Virtually Yours
Title:Virtually Yours
Release Date:
Device Req.:Disk only (2 sides)
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
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Released by:Electronic Vision Software (EVS)
Graphics by:Omega
Code by:edhellon
Code by:Oscar
User Rating: 8.2/10 (11 votes)
Virtually Yours Screenshot

PartEffect nameParametersNotes
2Dot TunnelColor mode: Hires Items: 512 Claimed to be the first on Plus/4.
3SpriteItems: 26 Color mode: Bitmap They look they can move as sprites and as bobs only too.
4DYCPItems: 16 Running on a chessboard zoomer.
5DYCPItems: 24 Item size: 2x1 chars 
5Raster Split 
7Glenz Vectors Changeable parameters.
8PlotterItems: 512 
9Vectors Rotating cube with vector animations on its faces, hidden lines.
10Filled Vectors Under an appearing text.
11Infinite BobsItem size: 3x3 chars Color mode: MCM In 2 colors only, in order to let a 3rd coloured 4x3 chars text to overlap.

Image Gallery
Virtually Yours Screenshot #1
Virtually Yours Screenshot #2
Virtually Yours Screenshot #3
Virtually Yours Screenshot #4
Virtually Yours Screenshot #5
Virtually Yours Screenshot #6
Virtually Yours Screenshot #7
Virtually Yours Screenshot #8
Virtually Yours Screenshot #9
Virtually Yours Screenshot #10
Virtually Yours Screenshot #11

10th Part Fixing
Csabo says: I saw this demo at a party in Szeged, presented by the authors. I pointed it out to Oscar and/or SJP that in the credits part the vector should have been multi-color, it is a bug that it shows up as hires. They dismissed it... But I was right! When that part is running, in YAPE monitor and type
>7EE6 98
and watch the bug being fixed! This is probably how the vector was intended!

Virtually Yours Screenshot #10 Fixed

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