 chars over a logo.      
Best Of GFW Mega1993-07-31"TMFS" 1x1 chars over a logo.      
Tiger Disk Utility V2.11992-09-04      
Crackers' Demo 52016-07-30  12x2MC 
Crackers' Demo 52016-07-30Over a textscroll.  32x2HR 
Crackers' Demo 52016-07-30Over a DYCP.  51x1  
Crackers' Demo 52016-07-30   2x2  
Terror Bubble Tape1991-05      
Club Info 1502018-06-12      
Newest Demo1991      
The Magician's Curse1986      
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 11987Arrow cursor.      
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 21987Arrow cursor.      
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 31987Arrow cursor.      
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 41987Arrow cursor.      
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 51987Arrow cursor.      
A Nyuszi Olvasni Tanít 61987Arrow cursor.      
Sprite Ref1995      
Gravity Boy2025-03-25In the intro. 8x14    
156 found.

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