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Posted by Csabo on 2024-07-29After tackling such games as Lykia and Alpharay, BSZ has created an SD2IEC loader for Promised Land![ comments ]

Some Creative Cheats (Part 2)
Posted by Csabo on 2024-07-14
The Empire Strikes Back screenshotIn January, we posted the first part of this small series; where we looked at cheats for 3 of TCFS's games. Yesterday, TCFS maestro revealed the built-in cheat on YouTube for Prince of Persia, therefore now is the perfect time to go over all his games.

Be warned, spoilers ahead!
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Posted by Csabo on 2024-07-10We recovered a previously missing old-school demo: Trail Mix.[ comments ]

Posted by Csabo on 2024-07-09Another new hand-drawn picture from Spektro: check out Mage![ comments ]

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