Alpha Man and Docster's Digger!
Posted by Csabo on 2025-02-02
Alpha Man screenshotDocster's Digger screenshotExcellent news for the Plus/4 scene: we're welcoming not one, but two new games!

Eagle-eyed sceners may have already noticed that Kwayne, who released several BASIC PETSCII games for both C=64 and Plus/4 has released Alpha Man... but only for the C=64. "Where is the Plus/4 version?" you may have wondered; wonder no more - it's been submitted to the Game Development Compo! The game is a difficult sokoban-like puzzle: push each letter to its destination location. There's a single green block that you can freely maneuver around to help you accomplish this task.

The second brand-new game is Docster's Digger. After the recent awesome trailer; the game is already here! TRP has done a great job porting this 2019 Megastyle game to our beloved Plus/4. In the game, you must prevent the evil genie Khezam's plans: he flies across on his flying carpet bombing holes in the ground, and you must fill the holes to prevent the zombies from making it to the ground.

Be sure to give both of these games a shot!
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